Releases: primefaces/primeng
Releases · primefaces/primeng
What's Changed
- Prod by @cetincakiroglu in #17872
- fix: multiselect #17390 by @Lolibai in #17870
- Fixes #17866 - Emit correct index value when an AccordionHeader is clicked by @Kue2 in #17867
- Fixes issue 17801 by @majkers in #17863
- Fixes issue 17844 by @majkers in #17859
- Controlled tab documentation: update selected button when tab is changed by @peterpacket in #17860
- fix: clear icon position and cursor in inputnumber by @navedqb in #17856
- Issue 17852 - Fixes token fieldset.legend.color never used by @majkers in #17853
- fix: dt styles not loading for drawer set to [modal]="false" by @johnsonav1992 in #17843
- Fixes issue #17800 by @majkers in #17819
- fix(tab): add observer to detect content changes to update ink by @AlexFHer in #17804
- Update tsconfig.json by @abhi-nath in #17777
- v19.0.7+ Fixing issue #17759 where we are referencing classes that havent been defined yet by @tsteuwer-accesso in #17787
- fix(dialog): Ensure mask visibility state is consistent with dialog visibility by @AlexFHer in #17798
- Fixes issue #17245 with showHeader flag for dialog not working by @majkers in #17767
- fix(table): table has a generic RowData that applies on the input "value" and related interfaces by @jase88 in #17762
- Use PrimeNG's interface in examples, instead of manually creating a duplicate (bad practice in documentation) by @Wendelstein7 in #17765
- Fix: Inftalabel for other fields caused by PR#17755 by @ledsonsilva in #17879
- fix: allow searching items with spaces in picklist by @navedqb in #17857
- fix: Set the opacity to
for disabled autocomplete inputs by @hunhejj in #17686 - fix(Tree): apply gap between nodes by @infe42 in #17682
- Fixes issue 17842 and 17364, 17355 by @majkers in #17858
New Contributors
- @peterpacket made their first contribution in #17860
- @johnsonav1992 made their first contribution in #17843
- @AlexFHer made their first contribution in #17804
- @abhi-nath made their first contribution in #17777
- @tsteuwer-accesso made their first contribution in #17787
Full Changelog: 19.0.9...19.0.10
Full Changelog: 19.0.8...19.0.9
What's Changed
- Fix wrong default icon in messages by @WynieCronje in #17756
- Fix: Issue#17751 - Inftalabel affected nested inputtext in Select Component. by @ledsonsilva in #17755
- Emit onOpen and onClose when header is clicked by @TarhanTech in #17748
- Fixes issue #17512 by @majkers in #17713
- fix(multiselect): 17670 stop propagation for the escape event by @tri-harmoney in #17673
- chore(docs): set correct types for several components in the docs by @jase88 in #17658
- Fix: Correctly identify object options in multiselect filter by @israelrios in #17688
- fix: Fixed BaseComponent | release ThemeService by @sean-dp in #17644
New Contributors
- @WynieCronje made their first contribution in #17756
- @ledsonsilva made their first contribution in #17755
- @TarhanTech made their first contribution in #17748
- @israelrios made their first contribution in #17688
- @sean-dp made their first contribution in #17644
Full Changelog: 19.0.7...19.0.8
What's Changed
- fix(picklist): allow disabled options in picklist by @DaSchTour in #17534
- fix(p-orderlist): update orderlist with drag and drop functionality issue #16633 by @b0b123 in #17539
- fix: handle 'required' attribute for checkbox by @navedqb in #17541
- fix: xlsx remove unused vulnerable dependency by @mtrefzer in #17548
- fix(speeddial): add type='button' to prevent unintended form submission by @AladhamDawwa in #17553
- Fix: Select(#17382) Clickable Empty Message Label by @mark7p in #17555
- fix(badge): correctly set display none if disabled is true by @DaSchTour in #17560
- fix(autocomplete): add missing . in invalid style by @DaSchTour in #17561
- fix(picklist): update scroll parameters on reorder by @afermon in #17565
- fix(tree): apply styleClass of tree nodes by @infe42 in #17580
- Fix detection of pDroppableDisabled change after ngAfterViewInit by @drsgoodall in #17597
- fix(confirm-dialog): restore dissmissable-mask property by @Bock92 in #17618
- Fix #17621: Removed duplicate class attribute in examples of DataView by @Wendelstein7 in #17620
- Add tabindex property to password component by @Kaitenjo in #17624
- fix: incorrect placeholder in select docs by @navedqb in #17637
