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JavaScript basics
JavaScript is a language that is typically used on web pages where it runs client-side (within the web browser). It is a general purpose language with a lot of built-in functionality for interacting with HTML elements on a webpage and responding to actions by the user, eg. keystrokes, mouse input, touch input. It is described as one of the "core three" technologies that drive the Web: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Although JavaScript has "Java" in it's name, it isn't related other than by the fact that it looks something like Java. It is supposedly influenced by the languages Self and Scheme, but with a Java or C++ appearance. JavaScript's official name is ECMAScript (ECMA is the European Computer Manufacturers Association, a standards body). It was initially created by Netscape Communications. (Wikipedia: JavaScript)
JavaScript has an interesting history. It was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich in 10 days ! to provide an urgently-needed web scripting ability at Netscape, but then took off as part of the late 90's explosion of the Web. Since then it has matured into a fully-functioned language, used in client-side Web code, server-side code, and many types of general code having nothing to do with the Web. It is often placed at the top in surveys of "languages most used", "languages most required in job ads" etc. Time spent learning JavaScript could be time well spent!
Script setup in HTML
Use of console
Variable naming
Converting between number and string
Extended character sets: Unicode, UTF
Null and Undefined
Simple objects
Precedence of Operators
Math functions
If else
Ternary conditional
Comparison issues, loose vs strict
Switch and Case
Do while
Break out of loop
For in, for of, forEach
Function arguments
Arguments are optional
Default arguments
Rest arguments
Arrow functions
Variable scope
Precedence of global vs local variables
The "let" declaration
Other points about let
The "const" declaration
Objects part 2: objects as classes
Adding methods to Objects
Memory Management and Garbage Collection
A p5.js example
The new Class statement
Code formatting, style, good practices, common mistakes
Line continuation
Strict mode
Style checkers
Common mistakes
JavaScript versions
Performance, efficiency, profiling
The Bottom Line
JavaScript in a web page can be placed anywhere within the HTML document, although it is typically included in the <head>
section of the HTML. It is specified by the use of <script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//JavaScript code goes here
var str = "This is my first message";
console.log(str); // This will show up in the browser's JavaScript console.
alert(str); // This will show a popup message in the browser. Irritating, use sparingly.
This is totally plain raw text, the browser will show it in some default font/size/colour, maybe Times/12/black.
If you put the above text in a file "index.html", you can open it, eg. by just clicking on it in a "file browser" dialog window, in Windows/MacOS/Linux.
You can also write JavaScript in a file external to the HTML and point to that file in a script tag. There can be more than one script. They can also be fetched from the Web.
<script type="text/javascript" src="myProcessingCode.js"></script> <!-- this is an HTML comment -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="libraries/p5.js"></script> <!-- Our p5 library -->
<script src="https://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> <!-- JQuery, a popular utility lib -->
Note, the type="text/javascript"
is not needed in the latest browsers, JavaScript is now the default script type.
JavaScript can be scattered all through a web page, enclosed in <script>
and </script>
, or in special tags like <button>
. Example: here we intercept a mouse click on a button, copy some data around, and change the background colour:
Field1: <input type="text" id="field1" value="Hello World!"><br>
Field2: <input type="text" id="field2"><br><br>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button> <!-- the onclick action is JavaScript too -->
<p>A function is triggered when the button is clicked. The function copies the text from Field1 into Field2,
and also changes the background colour</p>
function myFunction() {
document.getElementById("field2").value = document.getElementById("field1").value;
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
Try the above in an index.html. However this tutorial is not about use of JavaScript to control HTML elements, see multitudes of other web tutorials for all that.
One of the first things we need is to get some debugging output. You can write to the browser JavaScript console by using the built-in console.log()
console.log("Setting up scene"); // A general progress message
console.log("variables x, y values:", x, y); // Use the default space separation of args
console.log("variables x, y values: " + x + "," + y); // Concatenate message into a single string, more flexible
console.warn("Warning, polygon size is zero"); // This highlights the message, maybe in orange
console.error("Error, polygon size is negative"); // This highlights maybe in red
In order to see the console on Chrome, select menu sequence View -> Developer -> JavaScript Console. Use it often! On other browsers, just search for info on "how to open the JavaScript console in <whatever> browser". Note also that Processing has a print()
function which does a similar job to console.log()
Another useful thing is a command-line JavaScript interpreter, to check basic things and indeed follow along with this tutorial.
On Mac, there is a JavaScript interpreter at /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/jsc
You can invoke that directly from a Terminal screen (Finder -> Go -> Utilities -> Terminal).
To simplify typing, try "alias myjsc=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/jsc". Once in jsc, it operates much like the JavaScript console in a browser. Use Ctrl-C (quit) or more elegantly Ctrl-D (end of input) to exit the interpreter.
