Pomelo has concluded its journey. Together with the web3 community, we raised over $3 million to fund public goods and facilitated approximately 30,000 donations to 652 projects. We are grateful to have served the builders who created grants and brought their visions to life. Through quadratic funding, your support made a meaningful difference, helping matching partners meet the needs of their communities.
Next Steps: Build with Pinax
Pomelo users can start building with a FREE Pinax Pro Plan. Pinax provides comprehensive blockchain data services for dozens of chains, including EOS, WAX, and Telos. We encourage you to continue your journey by leveraging Pinax's advanced tools and services at https://pinax.network.
Sentnl Audit (2021-10)
# create grant and join round
cleos push action app.pomelo setproject '["author.eosn", "grant", "grant1", "fundingacc", ["EOS", "USDT"]]' -p author.eosn
cleos push action app.pomelo joinround '["grant1", 101]' -p author.eosn
# fund grant
cleos transfer user1 app.pomelo "10.0000 EOS" "grant:grant1"
# fund bounty
cleos transfer user1 app.pomelo "10.0000 EOS" "bounty:bounty1"
# configure app
cleos push action app.pomelo setconfig '[1, 500, 500, "login.eosn", "fee.pomelo"]' -p app.pomelo
cleos push action app.pomelo token '["4,EOS", "eosio.token", 10000, 1]' -p app.pomelo
cleos push action app.pomelo token '["4,USDT", "tethertether", 10000, 0]' -p app.pomelo
# create matching round and season add it to season and start it
cleos push action app.pomelo setseason '[1, "2021-05-19T20:00:00", "2021-05-25T20:00:00", "2021-05-19T20:00:00", "2021-05-25T20:00:00", "Season 1", 100000]' -p app.pomelo
cleos push action app.pomelo setround '[101, 1, "Grant Round #1", 100000]' -p app.pomelo
# approve grant by admin
cleos push action app.pomelo setstate '["grant1", "published"]' -p app.pomelo
# build contract
$ ./scripts/build.sh
# restart node, create Antelope users, deploy contracts, issue tokens
$ ./scripts/restart
# run tests
$ ./test.sh
role |
description |
Backend | Pomelo Backend |
Admin | Pomelo Admins |
Owners | Grant/Bounty Owners |
SC | Smart Contract |
- 🍈 Pomelo - Antelope Smart Contract
- Security Audits
- Usage
- Dependencies
- Testing
- Definitions
- Table of Content
{uint16_t} season_id
- season ID (0 = not active){uint64_t} grant_fee
- grant fee (bips - 1/100 1%){uint64_t} bounty_fee
- bounty fee (bips - 1/100 1%){name} login_contract
- EOSN Login contract{name} fee_account
- fee
"season_id": 1,
"grant_fee": 500,
"bounty_fee": 500,
"login_contractt": "login.eosn",
"fee_account": "fee.pomelo",
param |
index_position |
key_type |
byauthor |
2 | i64 |
bystatus |
3 | i64 |
byupdated |
4 | i64 |
{name} id
- (primary key) project name ID (used in memo to receive funds, must be unique){name} type
- (❗️IMMUTABLE) project type (ex:grant/bounty
){name} author_user_id
- (❗️IMMUTABLE) author (Pomelo User Id){name} [funding_account=""]
- funding account (EOS account){set<symbol_code>} [accepted_tokens=["EOS"]]
- accepted tokens (ex:["EOS"]
){name} [status="pending"]
- status (pending/published/retired/banned/denied
){time_point_sec} created_at
- created at time{time_point_sec} updated_at
- updated at time
"id": "mygrant",
"type": "grant",
"author_user_id": "user1.eosn",
"funding_account": "myreceiver",
"accepted_tokens": ["EOS"],
"status": "published",
"created_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
- scope:
{uint64_t} transfer_id
- (primary key) token transfer ID{name} from
- EOS account sender{name} to
- EOS account receiver{extended_asset} ext_quantity
- amount of tokens transfered{asset} fee
- fee charged and sent toglobal.fee_account
{string} memo
- transfer memo{name} user_id
- Pomelo user account ID{uint16_t} season_id
- participating season ID{uint16_t} round_id
- participating round ID{name} project_type
- project type ("grant" / "bounty"){name} project_id
