See my visualization of this data, including some basic data mining (association analysis)
Download the CSV you want, or scrape your own data.
See my analysis of this dataset here
- Selenium - A tool designed for QA testing, but that actually works great for making these types of bots
- Beautiful Soup - A tool to scrape HTML/XML content (that saved be big time with this project)
- Kenarapfaik
- Install ChromeDriver (or an alternatie driver for your browser of choice):
- Install Selenium:
pip install selenium
- Install BeautifulSoup:
pip install beautifulsoup4
- Use keyword to control which jobs you want to get, and loc for the location. get_jobs will get these jobs.
- Use page_limit, which is a workaround for the page limit that only allows you to get 1000 jobs from each category if you are looking for more data.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.