an irc network using ngircd within containers.
hub-and-spoke, ssl encrypted, etc
- docker entrypoint for configuring and starting ngircd.
- Dockerfile: defines a docker image for ngircd configurable with environment
- certs/ script to generate ssl certificate.
- compose.yml: docker compose file with example link
generate ssl certificates
use certs/ to create the necessary ssl certificates for secure connections. ensure all certificates are properly generated and placed within the certs/ directory.
# Run the script to generate SSL certificates
build and run example containers
# fire up both hub and spoke servers using compose
docker compose up --build
Setting | hub-irc Value | spoke-irc Value | Explanation / Relationship |
IRCD_NAME | hub-irc | spoke-irc | The unique name of each IRC server. These names are used to identify the servers within the network and are referenced in the [Server] section for linking. |
IRCD_NETWORK | pkdnet | pkdnet | The network name both servers belong to. Must be the same for all servers in the network to ensure they are recognized as part of the same IRC network. |
IRCD_MOTD | an example irc network, hub | an example irc network, spoke | The Message of the Day displayed to users upon connection. While not critical for inter-server communication, it provides context to users about each server. |
IRCD_PORTS | 6669 | 6668 | Non-SSL listener ports for client connections. Different ports prevent conflicts and allow clients to choose which server to connect to based on the port number. |
Setting | hub-irc Value | spoke-irc Value | Explanation / Relationship |
IRCD_SSL_PORTS | 7669 | 6669 | SSL listener ports for client connections. Each server listens on different SSL ports to distinguish between them and avoid port conflicts. |
IRCD_SSL_CERT_FILE | /certs/irc-cert.pem | /certs/irc-cert.pem | Path to the SSL certificate file. Both servers can use the same certificate for simplicity in this example, but in practice, they may have individual certificates. |
IRCD_SSL_KEY_FILE | /certs/irc-key.pem | /certs/irc-key.pem | Path to the SSL key file corresponding to the SSL certificate. As above, both servers are using the same key file in this example. |
IRCD_SSL_KEYFILE_PASSWORD | secret | secret | Password for the SSL key file if it is encrypted. Both servers use the same password to decrypt their SSL key files. |
Setting | hub-irc Value | spoke-irc Value | Explanation / Relationship |
IRCD_LINK_NAME | spoke-irc | hub-irc | The name of the server to link with. Each server specifies the other's name to establish the link. |
IRCD_LINK_HOST | (Not specified) | hub-irc.local | hub-irc accepts connections and doesn't specify Host . spoke-irc specifies Host to connect to hub-irc . |
IRCD_LINK_PORT | 7669 | 7669 | Both servers use the same port number for the server link. This port must be open on hub-irc for spoke-irc to connect. |
IRCD_LINK_PASSWORD | peerpassword | linkpassword | Passwords used for authentication. hub-irc 's MyPassword matches spoke-irc 's PeerPassword , and vice versa, to authenticate the link. |
IRCD_LINK_PEER_PASSWORD | linkpassword | peerpassword | See above. Passwords are exchanged to authenticate the servers to each other. |
configuration for spoke-irc, actively connects to the hub
# Set the name of the IRC server
Name = spoke-irc
# Define the message of the day displayed to users upon connection
MotdPhrase = an example irc network, spoke
# Specify the network name this server belongs to
Network = pkdnet
# non-ssl listener ports
Ports = 6668
# server permissions
ServerGID = nobody
ServerUID = nobody
# path to the cert
CertFile = /certs/irc-cert.pem
# path to the key
KeyFile = /certs/irc-key.pem
# password for the key
KeyFilePassword = secret
# ssl listener ports
Ports = 6669
# the irc server to connect a link
Name = hub-irc
# the address of the server
Host = hub-irc.local
# set the port to connect to, ssl
Port = 7669
# set my link password
MyPassword = linkpassword
# set peer link pass
PeerPassword = peerpassword
# use SSL for the server link
SSLConnect = yes
# cert validation
SSLVerify = no
# for container dns
DNS = yes
PAM = no
paired configuration for hub-irc, passively waits for connections
# Set the name of the IRC server
Name = hub-irc
# Define the message of the day displayed to users upon connection
MotdPhrase = an example irc network, hub
# Specify the network name this server belongs to
Network = pkdnet
# non-ssl listener ports
Ports = 6669
# server permissions
ServerGID = nobody
ServerUID = nobody
# path to the cert
CertFile = /certs/irc-cert.pem
# path to the key
KeyFile = /certs/irc-key.pem
# password for the key
KeyFilePassword = secret
# ssl listener ports
Ports = 7669
# the irc server to accept a link from
Name = spoke-irc
# set the port to accept the link on
Port = 7669
# link password expected from spoke
MyPassword = peerpassword
# link password to send to spoke
PeerPassword = linkpassword
# for container dns
DNS = yes
PAM = no