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[READONLY-SUBSPLIT] github-enterprise-cloud

Continuous Integration Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Code Coverage License

Non-Blocking first GitHub Enterprise Cloud client, this is a read only sub split, see github-root for the root package.


use React\Http\Browser;
use ApiClients\Client\GitHubEnterpriseCloud\BearerToken;
use ApiClients\Client\GitHubEnterpriseCloud\Client;

use function React\Async\async;

$client = new Client(new BearerToken('YOUR_TOKEN_HERE'), new Browser());

// The client is using react/async internally to provide a non-promise API.
// As such you're expected to use it inside a fiber, the async call here is
// added to demonstrate and documented that requirement. The rest of the
// examples assume you have already wrapped in a fiber 0 or more levels up
// in your code such as a command bus executer or your HTTP server.
async(static function () {
    // Make API calls using the call method
    $client->call('METHOD /path/to/{the}/operation', ['array' => 'with', 'paramters' => 'for', 'the' => 'operation']);
    // Make API calls using the operations objects
    $client->operations()->group()->operation(array: 'with', paramters: 'for', the: 'operation');

Supported operations


GitHub API Root

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List global security advisories

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /advisories', [
        'ghsa_id' => 'generated',
        'cve_id' => 'generated',
        'ecosystem' => 'generated',
        'severity' => 'generated',
        'cwes' => ,
        'is_withdrawn' => ,
        'affects' => ,
        'published' => 'generated',
        'updated' => 'generated',
        'modified' => 'generated',
        'epss_percentage' => 'generated',
        'epss_percentile' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'type' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'sort' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->securityAdvisories()->listGlobalAdvisories(        ghsa_id: 'generated',
        cve_id: 'generated',
        ecosystem: 'generated',
        severity: 'generated',
        cwes: ,
        is_withdrawn: ,
        affects: ,
        published: 'generated',
        updated: 'generated',
        modified: 'generated',
        epss_percentage: 'generated',
        epss_percentile: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        type: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        sort: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a global security advisory

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /advisories/{ghsa_id}', [
        'ghsa_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->securityAdvisories()->getGlobalAdvisory(        ghsa_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the authenticated app

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /app');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a GitHub App from a manifest

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /app-manifests/{code}/conversions', [
        'code' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->createFromManifest(        code: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a webhook configuration for an app

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /app/hook/config');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a webhook configuration for an app

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /app/hook/config');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List deliveries for an app webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /app/hook/deliveries', [
        'cursor' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listWebhookDeliveries(        cursor: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a delivery for an app webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /app/hook/deliveries/{delivery_id}', [
        'delivery_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->getWebhookDelivery(        delivery_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Redeliver a delivery for an app webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /app/hook/deliveries/{delivery_id}/attempts', [
        'delivery_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->redeliverWebhookDelivery(        delivery_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List installation requests for the authenticated app

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /app/installation-requests', [
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listInstallationRequestsForAuthenticatedApp(        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List installation requests for the authenticated app

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /app/installation-requests', [
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listInstallationRequestsForAuthenticatedAppListing(        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List installations for the authenticated app

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /app/installations', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'outdated' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listInstallations(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        outdated: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List installations for the authenticated app

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /app/installations', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'outdated' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listInstallationsListing(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        outdated: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an installation for the authenticated app

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /app/installations/{installation_id}', [
        'installation_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->getInstallation(        installation_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an installation for the authenticated app

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /app/installations/{installation_id}', [
        'installation_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->deleteInstallation(        installation_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an installation access token for an app

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /app/installations/{installation_id}/access_tokens', [
        'installation_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->createInstallationAccessToken(        installation_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Suspend an app installation

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /app/installations/{installation_id}/suspended', [
        'installation_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->suspendInstallation(        installation_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Unsuspend an app installation

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /app/installations/{installation_id}/suspended', [
        'installation_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->unsuspendInstallation(        installation_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an app authorization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /applications/{client_id}/grant', [
        'client_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->deleteAuthorization(        client_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Check a token

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /applications/{client_id}/token', [
        'client_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->checkToken(        client_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an app token

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /applications/{client_id}/token', [
        'client_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->deleteToken(        client_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Reset a token

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /applications/{client_id}/token', [
        'client_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->resetToken(        client_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a scoped access token

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /applications/{client_id}/token/scoped', [
        'client_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->scopeToken(        client_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an app

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /apps/{app_slug}', [
        'app_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->getBySlug(        app_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an assignment

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /assignments/{assignment_id}', [
        'assignment_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->classroom()->getAnAssignment(        assignment_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List accepted assignments for an assignment

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /assignments/{assignment_id}/accepted_assignments', [
        'assignment_id' => 13,
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->classroom()->listAcceptedAssignmentsForAnAssignment(        assignment_id: 13,
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List accepted assignments for an assignment

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /assignments/{assignment_id}/accepted_assignments', [
        'assignment_id' => 13,
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->classroom()->listAcceptedAssignmentsForAnAssignmentListing(        assignment_id: 13,
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get assignment grades

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /assignments/{assignment_id}/grades', [
        'assignment_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->classroom()->getAssignmentGrades(        assignment_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List classrooms

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /classrooms', [
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->classroom()->listClassrooms(        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List classrooms

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /classrooms', [
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->classroom()->listClassroomsListing(        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a classroom

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /classrooms/{classroom_id}', [
        'classroom_id' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->classroom()->getAClassroom(        classroom_id: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List assignments for a classroom

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /classrooms/{classroom_id}/assignments', [
        'classroom_id' => 12,
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->classroom()->listAssignmentsForAClassroom(        classroom_id: 12,
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List assignments for a classroom

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /classrooms/{classroom_id}/assignments', [
        'classroom_id' => 12,
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->classroom()->listAssignmentsForAClassroomListing(        classroom_id: 12,
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all codes of conduct

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /codes_of_conduct');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a code of conduct

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /codes_of_conduct/{key}', [
        'key' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codesOfConduct()->getConductCode(        key: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get emojis

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /emojis');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Enterprise Server statistics

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprise-installation/{enterprise_or_org}/server-statistics', [
        'enterprise_or_org' => 'generated',
        'date_start' => 'generated',
        'date_end' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getServerStatistics(        enterprise_or_org: 'generated',
        date_start: 'generated',
        date_end: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Actions cache usage for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/cache/usage', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getActionsCacheUsageForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List GitHub-hosted runners for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listHostedRunnersForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a GitHub-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub-owned images for GitHub-hosted runners in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners/images/github-owned', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersGithubOwnedImagesForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get partner images for GitHub-hosted runners in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners/images/partner', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersPartnerImagesForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get limits on GitHub-hosted runners for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners/limits', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersLimitsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub-hosted runners machine specs for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners/machine-sizes', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersMachineSpecsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get platforms for GitHub-hosted runners in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners/platforms', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersPlatformsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a GitHub-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners/{hosted_runner_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'hosted_runner_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        hosted_runner_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a GitHub-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners/{hosted_runner_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'hosted_runner_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        hosted_runner_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a GitHub-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/hosted-runners/{hosted_runner_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'hosted_runner_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->updateHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        hosted_runner_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set the GitHub Actions OIDC custom issuer policy for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/oidc/customization/issuer', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setActionsOidcCustomIssuerPolicyForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Actions permissions for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getGithubActionsPermissionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set GitHub Actions permissions for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->setGithubActionsPermissionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List selected organizations enabled for GitHub Actions in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions/organizations', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->listSelectedOrganizationsEnabledGithubActionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set selected organizations enabled for GitHub Actions in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions/organizations', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->setSelectedOrganizationsEnabledGithubActionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Enable a selected organization for GitHub Actions in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions/organizations/{org_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'org_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->enableSelectedOrganizationGithubActionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        org_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Disable a selected organization for GitHub Actions in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions/organizations/{org_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'org_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->disableSelectedOrganizationGithubActionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        org_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get allowed actions and reusable workflows for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions/selected-actions', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getAllowedActionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set allowed actions and reusable workflows for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions/selected-actions', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->setAllowedActionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get default workflow permissions for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions/workflow', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getGithubActionsDefaultWorkflowPermissionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set default workflow permissions for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/permissions/workflow', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setGithubActionsDefaultWorkflowPermissionsEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List self-hosted runner groups for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'visible_to_organization' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->listSelfHostedRunnerGroupsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        visible_to_organization: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->createSelfHostedRunnerGroupForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getSelfHostedRunnerGroupForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a self-hosted runner group from an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->deleteSelfHostedRunnerGroupFromEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->updateSelfHostedRunnerGroupForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization access to a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/organizations', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->listOrgAccessToSelfHostedRunnerGroupInEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set organization access for a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/organizations', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->setOrgAccessToSelfHostedRunnerGroupInEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add organization access to a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/organizations/{org_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'org_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->addOrgAccessToSelfHostedRunnerGroupInEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        org_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove organization access to a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/organizations/{org_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'org_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->removeOrgAccessToSelfHostedRunnerGroupInEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        org_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List self-hosted runners in a group for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/runners', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->listSelfHostedRunnersInGroupForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set self-hosted runners in a group for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/runners', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->setSelfHostedRunnersInGroupForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add a self-hosted runner to a group for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->addSelfHostedRunnerToGroupForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a self-hosted runner from a group for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->removeSelfHostedRunnerFromGroupForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List self-hosted runners for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners', [
        'name' => 'generated',
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->listSelfHostedRunnersForEnterprise(        name: 'generated',
        enterprise: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List runner applications for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/downloads', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->listRunnerApplicationsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create configuration for a just-in-time runner for an Enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/generate-jitconfig', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->generateRunnerJitconfigForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a registration token for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/registration-token', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->createRegistrationTokenForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a remove token for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/remove-token', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->createRemoveTokenForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a self-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getSelfHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a self-hosted runner from an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->deleteSelfHostedRunnerFromEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List labels for a self-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->listLabelsForSelfHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set custom labels for a self-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->setCustomLabelsForSelfHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add custom labels to a self-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->addCustomLabelsToSelfHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove all custom labels from a self-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->removeAllCustomLabelsFromSelfHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a custom label from a self-hosted runner for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels/{name}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->removeCustomLabelFromSelfHostedRunnerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get announcement banner for enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/announcement', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->announcementBanners()->getAnnouncementBannerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove announcement banner from enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/announcement', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->announcementBanners()->removeAnnouncementBannerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set announcement banner for enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /enterprises/{enterprise}/announcement', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->announcementBanners()->setAnnouncementBannerForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the audit log for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/audit-log', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'phrase' => 'generated',
        'include' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'order' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getAuditLog(        enterprise: 'generated',
        phrase: 'generated',
        include: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        order: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the audit log for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /enterprises/{enterprise}/audit-log', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'phrase' => 'generated',
        'include' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'order' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getAuditLogListing(        enterprise: 'generated',
        phrase: 'generated',
        include: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        order: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the audit log stream key for encrypting secrets

