DockerHub Image
There was an issue publishing to DockerHub with this release. Instead, you can use the image from v.2.18.0 which has no additional changes.
- Fix: Set bid meta adaptercode to adapter name (#3661)
- SmartHub: add Markapp alias (#3627)
- Fix issues flagged by golangci-lint (#3621)
- Capture SeatNonBids for rejected bids due to floor enforcement (#3625)
- Unruly: BidVideo.Duration Support (#3643)
- Playdigo: new adapter (#3636)
- Freewheel: add video dur and cat (#3640)
- New Adapter: Trustedstack (#3618)
@SmartHubSolutions, @Yanivplaydigo, @ashishshinde-pubm, @bhainesnexxen, @bsardo, @dmitris, @mwang-sticky and @product-trustedstack