This is the python code for the lambda cumulus-post-map-payload-grouping. It simply takes in the output from a Distributed Mode AWS Step Function Map and obtains the status of each mapped execution.
Output of the map; this function does not utilize the cumulus library so is relatively bare bones to other lambdas
This page contains some good info on the overall "building a zip with poetry that's compatible with AWS Lambda".
sh ./;
to run the following commands in order and build the artifact
This command creates the dist/
poetry build
This command downloads the dependency files from the just created .whl file, along with the lambda_handler function in cumulus_post_map_payload_grouping/
, and places them in the package
poetry run pip install --upgrade -t package dist/*.whl
Note that moto is not being pulled in. I've specifically excluded it via having moto as
only (via the pyproject.toml
The last command used is:
cd package ; zip -r ../ . -x '*.pyc'
Which zips and creates the
file, containing all files found in package/
excluding .pyc files
Then upload
to any location you plan to use it
- Upload directly as a lambda with
aws lambda update-function-code
- Upload to your AWS S3
folder so that your Cumulus Terraform Build can use it