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/audit-log/stream-key', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getAuditLogStreamKey(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List audit log stream configurations for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/audit-log/streams', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getAuditLogStreams(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an audit log streaming configuration for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/audit-log/streams', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->createAuditLogStream(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List one audit log streaming configuration via a stream ID

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/audit-log/streams/{stream_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'stream_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getOneAuditLogStream(        enterprise: 'generated',
        stream_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update an existing audit log stream configuration

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/audit-log/streams/{stream_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'stream_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->updateAuditLogStream(        enterprise: 'generated',
        stream_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an audit log streaming configuration for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/audit-log/streams/{stream_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'stream_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->deleteAuditLogStream(        enterprise: 'generated',
        stream_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List push rule bypass requests within an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/bypass-requests/push-rules', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'organization_name' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->listPushBypassRequests(        enterprise: 'generated',
        organization_name: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List push rule bypass requests within an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /enterprises/{enterprise}/bypass-requests/push-rules', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'organization_name' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->listPushBypassRequestsListing(        enterprise: 'generated',
        organization_name: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List code scanning alerts for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-scanning/alerts', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'tool_name' => 'generated',
        'tool_guid' => ,
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listAlertsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        tool_name: 'generated',
        tool_guid: ,
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List code scanning alerts for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-scanning/alerts', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'tool_name' => 'generated',
        'tool_guid' => ,
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listAlertsForEnterpriseListing(        enterprise: 'generated',
        tool_name: 'generated',
        tool_guid: ,
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get code security configurations for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-security/configurations', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->getConfigurationsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a code security configuration for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-security/configurations', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->createConfigurationForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get default code security configurations for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-security/configurations/defaults', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->getDefaultConfigurationsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Retrieve a code security configuration of an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->getSingleConfigurationForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a code security configuration for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->deleteConfigurationForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a custom code security configuration for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->updateEnterpriseConfiguration(        enterprise: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Attach an enterprise configuration to repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}/attach', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->attachEnterpriseConfiguration(        enterprise: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set a code security configuration as a default for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}/defaults', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->setConfigurationAsDefaultForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get repositories associated with an enterprise code security configuration

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}/repositories', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'status' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->getRepositoriesForEnterpriseConfiguration(        enterprise: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        status: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get code security and analysis features for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/code_security_and_analysis', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->getSecurityAnalysisSettingsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update code security and analysis features for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /enterprises/{enterprise}/code_security_and_analysis', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->patchSecurityAnalysisSettingsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List enterprise consumed licenses

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/consumed-licenses', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getConsumedLicenses(        enterprise: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List all Copilot seat assignments for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/copilot/billing/seats', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->listCopilotSeatsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot metrics for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/copilot/metrics', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->copilotMetricsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot metrics for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /enterprises/{enterprise}/copilot/metrics', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->copilotMetricsForEnterpriseListing(        enterprise: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a summary of Copilot usage for enterprise members

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/copilot/usage', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->usageMetricsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a summary of Copilot usage for enterprise members

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /enterprises/{enterprise}/copilot/usage', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->usageMetricsForEnterpriseListing(        enterprise: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List Dependabot alerts for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/dependabot/alerts', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'severity' => 'generated',
        'ecosystem' => 'generated',
        'package' => 'generated',
        'epss_percentage' => 'generated',
        'scope' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'last' => 4,
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'first' => 5,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->listAlertsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        severity: 'generated',
        ecosystem: 'generated',
        package: 'generated',
        epss_percentage: 'generated',
        scope: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        last: 4,
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        first: 5,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a license sync status

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/license-sync-status', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getLicenseSyncStatus(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List hosted compute network configurations for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/network-configurations', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->listNetworkConfigurationsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a hosted compute network configuration for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/network-configurations', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->createNetworkConfigurationForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a hosted compute network configuration for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/network-configurations/{network_configuration_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'network_configuration_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->getNetworkConfigurationForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        network_configuration_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a hosted compute network configuration from an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/network-configurations/{network_configuration_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'network_configuration_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->deleteNetworkConfigurationFromEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        network_configuration_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a hosted compute network configuration for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /enterprises/{enterprise}/network-configurations/{network_configuration_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'network_configuration_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->updateNetworkConfigurationForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        network_configuration_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a hosted compute network settings resource for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/network-settings/{network_settings_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'network_settings_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->getNetworkSettingsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        network_settings_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get custom properties for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/properties/schema', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getEnterpriseCustomProperties(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update custom properties for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /enterprises/{enterprise}/properties/schema', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->createOrUpdateEnterpriseCustomProperties(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Promote a custom property to an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/properties/schema/organizations/{org}/{custom_property_name}/promote', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'custom_property_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->promoteCustomPropertyToEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        custom_property_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a custom property for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/properties/schema/{custom_property_name}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'custom_property_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getEnterpriseCustomProperty(        enterprise: 'generated',
        custom_property_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update a custom property for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/properties/schema/{custom_property_name}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'custom_property_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->createOrUpdateEnterpriseCustomProperty(        enterprise: 'generated',
        custom_property_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a custom property for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/properties/schema/{custom_property_name}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'custom_property_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->removeEnterpriseCustomProperty(        enterprise: 'generated',
        custom_property_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an enterprise repository ruleset

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/rulesets', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->createEnterpriseRuleset(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an enterprise repository ruleset

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getEnterpriseRuleset(        enterprise: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update an enterprise repository ruleset

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /enterprises/{enterprise}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->updateEnterpriseRuleset(        enterprise: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an enterprise repository ruleset

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->deleteEnterpriseRuleset(        enterprise: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get enterprise ruleset history

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/history', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getEnterpriseRulesetHistory(        enterprise: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get enterprise ruleset history

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /enterprises/{enterprise}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/history', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getEnterpriseRulesetHistoryListing(        enterprise: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get enterprise ruleset version

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/history/{version_id}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,
        'version_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->enterpriseAdmin()->getEnterpriseRulesetVersion(        enterprise: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,
        version_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List secret scanning alerts for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/secret-scanning/alerts', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'secret_type' => 'generated',
        'resolution' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'validity' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'is_publicly_leaked' => ,
        'is_multi_repo' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->listAlertsForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        secret_type: 'generated',
        resolution: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        validity: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        is_publicly_leaked: ,
        is_multi_repo: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Actions billing for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/settings/billing/actions', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getGithubActionsBillingGhe(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Advanced Security active committers for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/settings/billing/advanced-security', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getGithubAdvancedSecurityBillingGhe(        enterprise: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all cost centers for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/settings/billing/cost-centers', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getAllCostCenters(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add users to a cost center

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/settings/billing/cost-centers/{cost_center_id}/resource', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'cost_center_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->addResourceToCostCenter(        enterprise: 'generated',
        cost_center_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove users from a cost center

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /enterprises/{enterprise}/settings/billing/cost-centers/{cost_center_id}/resource', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'cost_center_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->removeResourceFromCostCenter(        enterprise: 'generated',
        cost_center_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Packages billing for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/settings/billing/packages', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getGithubPackagesBillingGhe(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get shared storage billing for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/settings/billing/shared-storage', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getSharedStorageBillingGhe(        enterprise: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get billing usage report for an enterprise

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/settings/billing/usage', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'year' => 4,
        'month' => 5,
        'day' => 3,
        'hour' => 4,
        'cost_center_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getGithubBillingUsageReportGhe(        enterprise: 'generated',
        year: 4,
        month: 5,
        day: 3,
        hour: 4,
        cost_center_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot metrics for an enterprise team

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/team/{team_slug}/copilot/metrics', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->copilotMetricsForEnterpriseTeam(        enterprise: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot metrics for an enterprise team

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /enterprises/{enterprise}/team/{team_slug}/copilot/metrics', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->copilotMetricsForEnterpriseTeamListing(        enterprise: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a summary of Copilot usage for an enterprise team

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /enterprises/{enterprise}/team/{team_slug}/copilot/usage', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->usageMetricsForEnterpriseTeam(        enterprise: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a summary of Copilot usage for an enterprise team

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /enterprises/{enterprise}/team/{team_slug}/copilot/usage', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->usageMetricsForEnterpriseTeamListing(        enterprise: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Enable or disable a security feature

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /enterprises/{enterprise}/{security_product}/{enablement}', [
        'enterprise' => 'generated',
        'security_product' => 'generated',
        'enablement' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->postSecurityProductEnablementForEnterprise(        enterprise: 'generated',
        security_product: 'generated',
        enablement: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public events

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /events', [
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->listPublicEvents(        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public events

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /events', [
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->listPublicEventsListing(        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get feeds

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /feeds');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List gists for the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->list(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List gists for the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /gists', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listListing(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a gist

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /gists');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public gists

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists/public', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listPublic(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public gists

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /gists/public', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listPublicListing(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List starred gists

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists/starred', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listStarred(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List starred gists

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /gists/starred', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listStarredListing(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a gist

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists/{gist_id}', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->get(        gist_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a gist

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /gists/{gist_id}', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->delete(        gist_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a gist

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /gists/{gist_id}', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->update(        gist_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List gist comments

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists/{gist_id}/comments', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listComments(        gist_id: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List gist comments

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /gists/{gist_id}/comments', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listCommentsListing(        gist_id: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a gist comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /gists/{gist_id}/comments', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->createComment(        gist_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a gist comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists/{gist_id}/comments/{comment_id}', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'comment_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->getComment(        gist_id: 'generated',
        comment_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a gist comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /gists/{gist_id}/comments/{comment_id}', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'comment_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->deleteComment(        gist_id: 'generated',
        comment_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a gist comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /gists/{gist_id}/comments/{comment_id}', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'comment_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->updateComment(        gist_id: 'generated',
        comment_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List gist commits

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists/{gist_id}/commits', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listCommits(        gist_id: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List gist commits

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /gists/{gist_id}/commits', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listCommitsListing(        gist_id: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List gist forks

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists/{gist_id}/forks', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listForks(        gist_id: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List gist forks

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /gists/{gist_id}/forks', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->listForksListing(        gist_id: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Fork a gist

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /gists/{gist_id}/forks', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->fork(        gist_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Check if a gist is starred

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists/{gist_id}/star', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->checkIsStarred(        gist_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Star a gist

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /gists/{gist_id}/star', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->star(        gist_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Unstar a gist

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /gists/{gist_id}/star', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->unstar(        gist_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a gist revision

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gists/{gist_id}/{sha}', [
        'gist_id' => 'generated',
        'sha' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gists()->getRevision(        gist_id: 'generated',
        sha: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all gitignore templates

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gitignore/templates');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a gitignore template

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /gitignore/templates/{name}', [
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->gitignore()->getTemplate(        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repositories accessible to the app installation

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /installation/repositories', [
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listReposAccessibleToInstallation(        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Revoke an installation access token

