Reference implementation for TypeLang PHPDoc Parser.
Read documentation pages for more information.
TypeLang PHPDoc Parser is available as Composer repository and can be installed using the following command in a root of your project:
composer require type-lang/phpdoc
- Declare any Element as abstract -
- Highlight Element as being part of the public API -
- TODO -
- Used to organize groups of packages together -
- Used to document the copyright information of any Element. -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Allows to extend templated classes and interfaces -
- TODO -
- Declare any Element as final -
- TODO -
- Used to tell documentation systems that Element are not to be processed. -
- Allows to extend templated interfaces -
- TODO -
- An alias of@extends
tag -
- TODO -
- Used to indicate which license is applicable -
- Indicates a custom relation between the associated Element and a website, which is identified by an absolute URI -
- Allows a class to know which "magic" methods are callable -
- TODO -
- Indicates that argument names may be changed in the future. -
- Used to categorize Element(s) into logical subdivisions -
- Mention to see if the method is actually overriding a definition -
- Used to document a single argument of a function or method -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Used to declare which "magic" properties are supported -
- Used to declare which "magic" properties are supported for reading -
- Used to declare which "magic" properties are supported for writing -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Used to document the return value of functions or methods -
- An alias of@return
tag -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Indicates a reference from the associated Symbol(s) to a website or other Symbol(s) -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Used to categorize Element(s) into logical subdivisions -
- TODO -
- Allows classes (and class-like entries), functions and methods to declare a generic type parameter -
- Allows classes (and class-like entries), functions and methods to declare a generic contravariant type parameter -
- Allows classes (and class-like entries), functions and methods to declare a generic covariant type parameter -
- An alias of@extends
tag -
- An alias of@implements
tag -
- Allows to extend templated traits -
- An alias of@throws
tag -
- Used to indicate whether Element throw a specific type of\Throwable
(exception or error) -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- An alias of@template-use
tag -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Document the Type of the following Element -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@api
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@extends
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@implements
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@method
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@param
alias -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@property
alias -
- Vendor-specific@property-read
alias -
- Vendor-specific@property-write
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@return
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@template
alias -
- Vendor-specific@template-contravariant
alias -
- Vendor-specific@template-covariant
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@use
alias -
- Vendor-specific@var
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@method
alias -
- Vendor-specific@param
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@property
alias -
- Vendor-specific@property-read
alias -
- Vendor-specific@property-write
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@return
alias -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@template
alias -
- Vendor-specific@template-contravariant
alias -
- Vendor-specific@template-covariant
alias -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@throws
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@var
- Vendor-specific@abstract
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@extends
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@extends
alias -
- Vendor-specific@method
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@override
alias -
- Vendor-specific@param
alias -
- Vendor-specific@property
alias -
- Vendor-specific@property-read
alias -
- Vendor-specific@property-write
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@return
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@template
alias -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- TODO -
- Vendor-specific@var
alias -
- TODO -
$parser = new \TypeLang\PHPDoc\Parser();
$result = $parser->parse(<<<'PHPDOC'
* Example description {@see some} and blah-blah-blah.
* @Example\Annotation("foo")
* @return array<non-empty-string, TypeStatement>
* @throws \Throwable
Expected Output:
TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\DocBlock {
+description: TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\Description\TaggedDescription {
+components: array:3 [
0 => TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\Description\Description {
#value: "Example description "
1 => TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\Tag\SeeTag\SeeTag {
+description: null
+name: "see"
+ref: TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\Tag\Shared\Reference\TypeSymbolReference {
+type: TypeLang\Parser\Node\Stmt\NamedTypeNode { β¦ }
2 => TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\Description\Description {
#value: " and blah-blah-blah.\n"
+tags: array:3 [
0 => TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\Tag\Tag {
+description: TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\Description\Description {
#value: "("foo")\n"
+name: "Example\Annotation"
1 => TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\Tag\ReturnTag\ReturnTag {
+description: null
+name: "return"
+type: TypeLang\Parser\Node\Stmt\NamedTypeNode { β¦ }
2 => TypeLang\PHPDoc\DocBlock\Tag\ThrowsTag\ThrowsTag {
+description: null
+name: "throws"
+type: TypeLang\Parser\Node\Stmt\NamedTypeNode { β¦ }
DocBlock is a representation of the comment object.
/** |
* Hello world | β DocBlock's description.
* |
* @param int $example | β DocBlock's tag #1.
* @throws \Throwable Description | β DocBlock's tag #2.
*/ |
β Provides aDescription
β Provides a list ofTag
* DocBlock structure pseudocode (real impl may differ)
* @template-implements \Traversable<array-key, Tag>
* @template-implements \ArrayAccess<array-key, Tag>
class DocBlock
public ?Description $description { get; }
public iterable<array-key, Tag> $tags { get; }
Description is a representation of the description object which may contain other tags.
βββββββββββ | β This is a nested tag of the description.
* Hello world {@see some} and blah-blah-blah. |
βββββββββββ βββββββββββββββββββ | β This is part of the template.
β Provides a list ofTag
β Provides a list ofTag|Description
* Simple description structure pseudocode (real impl may differ)
class Description implements \Stringable {}
* Tagged (composite) description structure pseudocode (real impl may differ)
* @template-implements \Traversable<array-key, Tag>
* @template-implements \ArrayAccess<array-key, Tag>
class TaggedDescription extends Description implements
public iterable<array-key, Tag> $tags { get; }
public iterable<array-key, Tag|Description> $components { get; }
A Tag represents a name (ID) and its contents.
ββββββ | β This is a tag name.
* @throws \Throwable An error occurred. |
βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ | β This is tag description.
β Provides a tag's name (ID).$description
β Provides an optional description of the tag.
* Common tag structure pseudocode (real impl may differ)
class Tag implements \Stringable
public non-empty-string $name { get; }
public ?Description $description { get; }
* Throws tag structure pseudocode (real impl may differ)
class ThrowsTag extends Tag
public TypeStatement $type;