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Welcome to you, new Reachy2 user !

You've received your robot, you've got lots of ideas about what you'd like it to do, but you're feeling helpless and don't know how to go about it ?

Then you've come to the right place!

Here you'll find notebook tutorials that will teach you step-by-step how to get to grips with Reachy and use the various libraries available to give it optimum control. The aim is to show how to manage basic behaviors, so that you can then create the more complex behaviors you wish to implement.

These examples present two libraries that are essential to Reachy's operation:

  • ReachySDK, for robot control,
  • and Pollen-Vision, for object detection in the environment.


As the tutorials are in notebook form, you'll need the jupyter extension in your code editor and the library pykernel (pip install pykernel).

To use the modules, you first need to install them, if you didn't do it earlier. You will find them on GitHub, with the installation procedures explained on the README :

You will find Getting Started notebooks on both of them to show you the basics, so do not hesitate to follow them before ! (SDK notebooks and pollen-vision notebooks)


3 tutorials are available for now :

  1. Reachy's awakening (with SDK only)
  2. Reachy the mime (with SDK only)
  3. Reachy the greengrocer (with SDK & Pollen-Vision)

We recommend you carry them out in this order, from the most basic to the most complex, so you can become a Reachy control expert without even realizing it.


We'll be adding new tutorials to this library as we go along, with new functionalities and new libraries. So stay tuned !