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /installation/token');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List issues assigned to the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /issues', [
        'labels' => 'generated',
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'collab' => ,
        'orgs' => ,
        'owned' => ,
        'pulls' => ,
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->issues()->list(        labels: 'generated',
        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        collab: ,
        orgs: ,
        owned: ,
        pulls: ,
        filter: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List issues assigned to the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /issues', [
        'labels' => 'generated',
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'collab' => ,
        'orgs' => ,
        'owned' => ,
        'pulls' => ,
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->issues()->listListing(        labels: 'generated',
        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        collab: ,
        orgs: ,
        owned: ,
        pulls: ,
        filter: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all commonly used licenses

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /licenses', [
        'featured' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->licenses()->getAllCommonlyUsed(        featured: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all commonly used licenses

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /licenses', [
        'featured' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->licenses()->getAllCommonlyUsedListing(        featured: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a license

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /licenses/{license}', [
        'license' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->licenses()->get(        license: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Render a Markdown document

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /markdown');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Render a Markdown document in raw mode

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /markdown/raw');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a subscription plan for an account

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /marketplace_listing/accounts/{account_id}', [
        'account_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->getSubscriptionPlanForAccount(        account_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List plans

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /marketplace_listing/plans', [
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listPlans(        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List plans

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /marketplace_listing/plans', [
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listPlansListing(        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List accounts for a plan

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /marketplace_listing/plans/{plan_id}/accounts', [
        'plan_id' => 7,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listAccountsForPlan(        plan_id: 7,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List accounts for a plan

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /marketplace_listing/plans/{plan_id}/accounts', [
        'plan_id' => 7,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listAccountsForPlanListing(        plan_id: 7,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a subscription plan for an account (stubbed)

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /marketplace_listing/stubbed/accounts/{account_id}', [
        'account_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->getSubscriptionPlanForAccountStubbed(        account_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List plans (stubbed)

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /marketplace_listing/stubbed/plans', [
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listPlansStubbed(        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List plans (stubbed)

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /marketplace_listing/stubbed/plans', [
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listPlansStubbedListing(        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List accounts for a plan (stubbed)

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /marketplace_listing/stubbed/plans/{plan_id}/accounts', [
        'plan_id' => 7,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listAccountsForPlanStubbed(        plan_id: 7,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List accounts for a plan (stubbed)

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /marketplace_listing/stubbed/plans/{plan_id}/accounts', [
        'plan_id' => 7,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->listAccountsForPlanStubbedListing(        plan_id: 7,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Enterprise Cloud meta information

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /meta');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public events for a network of repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /networks/{owner}/{repo}/events', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->listPublicEventsForRepoNetwork(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public events for a network of repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /networks/{owner}/{repo}/events', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->listPublicEventsForRepoNetworkListing(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List notifications for the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /notifications', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'before' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'all' => ,
        'participating' => ,
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->listNotificationsForAuthenticatedUser(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        before: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        all: ,
        participating: ,
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List notifications for the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /notifications', [
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'before' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'all' => ,
        'participating' => ,
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->listNotificationsForAuthenticatedUserListing(        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        before: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        all: ,
        participating: ,
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Mark notifications as read

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /notifications');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a thread

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /notifications/threads/{thread_id}', [
        'thread_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->getThread(        thread_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Mark a thread as done

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /notifications/threads/{thread_id}', [
        'thread_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->markThreadAsDone(        thread_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Mark a thread as read

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /notifications/threads/{thread_id}', [
        'thread_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->markThreadAsRead(        thread_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a thread subscription for the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /notifications/threads/{thread_id}/subscription', [
        'thread_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->getThreadSubscriptionForAuthenticatedUser(        thread_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set a thread subscription

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /notifications/threads/{thread_id}/subscription', [
        'thread_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->setThreadSubscription(        thread_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a thread subscription

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /notifications/threads/{thread_id}/subscription', [
        'thread_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->deleteThreadSubscription(        thread_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Octocat

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /octocat', [
        's' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->meta()->getOctocat(        s: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organizations

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /organizations', [
        'since' => 5,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->list(        since: 5,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Closing down - List custom repository roles in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /organizations/{organization_id}/custom_roles', [
        'organization_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listCustomRoles(        organization_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get billing usage report for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /organizations/{org}/settings/billing/usage', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'year' => 4,
        'month' => 5,
        'day' => 3,
        'hour' => 4,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getGithubBillingUsageReportOrg(        org: 'generated',
        year: 4,
        month: 5,
        day: 3,
        hour: 4,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->get(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->delete(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->update(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Actions cache usage for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/cache/usage', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getActionsCacheUsageForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repositories with GitHub Actions cache usage for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/cache/usage-by-repository', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getActionsCacheUsageByRepoForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List GitHub-hosted runners for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listHostedRunnersForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a GitHub-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub-owned images for GitHub-hosted runners in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners/images/github-owned', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersGithubOwnedImagesForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get partner images for GitHub-hosted runners in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners/images/partner', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersPartnerImagesForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get limits on GitHub-hosted runners for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners/limits', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersLimitsForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub-hosted runners machine specs for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners/machine-sizes', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersMachineSpecsForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get platforms for GitHub-hosted runners in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners/platforms', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnersPlatformsForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a GitHub-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners/{hosted_runner_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hosted_runner_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        hosted_runner_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a GitHub-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners/{hosted_runner_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hosted_runner_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        hosted_runner_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a GitHub-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/actions/hosted-runners/{hosted_runner_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hosted_runner_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->updateHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        hosted_runner_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the customization template for an OIDC subject claim for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/oidc/customization/sub', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->oidc()->getOidcCustomSubTemplateForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set the customization template for an OIDC subject claim for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/oidc/customization/sub', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->oidc()->updateOidcCustomSubTemplateForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Actions permissions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getGithubActionsPermissionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set GitHub Actions permissions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setGithubActionsPermissionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List selected repositories enabled for GitHub Actions in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listSelectedRepositoriesEnabledGithubActionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set selected repositories enabled for GitHub Actions in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setSelectedRepositoriesEnabledGithubActionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Enable a selected repository for GitHub Actions in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->enableSelectedRepositoryGithubActionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Disable a selected repository for GitHub Actions in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->disableSelectedRepositoryGithubActionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get allowed actions and reusable workflows for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions/selected-actions', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getAllowedActionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set allowed actions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions/selected-actions', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setAllowedActionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get default workflow permissions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions/workflow', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getGithubActionsDefaultWorkflowPermissionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set default workflow permissions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/permissions/workflow', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setGithubActionsDefaultWorkflowPermissionsOrganization(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List self-hosted runner groups for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'visible_to_repository' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listSelfHostedRunnerGroupsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        visible_to_repository: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a self-hosted runner group for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createSelfHostedRunnerGroupForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a self-hosted runner group for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getSelfHostedRunnerGroupForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a self-hosted runner group from an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteSelfHostedRunnerGroupFromOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a self-hosted runner group for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->updateSelfHostedRunnerGroupForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List GitHub-hosted runners in a group for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/hosted-runners', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listGithubHostedRunnersInGroupForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository access to a self-hosted runner group in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listRepoAccessToSelfHostedRunnerGroupInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set repository access for a self-hosted runner group in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setRepoAccessToSelfHostedRunnerGroupInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add repository access to a self-hosted runner group in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->addRepoAccessToSelfHostedRunnerGroupInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove repository access to a self-hosted runner group in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->removeRepoAccessToSelfHostedRunnerGroupInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List self-hosted runners in a group for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/runners', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listSelfHostedRunnersInGroupForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set self-hosted runners in a group for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/runners', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setSelfHostedRunnersInGroupForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add a self-hosted runner to a group for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->addSelfHostedRunnerToGroupForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a self-hosted runner from a group for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/runner-groups/{runner_group_id}/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_group_id' => 15,
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->removeSelfHostedRunnerFromGroupForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_group_id: 15,
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List self-hosted runners for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/runners', [
        'name' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listSelfHostedRunnersForOrg(        name: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List runner applications for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/downloads', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listRunnerApplicationsForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create configuration for a just-in-time runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/generate-jitconfig', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->generateRunnerJitconfigForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a registration token for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/registration-token', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createRegistrationTokenForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a remove token for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/remove-token', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createRemoveTokenForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a self-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getSelfHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a self-hosted runner from an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteSelfHostedRunnerFromOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List labels for a self-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listLabelsForSelfHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set custom labels for a self-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setCustomLabelsForSelfHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add custom labels to a self-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->addCustomLabelsToSelfHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove all custom labels from a self-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->removeAllCustomLabelsFromSelfHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a custom label from a self-hosted runner for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels/{name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->removeCustomLabelFromSelfHostedRunnerForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization secrets

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/secrets', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listOrgSecrets(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization public key

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/secrets/public-key', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getOrgPublicKey(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createOrUpdateOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List selected repositories for an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listSelectedReposForOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set selected repositories for an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setSelectedReposForOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add selected repository to an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->addSelectedRepoToOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove selected repository from an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->removeSelectedRepoFromOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization variables

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/variables', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listOrgVariables(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an organization variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/actions/variables', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createOrgVariable(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/variables/{name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getOrgVariable(        org: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an organization variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/variables/{name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteOrgVariable(        org: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update an organization variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/actions/variables/{name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->updateOrgVariable(        org: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List selected repositories for an organization variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/actions/variables/{name}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listSelectedReposForOrgVariable(        org: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set selected repositories for an organization variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/variables/{name}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setSelectedReposForOrgVariable(        org: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add selected repository to an organization variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/actions/variables/{name}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->addSelectedRepoToOrgVariable(        org: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove selected repository from an organization variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/actions/variables/{name}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->removeSelectedRepoFromOrgVariable(        org: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get announcement banner for organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/announcement', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->announcementBanners()->getAnnouncementBannerForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove announcement banner from organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/announcement', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->announcementBanners()->removeAnnouncementBannerForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set announcement banner for organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/announcement', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->announcementBanners()->setAnnouncementBannerForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List attestations

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/attestations/{subject_digest}', [
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'subject_digest' => 'generated',
        'predicate_type' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listAttestations(        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        subject_digest: 'generated',
        predicate_type: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the audit log for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/audit-log', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'phrase' => 'generated',
        'include' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'order' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getAuditLog(        org: 'generated',
        phrase: 'generated',
        include: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        order: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List users blocked by an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/blocks', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listBlockedUsers(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List users blocked by an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/blocks', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listBlockedUsersListing(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Check if a user is blocked by an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/blocks/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->checkBlockedUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Block a user from an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/blocks/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->blockUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Unblock a user from an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/blocks/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->unblockUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List push rule bypass requests within an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/bypass-requests/push-rules', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'repository_name' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPushBypassRequests(        org: 'generated',
        repository_name: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List push rule bypass requests within an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/bypass-requests/push-rules', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'repository_name' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPushBypassRequestsListing(        org: 'generated',
        repository_name: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List bypass requests for secret scanning for an org

