This is my latest updated portfolio. I got started with a template and used several 3rd party css styles and js libraries to make an elegant, pleasing user experience.
- Live Portfolio Page
- Live Firebase Page
- Live Custom Firebase Host - uses custom domain on firebase hosting at FB Host
- GitHub Portfolio
At this point it is geared towards the job skills I am most interested in.
On my GitHib page (GitHub Profile) I pinned 6 of my related repositories
This includes my repositories and some I have contributed to
The web projects have a link to the deployed site
The iOS mobile applications have links to projects on GitHub
My site has the following content:
My name (with my titles/key skills scrolling on main page)
Links to my GitHub profile, LinkedIn page, and Athlinks page as well as your email address and phone number
A link to a PDF of my resume on resume page and home page
List of projects (more than 3). For each project make sure you have the following:
Project title
More details for each project when clicking including description, images and links
Link to the code on GitHub
Link to the deployed version (not on mobile apps)
External content:
Updated my LinkedIn page with the projects on this site
Updated the README for each project you linked to with a description of the problem, how I solved it, and some information about technical approach. Most of this was already included
Refactored some of your code from earlier assignments to make them more readable. Again, mnost of this was already done
I focussed on the content of my portfolio page and the aesthetics. I used a single index.html file for all the pages to allow easy navigation and scrolling through the site. This is a little subjective, but I believe my site is "polished." I did use a 3rd party tremplate to get started and make it look and behave in a stunning manner. This was a lot more work than I expected to due the need to learn addional libraries and CSS styles.
It is completely responsive / mobile-friendly, with a mobile-first design. It looks great on the web and looks fantastic on a mobile phone as I tested it throughly.
It is polished. The template I used has a few color styles to choose from and I editted and created one of my own as well. It looks nothing like the standard bootstrap stuff done up to this point.
I put meaningful images for all of the projects. Each project has an icon that is the app icon and additional images are provided in the project details page
- Review portfolio, resume and linkedin profile and ensure brand statement incorporated properly