- project ID{double} value
- valuation at time of received{checksum256} trx_id
- transaction ID{time_point_sec} created_at
- created at time
"transfer_id": 10001,
"from": "myaccount",
"to": "pomelo",
"ext_quantity": {"contract": "eosio.token", "quantity": "15.0000 EOS"},
"fee": "1.0000 EOS",
"memo": "grant:grant1",
"user_id": "user1.eosn",
"season_id": 1,
"round_id": 101,
"project_type": "grant",
"project_id": "grant1",
"value": 100.0,
"trx_id": "3bf31f6c32a8663bf3fdb0993a2bf3784d181dc879545603dca2046f05e0c9e1",
"created_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00"
- scope:
round_id {uint64_t}
{name} grant_id
- (primary key) grant ID{uint16_t} round_id
- round ID{uint64_t} total_users
- total number of users{double} sum_value
- sum of all user value contributions{double} sum_boost
- sum of all user contributions boosts{double} sum_sqrt
- sum of square root of contributions (quadratic funding metric){double} square
- total square of the square roots (quadratic funding metric){time_point_sec} updated_at
- updated at time
"grant_id": "grant1",
"round_id": 101,
"total_users": 2,
"sum_value": 150.0,
"sum_boost": 325.0,
"sum_sqrt": 25.0,
"square": 625.0,
"updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00"
- scope:
{uint16_t} round_id
param |
index_position |
key_type |
bydonated |
2 | i64 |
byboosted |
3 | i64 |
{name} user_id
- (primary key) grant ID{double} multiplier
- current user multiplier{double} value
- total amount contributed by user in this round{double} boost
- total boost amount for user in this round{vector<contribution_t>} contributions
- vector of user's contributions (donated + boost) to each project{time_point_sec} updated_at
- updated at time
"user_id": "user1",
"multiplier": 1.25,
"contributions": [{"id": "grant1", "value": 24.0}, {"id": "grant2", "value": 10.0}],
"updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00"
{uint16_t} season_id
- (primary key) season_id{string} description
- season description{vector<uint16_t>} round_ids
- round ids participating in this season{double} match_value
- total matching pool value for this season{time_point_sec} start_at
- start at time{time_point_sec} end_at
- end at time{time_point_sec} submission_start_at
- submission start time{time_point_sec} submission_end_at
- submission end time{time_point_sec} created_at
- created at time{time_point_sec} updated_at
- updated at time
"season_id": 1,
"description": "Season #1",
"round_ids": [101, 102, 103],
"match_value": 100000,
"start_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
"end_at": "2020-12-12T00:00:00",
"submission_start_at": "2020-11-06T00:00:00",
"submission_end_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
"created_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
{uint64_t} round_id
- (primary key) matching rounds{string} description
- grant text description{uint16_t} season_id
- season ID{set<name>} grant_ids
- grants IDs participating{set<name>} user_ids
- user IDs participating{vector<extended_asset>} donated_tokens
- donated tokens{double} match_value
- estimated value of the matching pool{double} sum_value
- total value donated this round{double} sum_boost
- total boost received this round{double} sum_square
- square of total sqrt sum{time_point_sec} created_at
- created at time{time_point_sec} updated_at
- updated at time
"round_id": 101,
"description": "Grant Round #1",
"season_id": 1,
"grant_ids": ["grant1"],
"user_ids": ["user1.eosn"],
"donated_tokens": [{"contract": "eosio.token", "quantity": "100.0000 EOS"}],
"match_value": 100000,
"sum_value": 12345,
"sum_boost": 3231,
"sum_square": 423451.1233,
"created_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
"updated_at": "2020-12-06T00:00:00",
{symbol} sym
- (primary key) symbol{name} contract
- token contract{uint64_t} min_amount
- min amount required when donating{name} oracle_contract
