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244 new ard table 35 add gtsummary and ard #534

244 new ard table 35 add gtsummary and ard

244 new ard table 35 add gtsummary and ard #534

GitHub Actions / Unit Tests Summary failed Jan 17, 2025 in 0s

5 errors, 131 pass in 1m 20s

  1 files   30 suites   1m 20s ⏱️
136 tests 131 ✅   0 💤 0 ❌ 5 🔥
492 runs  364 ✅ 123 💤 0 ❌ 5 🔥

Results for commit b1e490f.


Check failure on line 0 in fda_table_35

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

1 out of 3 runs with error: Table_35_generation_works_with_custom_values (fda_table_35)

cardinal.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, lbl_overall = "Total\nPopulation",  ('test-fda-table_35.R:45:3')
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, lbl_overall = "Total\nPopulation", 
    annotations = list(title = paste("Table 35. Patients With Adverse Events1 by System Organ Class,\n", 
        "Safety Population, Pooled Analysis"), main_footer = c("Source: [include Applicant source, datasets and/or software tools used].", 
        "(1) Treatment-emergent adverse event defined as [definition].", 
        "(2) Duration = [e.g., X week double-blind treatment period or median", 
        "and a range indicating pooled trial durations].", "(3) Difference is shown between [treatment arms] (e.g., difference", 
        "is shown between Drug Name dosage X vs. placebo).", 
        "(4) Table display is ordered by the risk difference."), 
        prov_footer = c("Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval;", 
            "N, number of patients in treatment arm;", "n, number of patients with at least one event")))`: object 'adae' not found
 1. \-cardinal::make_table_35_rtables(...) at test-fda-table_35.R:45:3
 2.   +-rtables::append_topleft(...)
 3.   | +-base::stopifnot(...)
 4.   | \-methods::is(newlines, "character")
 5.   \-formatters::var_labels(adae, fill = TRUE)
 6.     +-base::stopifnot(
 7.     \

Check failure on line 0 in fda_table_35

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

1 out of 3 runs with error: Table_35_generation_works_with_risk_difference_column (fda_table_35)

cardinal.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, risk_diff = risk_diff)`: object 'adae' not found ('test-fda-table_35.R:77:3')
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, risk_diff = risk_diff)`: object 'adae' not found
 1. \-cardinal::make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, risk_diff = risk_diff) at test-fda-table_35.R:77:3
 2.   +-rtables::append_topleft(...)
 3.   | +-base::stopifnot(...)
 4.   | \-methods::is(newlines, "character")
 5.   \-formatters::var_labels(adae, fill = TRUE)
 6.     +-base::stopifnot(
 7.     \

Check failure on line 0 in fda_table_35

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

1 out of 3 runs with error: Table_35_generation_works_with_some_NA_values (fda_table_35)

cardinal.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl)`: object 'adae' not found ('test-fda-table_35.R:88:3')
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl)`: object 'adae' not found
 1. \-cardinal::make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl) at test-fda-table_35.R:88:3
 2.   +-rtables::append_topleft(...)
 3.   | +-base::stopifnot(...)
 4.   | \-methods::is(newlines, "character")
 5.   \-formatters::var_labels(adae, fill = TRUE)
 6.     +-base::stopifnot(
 7.     \

Check failure on line 0 in fda_table_35

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

1 out of 3 runs with error: Table_35_generation_works_with_custom_values_SOC_variable_and_label_ (fda_table_35)

cardinal.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, lbl_overall = "Total\nPopulation",  ('test-fda-table_35.R:95:3')
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, lbl_overall = "Total\nPopulation", 
    soc_var = "AEBODSYS", lbl_soc_var = "AEBODSYS var used")`: object 'adae' not found
  1. \-cardinal::make_table_35_rtables(...) at test-fda-table_35.R:95:3
  2.   +-rtables::sort_at_path(...)
  3.   | \-base::NROW(tt)
  4.   \-rtables::build_table(lyt, df = adae, alt_counts_df = alt_counts_df)
  5.     +-rtables:::set_def_child_ord(lyt, df)
  6.     \-rtables:::set_def_child_ord(lyt, df)
  7.       +-rtables:::set_def_child_ord(clayout(lyt), df)
  8.       \-rtables:::set_def_child_ord(clayout(lyt), df)
  9.         \-base::lapply(lyt, set_def_child_ord, df = df)
 10.           +-rtables (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
 11.           \-rtables (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
 12.             \-base::lapply(lyt, set_def_child_ord, df = df)
 13.               +-rtables (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
 14.               \-rtables (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)

Check failure on line 0 in fda_table_35

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Unit Tests Summary

1 out of 3 runs with error: Table_35_generation_works_with_pruning (fda_table_35)

cardinal.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, prune_0 = TRUE)`: object 'adae' not found ('test-fda-table_35.R:109:3')
Error in `make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, prune_0 = TRUE)`: object 'adae' not found
 1. \-cardinal::make_table_35_rtables(adae, adsl, prune_0 = TRUE) at test-fda-table_35.R:109:3
 2.   +-rtables::append_topleft(...)
 3.   | +-base::stopifnot(...)
 4.   | \-methods::is(newlines, "character")
 5.   \-formatters::var_labels(adae, fill = TRUE)
 6.     +-base::stopifnot(
 7.     \