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Version based Reports

JohannesProbst edited this page Aug 14, 2014 · 6 revisions

To create a Version-based Report you first have to reduce the selected version in a two steps process:

  • select your version of interest.
  • choose between the different execution dates of a version. Example: different execution dates

For each Version the following is listed for every feature:

  • Featurename
  • Tags
  • Status
    Can either be OK or FAILED.
  • Duration
  • Scenarios
    Lists the amount of passed, unknown, failed and the total number of scenarios.
  • Steps
    Lists the amount of passed, unknown, failed and the total number of steps.
    Example: Version-based Reports

Further more you are able to create a Feature-based Report by selecting a specific feature of before selected version.
This report illustrates you all feature-based scenarios as well as their steps and tags.
For each step in a scenario the following is listed:

  • Status
    Shows if a step has passed, failed or skipped.
    If a step has failed its error-log is clickable.
  • Duration
    Shows the duration of a step if it is higher then one millisecond.
  • Attachments
    Shows clickable screenshots or videos if available.
    Example: Feature-based Reports
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