You're an eccentric explorer diving into the depths of Jupiter with a bathysphere to discover what is at its core. You must balance energy requirements, risk hazards, upgrade your bathysphere with money you make from selling science and mined elements.
x Can see your ship and bathysphere descending on screen via a depth gauge x Can see what layer you're at based on depth x Can see outside temperature as you descend x Can see pressure as you descend x Can see power as you descend in kilowatt hours x Can see hull health as you descend x If hull health reaches zero it implodes and you die x You can sell excess hydrogen x Ship power is refueled via hydrogen you capture, fusion reactor x If you run out of power you die x add self destruct x Can vary the speed of descent with down arrow ( velocity ) x make dropship bigger, you basically park in it x If internal temp gets too high you die x Your ship dissipates heat at a controlled amount can see internal temperature x Can see a diagram of our bathysphere in between drops and click on parts to upgrade x Can equip bigger sample tanks to catch elements, but they slow you down
- Sinking too fast or using more power slowed down air conditioning
- lightning knocks out power
- Can reroute power to devices (air-conditioning, speed)
- Can upgrade air-conditioning
- can upgrade hull strength
- can upgrade descent speed
- as you make discoveries / science, opens up new components to purchase
- You can see the different layers change visually as you get further
- Elements are displayed as big clouds
- Can equip minor steering to sway in the direction of clouds
- Reaching new depths unlocks science that makes you money
- can buy radar to steer towards elements and interesting objects x ship has an inventory you can store and swap out bathysphere components
- can equip special hull layers that are consumable
- metallic hydrogen is very valuable
- metallic hydrogen overpowers the ship, must dissipate energy fast
- can see an atmosphereic wake as it descends
- can see a overhead scale of the atmosphere
- flash "out of power"
- can see power demand as power icons
- speed
- cash
- pressure (bars)
- temperature (f)
- internal temperature (f)
- depth (km)
- hull strength
- hull health
- power
- magnetic shearing
- gravity
- oxygen
- installed components
gas hydrogen
- exosphere 3000km -> 1000km
- thermosphere 1000km -> 320km
- stratosphere 320kmkm -> 50km
- troposphere 50km -> -132km liquid
- liquid molecular hydrogen -132km -> -13,400km
- liquid metallic hydrogen -13,400km -> -40,200
upper atmo 90% hydro 10% hel four layers 67,000 KM radius core is %30-50 of radius
- layered atmosphere 3000km
- exosphere 3000km 0K -279.67f
- thermosphere 1000km 1000K 1340f
- stratosphere 320km 100K -279.67f
- troposphere 50km 1 bar 100K -279.67f
- clouds, weather, trace amounts methane, water, ammonia, silicon
- liquid molecular hydrogen starts at -132km 10 bars 152f
- liquid metallic hydrogen starts at -13,400Km, 8,540f 1.5e+6 bars
- core - silicon, rock, diamond starts at -40,200Km, the bottom, goal 35,500f, 4.5e+7 bars
outer layer frozen ammonia crystals
micro meteorites lightning high speed winds, storm, cyclone magnetic fields heat, hot spots pressure monsters?
1 bar = earth