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/bypass-requests/secret-scanning', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'repository_name' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->listOrgBypassRequests(        org: 'generated',
        repository_name: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List bypass requests for secret scanning for an org

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/bypass-requests/secret-scanning', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'repository_name' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->listOrgBypassRequestsListing(        org: 'generated',
        repository_name: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List code scanning alerts for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/code-scanning/alerts', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'tool_name' => 'generated',
        'tool_guid' => ,
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'severity' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listAlertsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        tool_name: 'generated',
        tool_guid: ,
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        severity: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List code scanning alerts for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/code-scanning/alerts', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'tool_name' => 'generated',
        'tool_guid' => ,
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'severity' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listAlertsForOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        tool_name: 'generated',
        tool_guid: ,
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        severity: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get code security configurations for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'target_type' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->getConfigurationsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        target_type: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a code security configuration

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->createConfiguration(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get default code security configurations

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations/defaults', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->getDefaultConfigurations(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Detach configurations from repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations/detach', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->detachConfiguration(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a code security configuration

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->getConfiguration(        org: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a code security configuration

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->deleteConfiguration(        org: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a code security configuration

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->updateConfiguration(        org: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Attach a configuration to repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}/attach', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->attachConfiguration(        org: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set a code security configuration as a default for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}/defaults', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->setConfigurationAsDefault(        org: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get repositories associated with a code security configuration

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/code-security/configurations/{configuration_id}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'configuration_id' => 16,
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'status' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeSecurity()->getRepositoriesForConfiguration(        org: 'generated',
        configuration_id: 16,
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        status: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List codespaces for the organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/codespaces', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->listInOrganization(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Manage access control for organization codespaces

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/codespaces/access', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->setCodespacesAccess(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add users to Codespaces access for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/codespaces/access/selected_users', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->setCodespacesAccessUsers(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove users from Codespaces access for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/codespaces/access/selected_users', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->deleteCodespacesAccessUsers(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization secrets

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/codespaces/secrets', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->listOrgSecrets(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization public key

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/codespaces/secrets/public-key', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->getOrgPublicKey(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/codespaces/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->getOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/codespaces/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->createOrUpdateOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/codespaces/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->deleteOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List selected repositories for an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/codespaces/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->listSelectedReposForOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set selected repositories for an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/codespaces/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->setSelectedReposForOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add selected repository to an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/codespaces/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->addSelectedRepoToOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove selected repository from an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/codespaces/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->removeSelectedRepoFromOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot seat information and settings for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/copilot/billing', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->getCopilotOrganizationDetails(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List all Copilot seat assignments for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/copilot/billing/seats', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->listCopilotSeats(        org: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add teams to the Copilot subscription for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/copilot/billing/selected_teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->addCopilotSeatsForTeams(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove teams from the Copilot subscription for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/copilot/billing/selected_teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->cancelCopilotSeatAssignmentForTeams(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add users to the Copilot subscription for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/copilot/billing/selected_users', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->addCopilotSeatsForUsers(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove users from the Copilot subscription for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/copilot/billing/selected_users', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->cancelCopilotSeatAssignmentForUsers(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot metrics for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/copilot/metrics', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->copilotMetricsForOrganization(        org: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot metrics for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/copilot/metrics', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->copilotMetricsForOrganizationListing(        org: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a summary of Copilot usage for organization members

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/copilot/usage', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->usageMetricsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a summary of Copilot usage for organization members

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/copilot/usage', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->usageMetricsForOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List SAML SSO authorizations for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/credential-authorizations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'login' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listSamlSsoAuthorizations(        org: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        login: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List SAML SSO authorizations for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/credential-authorizations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'login' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listSamlSsoAuthorizationsListing(        org: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        login: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a SAML SSO authorization for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/credential-authorizations/{credential_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'credential_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->removeSamlSsoAuthorization(        org: 'generated',
        credential_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List custom repository roles in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/custom-repository-roles', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listCustomRepoRoles(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a custom repository role

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/custom-repository-roles', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->createCustomRepoRole(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a custom repository role

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/custom-repository-roles/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getCustomRepoRole(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a custom repository role

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/custom-repository-roles/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->deleteCustomRepoRole(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a custom repository role

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/custom-repository-roles/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->updateCustomRepoRole(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Closing down - Create a custom role

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/custom_roles', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->createCustomRole(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Closing down - Get a custom role

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/custom_roles/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getCustomRole(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Closing down - Delete a custom role

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/custom_roles/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->deleteCustomRole(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Closing down - Update a custom role

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/custom_roles/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->updateCustomRole(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List Dependabot alerts for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/dependabot/alerts', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'severity' => 'generated',
        'ecosystem' => 'generated',
        'package' => 'generated',
        'epss_percentage' => 'generated',
        'scope' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'last' => 4,
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'first' => 5,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->listAlertsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        severity: 'generated',
        ecosystem: 'generated',
        package: 'generated',
        epss_percentage: 'generated',
        scope: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        last: 4,
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        first: 5,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization secrets

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/dependabot/secrets', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->listOrgSecrets(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization public key

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/dependabot/secrets/public-key', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->getOrgPublicKey(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/dependabot/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->getOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/dependabot/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->createOrUpdateOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/dependabot/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->deleteOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List selected repositories for an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/dependabot/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->listSelectedReposForOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set selected repositories for an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/dependabot/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->setSelectedReposForOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add selected repository to an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/dependabot/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->addSelectedRepoToOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove selected repository from an organization secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/dependabot/secrets/{secret_name}/repositories/{repository_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',
        'repository_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->dependabot()->removeSelectedRepoFromOrgSecret(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',
        repository_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get list of conflicting packages during Docker migration for organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/docker/conflicts', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->listDockerMigrationConflictingPackagesForOrganization(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public organization events

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/events', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->listPublicOrgEvents(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public organization events

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/events', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->activity()->listPublicOrgEventsListing(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an external group

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/external-group/{group_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'group_id' => 8,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->externalIdpGroupInfoForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        group_id: 8,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List external groups in an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/external-groups', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'display_name' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listExternalIdpGroupsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        display_name: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List failed organization invitations

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/failed_invitations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listFailedInvitations(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List failed organization invitations

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/failed_invitations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listFailedInvitationsListing(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Closing down - List fine-grained permissions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/fine_grained_permissions', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listFineGrainedPermissions(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization webhooks

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/hooks', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listWebhooks(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization webhooks

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/hooks', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listWebhooksListing(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an organization webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/hooks', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->createWebhook(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/hooks/{hook_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hook_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getWebhook(        org: 'generated',
        hook_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an organization webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/hooks/{hook_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hook_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->deleteWebhook(        org: 'generated',
        hook_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update an organization webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/hooks/{hook_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hook_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->updateWebhook(        org: 'generated',
        hook_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a webhook configuration for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/hooks/{hook_id}/config', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hook_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getWebhookConfigForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        hook_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a webhook configuration for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/hooks/{hook_id}/config', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hook_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->updateWebhookConfigForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        hook_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List deliveries for an organization webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/hooks/{hook_id}/deliveries', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hook_id' => 7,
        'cursor' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listWebhookDeliveries(        org: 'generated',
        hook_id: 7,
        cursor: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a webhook delivery for an organization webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/hooks/{hook_id}/deliveries/{delivery_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hook_id' => 7,
        'delivery_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getWebhookDelivery(        org: 'generated',
        hook_id: 7,
        delivery_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Redeliver a delivery for an organization webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/hooks/{hook_id}/deliveries/{delivery_id}/attempts', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hook_id' => 7,
        'delivery_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->redeliverWebhookDelivery(        org: 'generated',
        hook_id: 7,
        delivery_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Ping an organization webhook

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/hooks/{hook_id}/pings', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'hook_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->pingWebhook(        org: 'generated',
        hook_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get route stats by actor

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/insights/api/route-stats/{actor_type}/{actor_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'actor_type' => 'generated',
        'actor_id' => 8,
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'sort' => ,
        'api_route_substring' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getRouteStatsByActor(        org: 'generated',
        actor_type: 'generated',
        actor_id: 8,
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        sort: ,
        api_route_substring: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get route stats by actor

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/insights/api/route-stats/{actor_type}/{actor_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'actor_type' => 'generated',
        'actor_id' => 8,
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'sort' => ,
        'api_route_substring' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getRouteStatsByActorListing(        org: 'generated',
        actor_type: 'generated',
        actor_id: 8,
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        sort: ,
        api_route_substring: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get subject stats

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/insights/api/subject-stats', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'sort' => ,
        'subject_name_substring' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getSubjectStats(        org: 'generated',
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        sort: ,
        subject_name_substring: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get subject stats

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/insights/api/subject-stats', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'sort' => ,
        'subject_name_substring' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getSubjectStatsListing(        org: 'generated',
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        sort: ,
        subject_name_substring: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get summary stats

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/insights/api/summary-stats', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getSummaryStats(        org: 'generated',
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get summary stats by user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/insights/api/summary-stats/users/{user_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'user_id' => 'generated',
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getSummaryStatsByUser(        org: 'generated',
        user_id: 'generated',
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get summary stats by actor

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/insights/api/summary-stats/{actor_type}/{actor_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'actor_type' => 'generated',
        'actor_id' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getSummaryStatsByActor(        org: 'generated',
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        actor_type: 'generated',
        actor_id: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get time stats

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/insights/api/time-stats', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'timestamp_increment' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getTimeStats(        org: 'generated',
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        timestamp_increment: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get time stats by user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/insights/api/time-stats/users/{user_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'user_id' => 'generated',
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'timestamp_increment' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getTimeStatsByUser(        org: 'generated',
        user_id: 'generated',
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        timestamp_increment: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get time stats by actor

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/insights/api/time-stats/{actor_type}/{actor_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'actor_type' => 'generated',
        'actor_id' => 8,
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'timestamp_increment' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getTimeStatsByActor(        org: 'generated',
        actor_type: 'generated',
        actor_id: 8,
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        timestamp_increment: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get user stats

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/insights/api/user-stats/{user_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'user_id' => 'generated',
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'sort' => ,
        'actor_name_substring' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getUserStats(        org: 'generated',
        user_id: 'generated',
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        sort: ,
        actor_name_substring: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get user stats

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/insights/api/user-stats/{user_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'user_id' => 'generated',
        'min_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'max_timestamp' => 'generated',
        'sort' => ,
        'actor_name_substring' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apiInsights()->getUserStatsListing(        org: 'generated',
        user_id: 'generated',
        min_timestamp: 'generated',
        max_timestamp: 'generated',
        sort: ,
        actor_name_substring: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization installation for the authenticated app

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/installation', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->apps()->getOrgInstallation(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List app installations for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/installations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listAppInstallations(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get interaction restrictions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/interaction-limits', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->interactions()->getRestrictionsForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set interaction restrictions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/interaction-limits', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->interactions()->setRestrictionsForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove interaction restrictions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/interaction-limits', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->interactions()->removeRestrictionsForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List pending organization invitations

