A collection of the aliases, shortcuts and prompt customisations we use for Ruby / Rails / git projects
Clone in to your home directory
$ cd
$ git clone git://github.com/pigment/terminal.git
Add to ~/.bash_profile
$ echo "source ~/terminal/all.sh" >> ~/.bash_profile
Restart your terminal to activate changes.
Shell commands
$ l (ls -aFhlG')
$ .. (cd ..)
$ ... (cd ../..)
$ - (cd - or change to previous directory)
$ nt (new tab in current dir)
$ c (clear)
$ p (pwd)
$ m (mate .)
Git commands
$ gp (git pull --rebase)
$ gu (git push)
$ gpp (git pull --rebase && git push)
Rails commands
$ ss (script/server --debugger)
$ sc (script/console --debugger)
$ styles (cd public/stylesheets)
$ rt (rake test)
$ rtu (rake test:units)
$ rtf (rake test:functionals)
$ rti (rake test:integration)
$ cuke (cucumber)
Dom Christie Joff Williams Simon Jamie Sam Oliver Jacob Swanner
(c) Pigment Released under the MIT license