Code release for the submission "MonoNet: towards interpretable models by learning monotonic features"
The preferred way to use this code is by creating a conda environment. E.g.
conda create --name mononet python=3.8
conda activate mononet
You can install this repository by running, from the repository root, (the editable mode flag -e
is optional)
pip install -e .
We are in the processing of cleaning and generalizing the code.
The code used to run produce the figures is in a "boilerplate" state, but hopefully
is encapsulated enough for reproducibility.
We provide also the pretrained model we used for analysis at
The data for the single cell experiments can be found in the folder
python experimental_code/tabular_data/ --data_root <path_to_FOLDER_with_data> --save_root <path_where_to_store_results> --in_file_NN <path_to_the_trained_model>
To this command, one or more of the following flags should be added:
--compute_shap_values To produce the shap values figure
--analysis_with_violin_plots To produce the statistical analysis (of the unconstrained block) figures
--information_analysis To run the information theoretical analysis
--analysis_clustering Run also the clustering-based analysis, within the info-theoretical analysis
For the vision examples, you can run the script experimental_code/vision_data/
. The available command line options are [OPTIONS]
--benchmark If to perform benchmark over all datasets
--data_flag TEXT Dataset to benchmark, If the benchmark flag is not set. Available datasets:
['pathmnist', 'octmnist', 'pneumoniamnist',
'dermamnist', 'breastmnist', 'bloodmnist',
'tissuemnist', 'organamnist', 'organcmnist',
--results_path TEXT Where to store/retrieve the results and the model
--data_path TEXT Where to store/retrieve the dataset [required]
--model_name TEXT Model to train
--n_epochs INTEGER Number of training_epochs
--lr FLOAT Learning rate
--batch_size INTEGER Batch size
--optimizer TEXT Optimizer to use
--help Show this message and exit.
To extract the explanations from the monotonic CNN, you can refer to the script experimental_code/vision_data/
Usage: [OPTIONS]
--model_name TEXT Model to interpret
--data_path TEXT Path where to store/load from the data
--data_flag TEXT Dataset to interpret
--model_path TEXT Path to the model checkpoint [required]
--data_idx INTEGER Index of the datapoint to interpret
--results_path TEXT Where to store the interpretability results [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
You can find the building blocks of a MonoNet in mononet/
These layers should be used as basic components of a MonoNet.
Examples of MonoNet and training scripts in different domains can be found at mononet/
or mononet/
For example, to train a MonoNet on the Single Cell data, you can run, from the repository root:
python bin/ --data_path experimental_code/tabular_data --results_path <where_to_store_results>