- Updates Loading Icon template reference variable by @taxpayer in #17736
- Update DataView interface to reflect current configuration by @taxpayer in #17735
- fix: selectedOptions not taking into account all options sometimes by @JacobSiegle in #17734
- build: publish as partial-Ivy format by @thetric in #17731
- fix: correctly apply custom design token (badge, dropdown, select, tabmenu) by @rfreydi in #17742
- fix(dynamic-dialog): aria-label of close button by @jase88 in #17726
- Fixes issue #17721 by @majkers in #17722
- fix(docs): Updating basicdoc.ts to use Control Flow syntax by @esthersoftwaredev in #17706
- fix: #17663 - month, year picker keyboard focus issue by @imaksp in #17695
- fix: datepicker-sizes-demo ts by @jjs98 in #17691
New Contributors
- @b0b123 made their first contribution in #17539
- @AladhamDawwa made their first contribution in #17553
- @afermon made their first contribution in #17565
- @infe42 made their first contribution in #17580
- @drsgoodall made their first contribution in #17597
- @Kaitenjo made their first contribution in #17624
- @thetric made their first contribution in #17731
- @rfreydi made their first contribution in #17742
- @majkers made their first contribution in #17722
Full Changelog: 19.0.6...19.0.7
What's Changed
- Remove onKeyDown event relying on KeyboardEvent.code -- Fixes #17392 by @balazsmeszegeto in #17393
- fix: #17222, hideOnDateTimeSelect issue for range by @imaksp in #17385
- Fix issue where the paginatorleft and paginatorright templates were n… by @GraemeG75 in #17379
- fix: #17314 - inputnumber model binding issue by @davidda in #17370
- fix(#17369) - Table - Fix row group footer rendered multiple times by @mserege in #17368
- fix: #17362 changed import to DynamicDialogModule in examples by @daniela-bonvini in #17361
- fix: rating keyboard navigation, fixes #17315 by @JaMeZ-B in #17342
- fix: #17339 scrolling behaviour in table with footer and frozen rows by @honboubao in #17340
- fix: datepicker when it's disabled by @SoyDiego in #17329
- fix decade title logic, fixes #17326 by @rosenthalj in #17327
- fix #17321: initial auto scroll by @rosenthalj in #17322
- docs: fix typo by @m-housni in #17317
- [FIX] add missing doc for active tab css selector by @pouyababaie in #17293
- update designer json-to-js regex to allow keys with dot notation by @jacksonopp in #17287
- fix: Fixes #17264 Card component subheader property by @honboubao in #17278
- fix: add missing rounded & text prop to maximize icon (Fixes #17275) by @imaksp in #17274
- fix(tablist): tabindex now correctly set from unwrapped computed signal by @jase88 in #17269
- Fix: Drawer(#17242) - Mask zIndex calculation bug by @mark7p in #17266
- Fix: ToolTip(#17243 ) - AppendTo bug by @mark7p in #17265
- fix: Fixes #17258 textarea style misplaced semi-colon by @honboubao in #17259
- fix: Fixes #17256 inputnumber Material theme CSS missing semi-colon by @honboubao in #17257
- docs: fix
template name in showcase code by @lezram in #17251 - fix #17146: correct month calculation logic to handle month, year transition… by @qwadrox in #17238
- docs(dynamicdialog): update documentation to include inputValues support by @nesgarbo in #17236
- fix: #17230 listbox and tree checkbox filled or outline variant by @honboubao in #17231
- fix: #17199 datepicker sizes by @mtrefzer in #17228
- fix: issue from previous PR #17370 by @davidda in #17400
- Add new emitter in Tree component: onNodeDoubleClick by @Xeway in #17284
- Fix: Table(#17062) | Adding custom sorticon should replace default sorticon. by @yxlim-dickson in #17281
- fix: update tablestyle.ts #17490 by @cetincakiroglu in #17492
- fix: refactor next button #17485 by @cetincakiroglu in #17493
- Showcase, Table: Use TableLazyLoadEvent instead of LazyLoadEvent by @can-oezkan in #17516
- Fix 17016 Close dynamic dialog on escape also when autoZindex is set to false by @shaman-apprentice in #17508
- fix: make build scripts cross platform by @davidda in #17497
- fix: p-treeTableCheckbox disabled not working by @stajne in #17495
- fix: make isSeparatorVisible full signal #17482 by @DaSchTour in #17483
- fix(picklist): Update picklist with drag and drop functionality issue #16578 by @ProgrammatoreInCamicia in #17475
- fix: remove aria-hidden from listbox focusable content by @TaneliTuomola in #17466
- fix(table): column resize does not work with sortable columns (#16735) by @LoaderB0T in #17461