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/invitations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,
        'role' => 'generated',
        'invitation_source' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPendingInvitations(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,
        role: 'generated',
        invitation_source: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List pending organization invitations

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/invitations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,
        'role' => 'generated',
        'invitation_source' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPendingInvitationsListing(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,
        role: 'generated',
        invitation_source: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an organization invitation

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/invitations', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->createInvitation(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Cancel an organization invitation

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/invitations/{invitation_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'invitation_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->cancelInvitation(        org: 'generated',
        invitation_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization invitation teams

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/invitations/{invitation_id}/teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'invitation_id' => 13,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listInvitationTeams(        org: 'generated',
        invitation_id: 13,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization invitation teams

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/invitations/{invitation_id}/teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'invitation_id' => 13,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listInvitationTeamsListing(        org: 'generated',
        invitation_id: 13,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List issue types for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/issue-types', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listIssueTypes(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create issue type for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/issue-types', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->createIssueType(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update issue type for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/issue-types/{issue_type_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'issue_type_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->updateIssueType(        org: 'generated',
        issue_type_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete issue type for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/issue-types/{issue_type_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'issue_type_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->deleteIssueType(        org: 'generated',
        issue_type_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization issues assigned to the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/issues', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'labels' => 'generated',
        'type' => 'generated',
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->issues()->listForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        labels: 'generated',
        type: 'generated',
        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        filter: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization issues assigned to the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/issues', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'labels' => 'generated',
        'type' => 'generated',
        'since' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->issues()->listForOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        labels: 'generated',
        type: 'generated',
        since: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        filter: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization members

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/members', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'role' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listMembers(        org: 'generated',
        filter: 'generated',
        role: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization members

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/members', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'role' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listMembersListing(        org: 'generated',
        filter: 'generated',
        role: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Check organization membership for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/members/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->checkMembershipForUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove an organization member

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/members/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->removeMember(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List codespaces for a user in organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/members/{username}/codespaces', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->getCodespacesForUserInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a codespace from the organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/members/{username}/codespaces/{codespace_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',
        'codespace_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->deleteFromOrganization(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',
        codespace_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Stop a codespace for an organization user

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/members/{username}/codespaces/{codespace_name}/stop', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',
        'codespace_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codespaces()->stopInOrganization(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',
        codespace_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot seat assignment details for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/members/{username}/copilot', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->getCopilotSeatDetailsForUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get organization membership for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/memberships/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getMembershipForUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set organization membership for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/memberships/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->setMembershipForUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove organization membership for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/memberships/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->removeMembershipForUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization migrations

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/migrations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'exclude' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->listForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        exclude: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization migrations

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/migrations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'exclude' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->listForOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        exclude: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Start an organization migration

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/migrations', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->startForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization migration status

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/migrations/{migration_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'migration_id' => 12,
        'exclude' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->getStatusForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        migration_id: 12,
        exclude: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download an organization migration archive

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/migrations/{migration_id}/archive', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'migration_id' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->downloadArchiveForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        migration_id: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download an organization migration archive

Using the call method:

$client->call('STREAM /orgs/{org}/migrations/{migration_id}/archive', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'migration_id' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->downloadArchiveForOrgStreaming(        org: 'generated',
        migration_id: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an organization migration archive

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/migrations/{migration_id}/archive', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'migration_id' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->deleteArchiveForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        migration_id: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Unlock an organization repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/migrations/{migration_id}/repos/{repo_name}/lock', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'migration_id' => 12,
        'repo_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->unlockRepoForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        migration_id: 12,
        repo_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repositories in an organization migration

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/migrations/{migration_id}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'migration_id' => 12,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->listReposForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        migration_id: 12,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repositories in an organization migration

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/migrations/{migration_id}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'migration_id' => 12,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->migrations()->listReposForOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        migration_id: 12,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization fine-grained permissions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/organization-fine-grained-permissions', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listOrganizationFineGrainedPermissions(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all organization roles for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/organization-roles', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listOrgRoles(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a custom organization role

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/organization-roles', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->createCustomOrganizationRole(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove all organization roles for a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/teams/{team_slug}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->revokeAllOrgRolesTeam(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Assign an organization role to a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/teams/{team_slug}/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->assignTeamToOrgRole(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove an organization role from a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/teams/{team_slug}/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->revokeOrgRoleTeam(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove all organization roles for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/users/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->revokeAllOrgRolesUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Assign an organization role to a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/users/{username}/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->assignUserToOrgRole(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove an organization role from a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/users/{username}/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->revokeOrgRoleUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization role

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getOrgRole(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a custom organization role.

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->deleteCustomOrganizationRole(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a custom organization role

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/{role_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->patchCustomOrganizationRole(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List teams that are assigned to an organization role

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/{role_id}/teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listOrgRoleTeams(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List teams that are assigned to an organization role

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/{role_id}/teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listOrgRoleTeamsListing(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List users that are assigned to an organization role

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/{role_id}/users', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listOrgRoleUsers(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List users that are assigned to an organization role

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/organization-roles/{role_id}/users', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'role_id' => 7,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listOrgRoleUsersListing(        org: 'generated',
        role_id: 7,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List outside collaborators for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/outside_collaborators', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listOutsideCollaborators(        org: 'generated',
        filter: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List outside collaborators for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/outside_collaborators', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listOutsideCollaboratorsListing(        org: 'generated',
        filter: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Convert an organization member to outside collaborator

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/outside_collaborators/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->convertMemberToOutsideCollaborator(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove outside collaborator from an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/outside_collaborators/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->removeOutsideCollaborator(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List packages for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/packages', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'visibility' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->listPackagesForOrganization(        package_type: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        visibility: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List packages for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/packages', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'visibility' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->listPackagesForOrganizationListing(        package_type: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        visibility: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a package for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/packages/{package_type}/{package_name}', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'package_name' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->getPackageForOrganization(        package_type: 'generated',
        package_name: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a package for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/packages/{package_type}/{package_name}', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'package_name' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->deletePackageForOrg(        package_type: 'generated',
        package_name: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Restore a package for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/packages/{package_type}/{package_name}/restore', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'package_name' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'token' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->restorePackageForOrg(        package_type: 'generated',
        package_name: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        token: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List package versions for a package owned by an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/packages/{package_type}/{package_name}/versions', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'package_name' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'state' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->getAllPackageVersionsForPackageOwnedByOrg(        package_type: 'generated',
        package_name: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        state: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List package versions for a package owned by an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/packages/{package_type}/{package_name}/versions', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'package_name' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'state' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->getAllPackageVersionsForPackageOwnedByOrgListing(        package_type: 'generated',
        package_name: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        state: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a package version for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/packages/{package_type}/{package_name}/versions/{package_version_id}', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'package_name' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'package_version_id' => 18,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->getPackageVersionForOrganization(        package_type: 'generated',
        package_name: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        package_version_id: 18,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete package version for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/packages/{package_type}/{package_name}/versions/{package_version_id}', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'package_name' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'package_version_id' => 18,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->deletePackageVersionForOrg(        package_type: 'generated',
        package_name: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        package_version_id: 18,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Restore package version for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/packages/{package_type}/{package_name}/versions/{package_version_id}/restore', [
        'package_type' => 'generated',
        'package_name' => 'generated',
        'org' => 'generated',
        'package_version_id' => 18,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->packages()->restorePackageVersionForOrg(        package_type: 'generated',
        package_name: 'generated',
        org: 'generated',
        package_version_id: 18,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List requests to access organization resources with fine-grained personal access tokens

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/personal-access-token-requests', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'owner' => ,
        'repository' => 'generated',
        'permission' => 'generated',
        'last_used_before' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'last_used_after' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'token_id' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPatGrantRequests(        org: 'generated',
        owner: ,
        repository: 'generated',
        permission: 'generated',
        last_used_before: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        last_used_after: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        token_id: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List requests to access organization resources with fine-grained personal access tokens

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/personal-access-token-requests', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'owner' => ,
        'repository' => 'generated',
        'permission' => 'generated',
        'last_used_before' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'last_used_after' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'token_id' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPatGrantRequestsListing(        org: 'generated',
        owner: ,
        repository: 'generated',
        permission: 'generated',
        last_used_before: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        last_used_after: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        token_id: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Review requests to access organization resources with fine-grained personal access tokens

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/personal-access-token-requests', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->reviewPatGrantRequestsInBulk(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Review a request to access organization resources with a fine-grained personal access token

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/personal-access-token-requests/{pat_request_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'pat_request_id' => 14,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->reviewPatGrantRequest(        org: 'generated',
        pat_request_id: 14,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repositories requested to be accessed by a fine-grained personal access token

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/personal-access-token-requests/{pat_request_id}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'pat_request_id' => 14,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPatGrantRequestRepositories(        org: 'generated',
        pat_request_id: 14,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repositories requested to be accessed by a fine-grained personal access token

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/personal-access-token-requests/{pat_request_id}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'pat_request_id' => 14,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPatGrantRequestRepositoriesListing(        org: 'generated',
        pat_request_id: 14,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List fine-grained personal access tokens with access to organization resources

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/personal-access-tokens', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'owner' => ,
        'repository' => 'generated',
        'permission' => 'generated',
        'last_used_before' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'last_used_after' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'token_id' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPatGrants(        org: 'generated',
        owner: ,
        repository: 'generated',
        permission: 'generated',
        last_used_before: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        last_used_after: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        token_id: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List fine-grained personal access tokens with access to organization resources

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/personal-access-tokens', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'owner' => ,
        'repository' => 'generated',
        'permission' => 'generated',
        'last_used_before' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'last_used_after' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'token_id' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPatGrantsListing(        org: 'generated',
        owner: ,
        repository: 'generated',
        permission: 'generated',
        last_used_before: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        last_used_after: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        token_id: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update the access to organization resources via fine-grained personal access tokens

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/personal-access-tokens', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->updatePatAccesses(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update the access a fine-grained personal access token has to organization resources

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/personal-access-tokens/{pat_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'pat_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->updatePatAccess(        org: 'generated',
        pat_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repositories a fine-grained personal access token has access to

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/personal-access-tokens/{pat_id}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'pat_id' => 6,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPatGrantRepositories(        org: 'generated',
        pat_id: 6,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repositories a fine-grained personal access token has access to

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/personal-access-tokens/{pat_id}/repositories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'pat_id' => 6,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPatGrantRepositoriesListing(        org: 'generated',
        pat_id: 6,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List private registries for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/private-registries', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->privateRegistries()->listOrgPrivateRegistries(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a private registry for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/private-registries', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->privateRegistries()->createOrgPrivateRegistry(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get private registries public key for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/private-registries/public-key', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->privateRegistries()->getOrgPublicKey(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a private registry for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/private-registries/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->privateRegistries()->getOrgPrivateRegistry(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a private registry for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/private-registries/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->privateRegistries()->deleteOrgPrivateRegistry(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a private registry for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/private-registries/{secret_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->privateRegistries()->updateOrgPrivateRegistry(        org: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization projects