- Oracle contract (swap.defi, oracle.defi){uint64_t} oracle_id
- Defibox Oracle ID for oracle.defi or pair ID for swap.defi
"sym": "4,EOS",
"contract": "eosio.token",
"min_amount": 10000,
"oracle_contract": "oracle.defi",
"oracle_id": 1
{uint16_t} season_id
- season ID (0 = not active){optional<uint64_t>} grant_fee
- grant fee (bips - 1/100 1%){optional<uint64_t>} bounty_fee
- bounty fee (bips - 1/100 1%){optional<name>} login_contract
- EOSN Login contract{optional<name>} fee_account
- fee account
$ cleos push action app.pomelo setconfig '[1, 500, 500, "login.eosn", "fee.pomelo"]' -p app.pomelo
Set season parameters. If optional parameter undefined - don't change it. If all parameters undefined - delete
{uint16_t} season_id
- season ID (0 = not active){optional<time_point_sec>} start_at
- round start time{optional<time_point_sec>} end_at
- round end time{optional<time_point_sec>} submission_start_at
- round submission start time{optional<time_point_sec>} submission_end_at
- round submission end time{optional<string>} description
- season description{optional<double>} match_value
- match value (for information purposes)
$ cleos push action app.pomelo setseason '[1, "2021-05-19T20:00:00", "2021-05-25T20:00:00", "2021-05-19T20:00:00", "2021-05-25T20:00:00", "Season 1", 100000]' -p app.pomelo
Create/update grant - wrapper for setproject for grants
{name} author_id
- author user id - cannot be modified{name} project_id
- project ID - cannot be modified{name} funding_account
- account to forward donations to{set<symbol_code>} accepted_tokens
- accepted tokens
$ cleos push action app.pomelo setgrant '["123.eosn", "mygrant", "project2fund", ["EOS"]]' -p app.pomelo -p 123.eosn
- authority:
Set grant or bounty state
{name} project_id
- project ID{name} status
- project status ("pending", "published", "retired", "banned", "denied")
$ cleos push action app.pomelo setstate '["grant1", "published"]' -p app.pomelo
Create/update round. If a parameter is null - don't change it
{uint16_t} round_id
- round id{uint16_t} season_id
- season id{optional<string>} description
- grant description{optional<double>} match_value
- total value of the matching pool
$ cleos push action app.pomelo setround '[101, 1, "Grant Round #1", 100000]' -p app.pomelo
- authority:
Adds grant to round
{name} grant_id
- grant_id{uint16_t} round_id
- round_id
$ cleos push action app.pomelo joinround '["grant1", 101]' -p app.pomelo -p 123.eosn
- authority:
Remove grant from round and update all matchings
{name} grant_id
- grant id{uint16_t} round_id
- round id
$ cleos push action app.pomelo unjoinround '["grant1", 101]' -p app.pomelo
Clear table
{name} table_name
- table name, i.e. "transfers"{uint16_t} [round_id]
- (optional) round ID{uint64_t} [max_rows]
- (optional) max number of rows to clear, if 0 - clear all
$ cleos push action app.pomelo cleartable '["transfers", 101, 500]' -p app.pomelo
- authority:
Remove user from all projects at this round and update all matchings
{name} user_id
- user id{uint16_t} round_id
- round id
$ cleos push action app.pomelo removeuser '["user1.eosn", 1]' -p app.pomelo
- authority:
Collapse donations from {user_ids} users into {user_id} in {round_id} and recalculate all matchings
{set<name>} user_ids
- user IDs to collapse{name} user_id
- user ID to collapse into{uint16_t} round_id
- round ID
$ cleos push action app.pomelo collapse '[["user2.eosn","user3.eosn","user4.eosn"], "user1.eosn", 1]' -p app.pomelo
Set token information
{symbol} sym
- (primary key) symbol{name} contract
- token contract{uint64_t} min_amount
- min amount required when donating{name} oracle_contract
- Oracle contract, i.e. swap.defi, oracle.defi{uint64_t} oracle_id
- Defibox oracle ID (for oracle.defi) or pair ID (for swap.defi)
$ cleos push action app.pomelo token '["4,EOS", "eosio.token", 10000, "oracle.defi", 1]' -p app.pomelo