You can also download Node.js from https://nodejs.org and install it. Node is a large package of JavaScript utilities, including a standalone JavaScript interpreter.
$ node
> a = 1;
> console.log(a + 1); // prints 2
Now we begin the actual syntax of the JavaScript language. The most basic element is a "variable".
A variable holds a value in memory. It can be used in calculations, composing some kind of message, updating the appearance of a web-page component, controlling the appearance of a Processing visual object, countless things. Variables are a fundamental part of programming languages, like words are part of spoken languages.
A quick look at setting up variables:
let x = 5;
let y = x + 7; // y is now 12
let a = "some text"; // a is a string containing "some text"
let b = a + " is here"; // b is now "some text is here". Note the + has a different function for strings
let stuff = [1, 22, 333]; // stuff is a three element array, with the values shown
let s = stuff[2]; // s is 333. Note indexing is from zero, not one
let myRecord = { givenName: "Albert", familyName: "Einstein", age: 33 }; // Create an "object" with three key:value pairs
let name = myRecord.givenName; // name has string value "Albert"
let delete_file = false; // delete_file has a Boolean value "false".
let keep_file = !delete_file // keepFile has the Boolean value "true". (! means negate). Useful for binary options.
let string1 = ""; // One (good) way to initialise a string to an empty value.
let string2 = null; // Another way. Be careful, null has tricky properties, see later.
let string3; // Both this ...
let string4 = undefined; // ... and this give the var the "undefined" value. Also very tricky, see later.
creates a new variable. Older versions of JavaScript used the keyword var
. This still works and is very common, but for new code you should always use let
. We'll talk about this further down in this tutorial.
Variables should nearly always be given an initial value. Otherwise, like string3 above, they have an "undefined" value until later in the program, which can lead to hard-to-debug errors.
Variables (and other names in JS, like functions) can be named with lower and uppercase letters, numbers, underscore, or dollar signs. Avoid dollar signs. For multi-component names, there are two favourite styles: my_data and myData. The second is more common.
Underscores at the beginning or end of a name can denote something special, often a variable which is similar to a system-provided term. Eg. for some reason you desperately want to name some variable "var" but var is a reserved word in JS, so you can use "var_" or "_var_": var var_ = 123;
Unless you know very well what you're doing, this is not recommended.
JavaScript is a "loosely typed" or "dynamic" language - you don't have to declare the types of variables ahead of time. The type will get determined automatically while the program is running. Other languages such as Java, C, C++ are "strictly typed", mainly for catching errors at compile time, and each variable must declare the type of the data it will contain. Even though you don't have to declare types, JavaScript does have different data types.
In computing numbers conventionally come in two types: integer and floating point. An integer is a whole number, like 33, or 0, or -2. A floating point number has a fractional part, like 3.14, or 999.9, or -233.457. Floating point numbers can also be written in Exponential notation, eg. a thousand plus a half could be 1.0005e3, which means 1.0005 times 10 to the power 3, which is ... 1000.5 as required.
JavaScript however has just one Number type, which is used for both integers and floating point numbers. This makes coding a good deal easier.
Some examples:
let x = 5;
let y = 1.223;
let z = -300; // negative numbers are fine
let big = 1.23e82; // This is a big number, the estimated atoms in the universe, but quite ok to code with, why not?
let small = 1.6e-35 // The Planck Length, the smallest physical size (in metres) that has any meaning in classical physics.
let biggest = 1.7976931348623157e+308 // The biggest number JavaScript can hold. I know you wanted to know.
let smallest = 5e-324 // Why is it not symmetrical with biggest ? Small numbers can be "denormalised", we
// sacrifice digits to get more exponent. You didn't need to know this probs.
JavaScript actually stores all numbers as 64-bit floats in binary terms. You generally get from 15 to 17 decimal digits of accuracy, so you could safely write x = 1.23456789012345
. This is very accurate but still has limits. Sometimes it can lead to very small inaccuracies. Try this in the JavaScript console: 0.1 + 0.2
You should get 0.30000000000000004
Try 0.362 * 100
You should get 36.199999999999996
. This is rarely a problem in practice, after all it's accurate to 1 part in a quintillion, usually pretty ok ! Better than my old Engineers slide rule, accurate to 3 sig figs, that I designed those nuclear power stations with (ok not true).
Although JavaScript doesn't have a specific integer type, it uses special measures to keep integers 100% accurate where possible. Integers up to a magic value of 9007199254740991 (and down to -9007199254740991) are stored and computed with complete accuracy. (9007199254740991 is 2^53 -1, ie. 2 to the power 53, minus 1. This is because the integer is held precisely, in the 53-bit mantissa section of the 64-bit IEEE float word).