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/projects', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->listForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization projects

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/projects', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->listForOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an organization project

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/projects', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->createForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all custom properties for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/properties/schema', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getAllCustomProperties(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update custom properties for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/properties/schema', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->createOrUpdateCustomProperties(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a custom property for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/properties/schema/{custom_property_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'custom_property_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getCustomProperty(        org: 'generated',
        custom_property_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update a custom property for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/properties/schema/{custom_property_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'custom_property_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->createOrUpdateCustomProperty(        org: 'generated',
        custom_property_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a custom property for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/properties/schema/{custom_property_name}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'custom_property_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->removeCustomProperty(        org: 'generated',
        custom_property_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List custom property values for organization repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/properties/values', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'repository_query' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listCustomPropertiesValuesForRepos(        org: 'generated',
        repository_query: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List custom property values for organization repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/properties/values', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'repository_query' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listCustomPropertiesValuesForReposListing(        org: 'generated',
        repository_query: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update custom property values for organization repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/properties/values', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->createOrUpdateCustomPropertiesValuesForRepos(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public organization members

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/public_members', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPublicMembers(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List public organization members

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/public_members', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listPublicMembersListing(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Check public organization membership for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/public_members/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->checkPublicMembershipForUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set public organization membership for the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/public_members/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->setPublicMembershipForAuthenticatedUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove public organization membership for the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/public_members/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->removePublicMembershipForAuthenticatedUser(        org: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/repos', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'type' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->listForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        type: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/repos', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'type' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->listForOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        type: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an organization repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/repos', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->createInOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository fine-grained permissions for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/repository-fine-grained-permissions', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listRepoFineGrainedPermissions(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all organization repository rulesets

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/rulesets', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'targets' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getOrgRulesets(        org: 'generated',
        targets: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all organization repository rulesets

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/rulesets', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'targets' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getOrgRulesetsListing(        org: 'generated',
        targets: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an organization repository ruleset

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/rulesets', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->createOrgRuleset(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization rule suites

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/rulesets/rule-suites', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'repository_name' => 'generated',
        'actor_name' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'rule_suite_result' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getOrgRuleSuites(        org: 'generated',
        ref: 'generated',
        repository_name: 'generated',
        actor_name: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        rule_suite_result: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List organization rule suites

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/rulesets/rule-suites', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'repository_name' => 'generated',
        'actor_name' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'rule_suite_result' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getOrgRuleSuitesListing(        org: 'generated',
        ref: 'generated',
        repository_name: 'generated',
        actor_name: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        rule_suite_result: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization rule suite

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/rulesets/rule-suites/{rule_suite_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'rule_suite_id' => 13,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getOrgRuleSuite(        org: 'generated',
        rule_suite_id: 13,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an organization repository ruleset

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getOrgRuleset(        org: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update an organization repository ruleset

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->updateOrgRuleset(        org: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an organization repository ruleset

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->deleteOrgRuleset(        org: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get organization ruleset history

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/history', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getOrgRulesetHistory(        org: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get organization ruleset history

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/history', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getOrgRulesetHistoryListing(        org: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get organization ruleset version

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/rulesets/{ruleset_id}/history/{version_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'ruleset_id' => 10,
        'version_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->getOrgRulesetVersion(        org: 'generated',
        ruleset_id: 10,
        version_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List secret scanning alerts for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/secret-scanning/alerts', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'secret_type' => 'generated',
        'resolution' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'validity' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'is_publicly_leaked' => ,
        'is_multi_repo' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->listAlertsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        secret_type: 'generated',
        resolution: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        validity: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        is_publicly_leaked: ,
        is_multi_repo: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List secret scanning alerts for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/secret-scanning/alerts', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'secret_type' => 'generated',
        'resolution' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'validity' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'is_publicly_leaked' => ,
        'is_multi_repo' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->listAlertsForOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        secret_type: 'generated',
        resolution: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        validity: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        is_publicly_leaked: ,
        is_multi_repo: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository security advisories for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/security-advisories', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->securityAdvisories()->listOrgRepositoryAdvisories(        org: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List security manager teams

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/security-managers', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->listSecurityManagerTeams(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add a security manager team

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/security-managers/teams/{team_slug}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->addSecurityManagerTeam(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a security manager team

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/security-managers/teams/{team_slug}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->removeSecurityManagerTeam(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Actions billing for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/settings/billing/actions', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getGithubActionsBillingOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Advanced Security active committers for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/settings/billing/advanced-security', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getGithubAdvancedSecurityBillingOrg(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Packages billing for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/settings/billing/packages', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getGithubPackagesBillingOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get shared storage billing for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/settings/billing/shared-storage', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->billing()->getSharedStorageBillingOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List hosted compute network configurations for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/settings/network-configurations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->listNetworkConfigurationsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a hosted compute network configuration for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/settings/network-configurations', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->createNetworkConfigurationForOrg(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a hosted compute network configuration for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/settings/network-configurations/{network_configuration_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'network_configuration_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->getNetworkConfigurationForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        network_configuration_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a hosted compute network configuration from an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/settings/network-configurations/{network_configuration_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'network_configuration_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->deleteNetworkConfigurationFromOrg(        org: 'generated',
        network_configuration_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a hosted compute network configuration for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/settings/network-configurations/{network_configuration_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'network_configuration_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->updateNetworkConfigurationForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        network_configuration_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a hosted compute network settings resource for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/settings/network-settings/{network_settings_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'network_settings_id' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->hostedCompute()->getNetworkSettingsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        network_settings_id: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List IdP groups for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/team-sync/groups', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'page' => 'generated',
        'q' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listIdpGroupsForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        page: 'generated',
        q: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot metrics for a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/team/{team_slug}/copilot/metrics', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->copilotMetricsForTeam(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get Copilot metrics for a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/team/{team_slug}/copilot/metrics', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->copilotMetricsForTeamListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a summary of Copilot usage for a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/team/{team_slug}/copilot/usage', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->usageMetricsForTeam(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a summary of Copilot usage for a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/team/{team_slug}/copilot/usage', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'since' => 'generated',
        'until' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->copilot()->usageMetricsForTeamListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        since: 'generated',
        until: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List teams

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->list(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List teams

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listListing(        org: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->create(        org: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a team by name

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->getByName(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->deleteInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->updateInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List discussions

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'pinned' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listDiscussionsInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        pinned: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List discussions

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'pinned' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listDiscussionsInOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        pinned: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a discussion

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->createDiscussionInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a discussion

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->getDiscussionInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a discussion

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->deleteDiscussionInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a discussion

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->updateDiscussionInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List discussion comments

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listDiscussionCommentsInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List discussion comments

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listDiscussionCommentsInOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a discussion comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->createDiscussionCommentInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a discussion comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'comment_number' => 14,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->getDiscussionCommentInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        comment_number: 14,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a discussion comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'comment_number' => 14,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->deleteDiscussionCommentInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        comment_number: 14,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a discussion comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'comment_number' => 14,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->updateDiscussionCommentInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        comment_number: 14,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List reactions for a team discussion comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}/reactions', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'comment_number' => 14,
        'content' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->reactions()->listForTeamDiscussionCommentInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        comment_number: 14,
        content: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List reactions for a team discussion comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}/reactions', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'comment_number' => 14,
        'content' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->reactions()->listForTeamDiscussionCommentInOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        comment_number: 14,
        content: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create reaction for a team discussion comment

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}/reactions', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'comment_number' => 14,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->reactions()->createForTeamDiscussionCommentInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        comment_number: 14,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete team discussion comment reaction

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/comments/{comment_number}/reactions/{reaction_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'comment_number' => 14,
        'reaction_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->reactions()->deleteForTeamDiscussionComment(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        comment_number: 14,
        reaction_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List reactions for a team discussion

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/reactions', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'content' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->reactions()->listForTeamDiscussionInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        content: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List reactions for a team discussion

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/reactions', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'content' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->reactions()->listForTeamDiscussionInOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        content: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create reaction for a team discussion

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/reactions', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->reactions()->createForTeamDiscussionInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete team discussion reaction

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/discussions/{discussion_number}/reactions/{reaction_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'discussion_number' => 17,
        'reaction_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->reactions()->deleteForTeamDiscussion(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        discussion_number: 17,
        reaction_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List a connection between an external group and a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/external-groups', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listLinkedExternalIdpGroupsToTeamForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove the connection between an external group and a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/external-groups', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->unlinkExternalIdpGroupFromTeamForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update the connection between an external group and a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/external-groups', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->linkExternalIdpGroupToTeamForOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List pending team invitations

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/invitations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listPendingInvitationsInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List pending team invitations

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/invitations', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listPendingInvitationsInOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List team members

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/members', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'role' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listMembersInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        role: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List team members

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/members', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'role' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listMembersInOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        role: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get team membership for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/memberships/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->getMembershipForUserInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add or update team membership for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/memberships/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->addOrUpdateMembershipForUserInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove team membership for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/memberships/{username}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->removeMembershipForUserInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List team projects

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listProjectsInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List team projects

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listProjectsInOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Check team permissions for a project

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects/{project_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'project_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->checkPermissionsForProjectInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        project_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add or update team project permissions

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects/{project_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'project_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->addOrUpdateProjectPermissionsInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        project_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a project from a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/projects/{project_id}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'project_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->removeProjectInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        project_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List team repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listReposInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List team repositories

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listReposInOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Check team permissions for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos/{owner}/{repo}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->checkPermissionsForRepoInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add or update team repository permissions

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos/{owner}/{repo}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->addOrUpdateRepoPermissionsInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a repository from a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/repos/{owner}/{repo}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->removeRepoInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List IdP groups for a team

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/team-sync/group-mappings', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listIdpGroupsInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update IdP group connections

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/team-sync/group-mappings', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->createOrUpdateIdpGroupConnectionsInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List child teams

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listChildInOrg(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List child teams

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /orgs/{org}/teams/{team_slug}/teams', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'team_slug' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->teams()->listChildInOrgListing(        org: 'generated',
        team_slug: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Enable or disable a security feature for an organization

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /orgs/{org}/{security_product}/{enablement}', [
        'org' => 'generated',
        'security_product' => 'generated',
        'enablement' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->orgs()->enableOrDisableSecurityProductOnAllOrgRepos(        org: 'generated',
        security_product: 'generated',
        enablement: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a project card

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /projects/columns/cards/{card_id}', [
        'card_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->getCard(        card_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a project card

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /projects/columns/cards/{card_id}', [
        'card_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->deleteCard(        card_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update an existing project card