- fix: aria-labels by @TaneliTuomola in #17448
- fix(p-menu): menu item visible flag logic by @Bock92 in #17441
- Fixed #17381 - Multiselect | Fix scoped tokens not working by @can-oezkan in #17427
- fix(rename): #17521 frozenexpandedrow and expandedrow by @ng-multivers in #17524
- fix: global input variant settings, fixes #17595 by @cetincakiroglu in #17596
New Contributors
- @balazsmeszegeto made their first contribution in #17393
- @imaksp made their first contribution in #17385
- @GraemeG75 made their first contribution in #17379
- @davidda made their first contribution in #17370
- @mserege made their first contribution in #17368
- @daniela-bonvini made their first contribution in #17361
- @JaMeZ-B made their first contribution in #17342
- @m-housni made their first contribution in #17317
- @jacksonopp made their first contribution in #17287
- @lezram made their first contribution in #17251
- @Xeway made their first contribution in #17284
- @yxlim-dickson made their first contribution in #17281
- @stajne made their first contribution in #17495
- @DaSchTour made their first contribution in #17483
- @ProgrammatoreInCamicia made their first contribution in #17475
- @Bock92 made their first contribution in #17441
- @ng-multivers made their first contribution in #17524
Full Changelog: 19.0.5...19.0.6
Full Changelog: 19.0.4...19.0.5
Full Changelog: 19.0.3...19.0.4
Full Changelog: 19.0.2...19.0.3
What's Changed
- Fix: Dropdown/Select(#17178) Marked as dirty on start by @mark7p in #17179
- Fix 17096: Updated examples to remove 'undefined' from
type.Patch 1 by @Wendelstein7 in #17191 - Fixed #17080 | Panel: toggle button is not rounded, missing p-button-… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17195
- Fix: V18 Editable Dropdown(#17110) Placeholder bug by @mark7p in #17116
- Fixed #17087 | ConfirmDialog: icon has wrong size by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17205
- fix: Removed apostrophe typo by @KraftyKaleb in #17149
- add missing semi-colon in radiobutton material style by @honboubao in #17188
- add glob flag to rimraf call in clean command for windows compatibility by @honboubao in #17187
- Fixed #17208 | CascadeSelect: Incorrect type for optionGroupChildren … by @mehmetcetin01140 in #17212
- fix: handle otp keyboard filling by @luca-peruzzo in #16987
- feat: Move showAll option to the end of options by @qwadrox in #17101
- #17132 Fix link would not work in Tree by @qwadrox in #17153
- Fixes #17143 Autocomplete emptyMessage not shown by @qwadrox in #17147
- Fix: Tag v19 (#17181): Remove deprecation warning from icon-property of TagComponent by @sandrotonon in #17182
- #17130 Dropdown: Fix search by @qwadrox in #17168
- fixed #17193: fixed rendering of dynamic dialog content by @rosenthalj in #17194
- Fix: ToggleButton(#17209) Missing ToggleButtonChangeEvent export by @mark7p in #17214
- Fix #17206 - calendar next button user template by @Delagen in #17207
- Fix: InputNumber(#17169) InputNumber marked dirty on blur by @mark7p in #17213
- Update LTS version details and lifecycle table by @MichiBaum in #17173
- fix: #17171 Fix tree inline style overridde by @aimanicose in #17172
- fix: #17032 listbox with checkbox random click behavior by @mtrefzer in #17167
- Fix: Dropdown(#17112) Autoscroll Bug by @mark7p in #17118
- Enhancement: Add Dynamic Input Values Support to DynamicDialog by @nesgarbo in #17037
- fix listbox header checkbox and filter alignment by @honboubao in #17190
- fix: #17220, Select: Editable Dropdown search not working as expected. by @akshayaqburst in #17221
- Fix: Dynamic Dialog not being properly destroyed on close by @stewieoO in #17123
- Docs: Table Size(#17113) Update Size Documentation by @mark7p in #17119
- Fix #17218 by @Indragith20 in #17219
New Contributors
- @KraftyKaleb made their first contribution in #17149
- @honboubao made their first contribution in #17188
- @Delagen made their first contribution in #17207
- @MichiBaum made their first contribution in #17173
- @aimanicose made their first contribution in #17172
- @mtrefzer made their first contribution in #17167
- @nesgarbo made their first contribution in #17037
- @stewieoO made their first contribution in #17123
- @Indragith20 made their first contribution in #17219
Full Changelog: 19.0.1...19.0.2
Full Changelog: 19.0.0...19.0.1