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /projects/columns/cards/{card_id}', [
        'card_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->updateCard(        card_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Move a project card

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /projects/columns/cards/{card_id}/moves', [
        'card_id' => 7,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->moveCard(        card_id: 7,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a project column

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /projects/columns/{column_id}', [
        'column_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->getColumn(        column_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a project column

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /projects/columns/{column_id}', [
        'column_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->deleteColumn(        column_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update an existing project column

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /projects/columns/{column_id}', [
        'column_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->updateColumn(        column_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List project cards

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /projects/columns/{column_id}/cards', [
        'column_id' => 9,
        'archived_state' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->listCards(        column_id: 9,
        archived_state: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List project cards

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /projects/columns/{column_id}/cards', [
        'column_id' => 9,
        'archived_state' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->listCardsListing(        column_id: 9,
        archived_state: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a project card

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /projects/columns/{column_id}/cards', [
        'column_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->createCard(        column_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Move a project column

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /projects/columns/{column_id}/moves', [
        'column_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->moveColumn(        column_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a project

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /projects/{project_id}', [
        'project_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->get(        project_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a project

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /projects/{project_id}', [
        'project_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->delete(        project_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a project

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /projects/{project_id}', [
        'project_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->update(        project_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List project collaborators

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /projects/{project_id}/collaborators', [
        'project_id' => 10,
        'affiliation' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->listCollaborators(        project_id: 10,
        affiliation: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List project collaborators

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /projects/{project_id}/collaborators', [
        'project_id' => 10,
        'affiliation' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->listCollaboratorsListing(        project_id: 10,
        affiliation: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add project collaborator

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /projects/{project_id}/collaborators/{username}', [
        'project_id' => 10,
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->addCollaborator(        project_id: 10,
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove user as a collaborator

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /projects/{project_id}/collaborators/{username}', [
        'project_id' => 10,
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->removeCollaborator(        project_id: 10,
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get project permission for a user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /projects/{project_id}/collaborators/{username}/permission', [
        'project_id' => 10,
        'username' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->getPermissionForUser(        project_id: 10,
        username: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List project columns

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /projects/{project_id}/columns', [
        'project_id' => 10,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->listColumns(        project_id: 10,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List project columns

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /projects/{project_id}/columns', [
        'project_id' => 10,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->listColumnsListing(        project_id: 10,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a project column

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /projects/{project_id}/columns', [
        'project_id' => 10,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->projects()->createColumn(        project_id: 10,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get rate limit status for the authenticated user

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /rate_limit');

Operations method:


You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->get(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->delete(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->update(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List artifacts for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/artifacts', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listArtifactsForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an artifact

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/artifacts/{artifact_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'artifact_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getArtifact(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        artifact_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an artifact

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/artifacts/{artifact_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'artifact_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteArtifact(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        artifact_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download an artifact

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/artifacts/{artifact_id}/{archive_format}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'artifact_id' => 11,
        'archive_format' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->downloadArtifact(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        artifact_id: 11,
        archive_format: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download an artifact

Using the call method:

$client->call('STREAM /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/artifacts/{artifact_id}/{archive_format}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'artifact_id' => 11,
        'archive_format' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->downloadArtifactStreaming(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        artifact_id: 11,
        archive_format: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Actions cache usage for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/cache/usage', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getActionsCacheUsage(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List GitHub Actions caches for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/caches', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'key' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,
        'sort' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getActionsCacheList(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        ref: 'generated',
        key: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,
        sort: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete GitHub Actions caches for a repository (using a cache key)

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/caches', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'key' => 'generated',
        'ref' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteActionsCacheByKey(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        key: 'generated',
        ref: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a GitHub Actions cache for a repository (using a cache ID)

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/caches/{cache_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'cache_id' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteActionsCacheById(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        cache_id: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a job for a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/jobs/{job_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'job_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getJobForWorkflowRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        job_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download job logs for a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/jobs/{job_id}/logs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'job_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->downloadJobLogsForWorkflowRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        job_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download job logs for a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('STREAM /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/jobs/{job_id}/logs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'job_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->downloadJobLogsForWorkflowRunStreaming(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        job_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Re-run a job from a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/jobs/{job_id}/rerun', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'job_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->reRunJobForWorkflowRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        job_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the customization template for an OIDC subject claim for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/oidc/customization/sub', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getCustomOidcSubClaimForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set the customization template for an OIDC subject claim for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/oidc/customization/sub', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setCustomOidcSubClaimForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository organization secrets

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/organization-secrets', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listRepoOrganizationSecrets(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository organization variables

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/organization-variables', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listRepoOrganizationVariables(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get GitHub Actions permissions for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/permissions', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getGithubActionsPermissionsRepository(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set GitHub Actions permissions for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/permissions', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setGithubActionsPermissionsRepository(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the level of access for workflows outside of the repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/permissions/access', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getWorkflowAccessToRepository(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set the level of access for workflows outside of the repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/permissions/access', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setWorkflowAccessToRepository(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get allowed actions and reusable workflows for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/permissions/selected-actions', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getAllowedActionsRepository(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set allowed actions for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/permissions/selected-actions', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setAllowedActionsRepository(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get default workflow permissions for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/permissions/workflow', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getGithubActionsDefaultWorkflowPermissionsRepository(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set default workflow permissions for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/permissions/workflow', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setGithubActionsDefaultWorkflowPermissionsRepository(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List self-hosted runners for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners', [
        'name' => 'generated',
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listSelfHostedRunnersForRepo(        name: 'generated',
        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List runner applications for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/downloads', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listRunnerApplicationsForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create configuration for a just-in-time runner for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/generate-jitconfig', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->generateRunnerJitconfigForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a registration token for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/registration-token', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createRegistrationTokenForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a remove token for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/remove-token', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createRemoveTokenForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a self-hosted runner for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getSelfHostedRunnerForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a self-hosted runner from a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/{runner_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteSelfHostedRunnerFromRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List labels for a self-hosted runner for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listLabelsForSelfHostedRunnerForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set custom labels for a self-hosted runner for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->setCustomLabelsForSelfHostedRunnerForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add custom labels to a self-hosted runner for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->addCustomLabelsToSelfHostedRunnerForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove all custom labels from a self-hosted runner for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->removeAllCustomLabelsFromSelfHostedRunnerForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove a custom label from a self-hosted runner for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runners/{runner_id}/labels/{name}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'runner_id' => 9,
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->removeCustomLabelFromSelfHostedRunnerForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        runner_id: 9,
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List workflow runs for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'actor' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',
        'event' => 'generated',
        'status' => 'generated',
        'created' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'check_suite_id' => 14,
        'head_sha' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,
        'exclude_pull_requests' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listWorkflowRunsForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        actor: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',
        event: 'generated',
        status: 'generated',
        created: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        check_suite_id: 14,
        head_sha: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,
        exclude_pull_requests: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,
        'exclude_pull_requests' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getWorkflowRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,
        exclude_pull_requests: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteWorkflowRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the review history for a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/approvals', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getReviewsForRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Approve a workflow run for a fork pull request

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/approve', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->approveWorkflowRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List workflow run artifacts

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/artifacts', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,
        'name' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listWorkflowRunArtifacts(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,
        name: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a workflow run attempt

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/attempts/{attempt_number}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,
        'attempt_number' => 14,
        'exclude_pull_requests' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getWorkflowRunAttempt(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,
        attempt_number: 14,
        exclude_pull_requests: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List jobs for a workflow run attempt

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/attempts/{attempt_number}/jobs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,
        'attempt_number' => 14,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listJobsForWorkflowRunAttempt(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,
        attempt_number: 14,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download workflow run attempt logs

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/attempts/{attempt_number}/logs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,
        'attempt_number' => 14,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->downloadWorkflowRunAttemptLogs(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,
        attempt_number: 14,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download workflow run attempt logs

Using the call method:

$client->call('STREAM /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/attempts/{attempt_number}/logs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,
        'attempt_number' => 14,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->downloadWorkflowRunAttemptLogsStreaming(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,
        attempt_number: 14,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Cancel a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/cancel', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->cancelWorkflowRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Review custom deployment protection rules for a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/deployment_protection_rule', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->reviewCustomGatesForRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Force cancel a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/force-cancel', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->forceCancelWorkflowRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List jobs for a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/jobs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listJobsForWorkflowRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,
        filter: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download workflow run logs

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/logs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->downloadWorkflowRunLogs(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Download workflow run logs

Using the call method:

$client->call('STREAM /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/logs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->downloadWorkflowRunLogsStreaming(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete workflow run logs

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/logs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteWorkflowRunLogs(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get pending deployments for a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/pending_deployments', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getPendingDeploymentsForRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Review pending deployments for a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/pending_deployments', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->reviewPendingDeploymentsForRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Re-run a workflow

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/rerun', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->reRunWorkflow(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Re-run failed jobs from a workflow run

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/rerun-failed-jobs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->reRunWorkflowFailedJobs(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get workflow run usage

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/runs/{run_id}/timing', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'run_id' => 6,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getWorkflowRunUsage(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        run_id: 6,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository secrets

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/secrets', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listRepoSecrets(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a repository public key

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/secrets/public-key', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getRepoPublicKey(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a repository secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getRepoSecret(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create or update a repository secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createOrUpdateRepoSecret(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a repository secret

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/secrets/{secret_name}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'secret_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteRepoSecret(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        secret_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository variables

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listRepoVariables(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a repository variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createRepoVariable(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a repository variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables/{name}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getRepoVariable(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a repository variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables/{name}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->deleteRepoVariable(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a repository variable

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/variables/{name}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->updateRepoVariable(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository workflows

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/workflows', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listRepoWorkflows(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a workflow

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'workflow_id' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getWorkflow(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        workflow_id: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Disable a workflow

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}/disable', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'workflow_id' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->disableWorkflow(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        workflow_id: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a workflow dispatch event

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}/dispatches', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'workflow_id' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->createWorkflowDispatch(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        workflow_id: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Enable a workflow

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}/enable', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'workflow_id' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->enableWorkflow(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        workflow_id: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List workflow runs for a workflow

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}/runs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'workflow_id' => ,
        'actor' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',
        'event' => 'generated',
        'status' => 'generated',
        'created' => '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        'check_suite_id' => 14,
        'head_sha' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,
        'exclude_pull_requests' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->listWorkflowRuns(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        workflow_id: ,
        actor: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',
        event: 'generated',
        status: 'generated',
        created: '1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00',
        check_suite_id: 14,
        head_sha: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,
        exclude_pull_requests: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get workflow usage

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/actions/workflows/{workflow_id}/timing', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'workflow_id' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->actions()->getWorkflowUsage(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        workflow_id: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository activities

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/activity', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'actor' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'activity_type' => 'generated',
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->listActivities(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        ref: 'generated',
        actor: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        activity_type: 'generated',
        direction: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List assignees

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/assignees', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->issues()->listAssignees(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List assignees

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/assignees', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->issues()->listAssigneesListing(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Check if a user can be assigned

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/assignees/{assignee}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'assignee' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->issues()->checkUserCanBeAssigned(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        assignee: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an attestation

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/attestations', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->createAttestation(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List attestations

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/attestations/{subject_digest}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'subject_digest' => 'generated',
        'predicate_type' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->listAttestations(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        subject_digest: 'generated',
        predicate_type: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all autolinks of a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/autolinks', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->listAutolinks(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an autolink reference for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/autolinks', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->createAutolink(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get an autolink reference of a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/autolinks/{autolink_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'autolink_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getAutolink(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        autolink_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete an autolink reference from a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/autolinks/{autolink_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'autolink_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->deleteAutolink(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        autolink_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Check if Dependabot security updates are enabled for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/automated-security-fixes', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->checkAutomatedSecurityFixes(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Enable Dependabot security updates

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/automated-security-fixes', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->enableAutomatedSecurityFixes(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Disable Dependabot security updates

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/automated-security-fixes', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->disableAutomatedSecurityFixes(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List branches

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'protected' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->listBranches(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        protected: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List branches

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'protected' => ,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->listBranchesListing(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        protected: ,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a branch

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getBranch(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get branch protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getBranchProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update branch protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->updateBranchProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete branch protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->deleteBranchProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get admin branch protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/enforce_admins', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getAdminBranchProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set admin branch protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/enforce_admins', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->setAdminBranchProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete admin branch protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/enforce_admins', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->deleteAdminBranchProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get pull request review protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_pull_request_reviews', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getPullRequestReviewProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete pull request review protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_pull_request_reviews', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->deletePullRequestReviewProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update pull request review protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_pull_request_reviews', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->updatePullRequestReviewProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get commit signature protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_signatures', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getCommitSignatureProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create commit signature protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_signatures', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->createCommitSignatureProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete commit signature protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_signatures', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->deleteCommitSignatureProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get status checks protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_status_checks', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getStatusChecksProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove status check protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_status_checks', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->removeStatusCheckProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update status check protection

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_status_checks', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->updateStatusCheckProtection(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get all status check contexts

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_status_checks/contexts', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getAllStatusCheckContexts(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set status check contexts

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_status_checks/contexts', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->setStatusCheckContexts(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add status check contexts

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_status_checks/contexts', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->addStatusCheckContexts(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove status check contexts

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/required_status_checks/contexts', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->removeStatusCheckContexts(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->deleteAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get apps with access to the protected branch

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/apps', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getAppsWithAccessToProtectedBranch(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set app access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/apps', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->setAppAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add app access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/apps', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->addAppAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove app access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/apps', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->removeAppAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get teams with access to the protected branch

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/teams', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getTeamsWithAccessToProtectedBranch(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set team access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/teams', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->setTeamAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add team access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/teams', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->addTeamAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove team access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/teams', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->removeTeamAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get users with access to the protected branch

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/users', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getUsersWithAccessToProtectedBranch(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Set user access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('PUT /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/users', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->setUserAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Add user access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/users', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->addUserAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Remove user access restrictions

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/protection/restrictions/users', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->removeUserAccessRestrictions(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Rename a branch

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}/rename', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'branch' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->renameBranch(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        branch: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository push rule bypass requests

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/bypass-requests/push-rules', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->listRepoPushBypassRequests(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List repository push rule bypass requests

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/bypass-requests/push-rules', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->listRepoPushBypassRequestsListing(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a repository push bypass request

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/bypass-requests/push-rules/{bypass_request_number}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'bypass_request_number' => 21,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->repos()->getRepoPushBypassRequest(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        bypass_request_number: 21,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List bypass requests for secret scanning for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/bypass-requests/secret-scanning', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->listRepoBypassRequests(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List bypass requests for secret scanning for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/bypass-requests/secret-scanning', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'reviewer' => 'generated',
        'requester' => 'generated',
        'time_period' => 'generated',
        'request_status' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->listRepoBypassRequestsListing(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        reviewer: 'generated',
        requester: 'generated',
        time_period: 'generated',
        request_status: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a bypass request for secret scanning

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/bypass-requests/secret-scanning/{bypass_request_number}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'bypass_request_number' => 21,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->getBypassRequest(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        bypass_request_number: 21,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Review a bypass request for secret scanning

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/bypass-requests/secret-scanning/{bypass_request_number}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'bypass_request_number' => 21,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->reviewBypassRequest(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        bypass_request_number: 21,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Dismiss a response on a bypass request for secret scanning

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/bypass-responses/secret-scanning/{bypass_response_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'bypass_response_id' => 18,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->secretScanning()->dismissBypassResponse(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        bypass_response_id: 18,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a check run

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-runs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->create(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a check run

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-runs/{check_run_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'check_run_id' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->get(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        check_run_id: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a check run

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-runs/{check_run_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'check_run_id' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->update(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        check_run_id: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List check run annotations

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-runs/{check_run_id}/annotations', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'check_run_id' => 12,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->listAnnotations(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        check_run_id: 12,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List check run annotations

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-runs/{check_run_id}/annotations', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'check_run_id' => 12,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->listAnnotationsListing(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        check_run_id: 12,
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Rerequest a check run

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-runs/{check_run_id}/rerequest', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'check_run_id' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->rerequestRun(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        check_run_id: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a check suite

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-suites', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->createSuite(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update repository preferences for check suites

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-suites/preferences', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->setSuitesPreferences(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a check suite

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-suites/{check_suite_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'check_suite_id' => 14,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->getSuite(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        check_suite_id: 14,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List check runs in a check suite

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-suites/{check_suite_id}/check-runs', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'check_suite_id' => 14,
        'check_name' => 'generated',
        'status' => 'generated',
        'filter' => 'generated',
        'per_page' => 8,
        'page' => 1,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->listForSuite(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        check_suite_id: 14,
        check_name: 'generated',
        status: 'generated',
        filter: 'generated',
        per_page: 8,
        page: 1,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Rerequest a check suite

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/check-suites/{check_suite_id}/rerequest', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'check_suite_id' => 14,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->checks()->rerequestSuite(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        check_suite_id: 14,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List code scanning alerts for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/alerts', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'tool_name' => 'generated',
        'tool_guid' => ,
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'pr' => 2,
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'severity' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listAlertsForRepo(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        tool_name: 'generated',
        tool_guid: ,
        ref: 'generated',
        pr: 2,
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        severity: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List code scanning alerts for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/alerts', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'tool_name' => 'generated',
        'tool_guid' => ,
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'pr' => 2,
        'before' => 'generated',
        'after' => 'generated',
        'state' => 'generated',
        'severity' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listAlertsForRepoListing(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        tool_name: 'generated',
        tool_guid: ,
        ref: 'generated',
        pr: 2,
        before: 'generated',
        after: 'generated',
        state: 'generated',
        severity: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a code scanning alert

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/alerts/{alert_number}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'alert_number' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->getAlert(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        alert_number: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a code scanning alert

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/alerts/{alert_number}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'alert_number' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->updateAlert(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        alert_number: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the status of an autofix for a code scanning alert

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/alerts/{alert_number}/autofix', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'alert_number' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->getAutofix(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        alert_number: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create an autofix for a code scanning alert

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/alerts/{alert_number}/autofix', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'alert_number' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->createAutofix(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        alert_number: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Commit an autofix for a code scanning alert

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/alerts/{alert_number}/autofix/commits', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'alert_number' => 12,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->commitAutofix(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        alert_number: 12,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List instances of a code scanning alert

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/alerts/{alert_number}/instances', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'alert_number' => 12,
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'pr' => 2,
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listAlertInstances(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        alert_number: 12,
        ref: 'generated',
        pr: 2,
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List instances of a code scanning alert

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/alerts/{alert_number}/instances', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'alert_number' => 12,
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'pr' => 2,
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listAlertInstancesListing(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        alert_number: 12,
        ref: 'generated',
        pr: 2,
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List code scanning analyses for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/analyses', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'tool_name' => 'generated',
        'tool_guid' => ,
        'pr' => 2,
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'sarif_id' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listRecentAnalyses(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        tool_name: 'generated',
        tool_guid: ,
        pr: 2,
        ref: 'generated',
        sarif_id: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List code scanning analyses for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('LIST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/analyses', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'tool_name' => 'generated',
        'tool_guid' => ,
        'pr' => 2,
        'ref' => 'generated',
        'sarif_id' => 'generated',
        'page' => 1,
        'per_page' => 8,
        'direction' => 'generated',
        'sort' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listRecentAnalysesListing(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        tool_name: 'generated',
        tool_guid: ,
        pr: 2,
        ref: 'generated',
        sarif_id: 'generated',
        page: 1,
        per_page: 8,
        direction: 'generated',
        sort: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a code scanning analysis for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/analyses/{analysis_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'analysis_id' => 11,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->getAnalysis(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        analysis_id: 11,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a code scanning analysis from a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/analyses/{analysis_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'analysis_id' => 11,
        'confirm_delete' => ,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->deleteAnalysis(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        analysis_id: 11,
        confirm_delete: ,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


List CodeQL databases for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/codeql/databases', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->listCodeqlDatabases(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a CodeQL database for a repository

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/codeql/databases/{language}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'language' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->getCodeqlDatabase(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        language: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Delete a CodeQL database

Using the call method:

$client->call('DELETE /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/codeql/databases/{language}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'language' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->deleteCodeqlDatabase(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        language: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Create a CodeQL variant analysis

Using the call method:

$client->call('POST /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/codeql/variant-analyses', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->createVariantAnalysis(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the summary of a CodeQL variant analysis

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/codeql/variant-analyses/{codeql_variant_analysis_id}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'codeql_variant_analysis_id' => 26,

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->getVariantAnalysis(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        codeql_variant_analysis_id: 26,

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get the analysis status of a repository in a CodeQL variant analysis

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/codeql/variant-analyses/{codeql_variant_analysis_id}/repos/{repo_owner}/{repo_name}', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',
        'codeql_variant_analysis_id' => 26,
        'repo_owner' => 'generated',
        'repo_name' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->getVariantAnalysisRepoTask(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',
        codeql_variant_analysis_id: 26,
        repo_owner: 'generated',
        repo_name: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Get a code scanning default setup configuration

Using the call method:

$client->call('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/default-setup', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->getDefaultSetup(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the API method documentation.


Update a code scanning default setup configuration

Using the call method:

$client->call('PATCH /repos/{owner}/{repo}/code-scanning/default-setup', [
        'owner' => 'generated',
        'repo' => 'generated',

Operations method:

$client->operations()->codeScanning()->updateDefaultSetup(        owner: 'generated',
        repo: 'generated',

You can find more about this operation over at the [API method documentation](


No description, website, or topics provided.






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