This means that counting and looping code will always work correctly. A loop like (for i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
will stop exactly at the million'th iteration. It won't blow up with issues about 999999.999999996 or 1000000.000000003.
Special numeric values
The 64-bit word which represents a number has provision for some special values, to signify exception conditions. These include Infinity (both positive and negative) and "Not A Number", to signify an impossible numeric outcome.
let x = 0;
console.log(1/x); // Infinity
console.log(-1/x); // -Infinity
console.log(-1); // Nan, ie. Not A Number
The Infinities are soft errors and allow computation to continue under certain conditions, but the NaN means "show over".
let x = 5, y = 10;
let z = (2*x - y); // zero
let q = 1/z; // Infinity
let r = 10/q; // Zero, as mathematically expected
let s = sqrt(x - y); // NaN
let t = s + 1; // NaN. Any computation with Nan is another Nan. The show is over.
A series of characters. These can be defined with either single or double quotes. To include a quote character, use the other type of quote around the string. Or use a backslash to escape the quote.
let x = 'hello';
let y = "maybe tomorrow";
let fancy = "we need some 'single quotes' in here";
let fancy2 = "strings can have \' and \" quotes inside";
There are a large number of useful built-in JavaScript properties and methods that let you manipulate strings. You can see them all here w3schools, and also here MDN. These two sites, the www3schools site, and the Mozilla Development Network (MDN), are good references. Another useful one is Javascript.info. A few of the most useful String methods follow:
Gives the length of the string. Note, this is a direct "property" of the string, always maintained by JS, not a callable method. So no function call() syntax is needed, just string.length. This is a common mistake when working with strings. If you are having weird errors around a use of some mystring.length code, make sure you are not typing mystring.length().
let str = "I like to eat pickles"
console.log(str.length); // 21
Returns the index of (ie. the position of) the first occurrence of a specified text in a string. Returns -1 if the search string is not found. All these methods return an indicator if the method fails, see the documentation. This is a callable () method, JS can't precompute anything about this request.
let str = "I like to eat apples.";
let pos = str.indexOf("eat"); // pos is 10
pos = str.indexOf("pears"); // pos is -1
Sometimes the interesting info is the last occurrence of something in a string.
let str = "long.complicated.filename.txt";
let suffixPosition = str.lastIndexOf("."); // 25
This method just returns whether the string contains a smaller string, true or false.
let str = "reallycrazylongstring";
let maybe = str.includes("zylo"); // returns true
substring(start, end)
Extracts a part of a string and returns the extracted part in a new string. The method takes 2 parameters: the starting index, and the ending index+1. So the substring returned is from str(start) to str(end-1) inclusive. Bit tricky.
let str = "I like to eat apples.";
let newStr = str.substring(2, 6); // "like", ie. characters 2,3,4,5
substr(start, length)
Another variation of substring. It takes 2 parameters: the starting index, and the length required. Murphy's Law of Programming says you'll always use one when you meant the other.
let str = "Bananas are yellow";
let newStr = str.substr(12, 4); // "yell"
An efficient way to get one character. Web commentary says it may be 5x or 10x faster than str.substring(pos, 1)
. This will rarely be a big issue, but it could be if you have terrible code extracting one character from a string, billions of times.
let firstChar = str.charAt(0);
JavaScript now allows a direct index operation on a string. Web commentary says this could be 2x faster than charAt()
. Again rarely an issue. Also, it's a read-only method, you can't change a character in a string this way.
let str = "Covid-19";
let c1 = str.charAt(2);
let c2 = str[4];
console.log(c1, c2); // prints "v d"
str[4] = "z"; // error
toLowerCase(), toUpperCase()
These functions convert the string to all lower or all upper case. Disappointingly there is no toTitleCase()
let str = "I like to eat apples.";
let lowerStr = str.toLowerCase();
console.log(lowerStr); // "i like to eat apples."
let upperStr = str.toUpperCase();
console.log(upperStr); // "I LIKE TO EAT APPLES."
let titleStr = str.toTitleCase();
console.log(titleStr); // should print "I Like To Eat Apples." but in fact fails.
This splits a string into an array of substrings, based on the separator, which can be one character or several.
let str = "a.multi.part.filename";
let result = str.split("."); // result is a 4 element array, ["a", "multi", "part", "filename"]
console.log(result[2]); // prints "part"
let str = "some; data; structured; like; this";
let result = str.split("; "); // result is a 5 element array, ["some", "data", "structured", "like", "this"]
console.log(result[3]); // prints "like"
We are jumping ahead to an array method here. The logical opposite of a "split" operation is a "join". These twin operations are available in most languages. In JS arrays have a join() method.
let str = "cool.image.jpg";
let result = str.split("."); // result is a 3 element array, ["cool", "image", "jpg"]
let newstr = result.join("-"); // newstr is a string "cool-image-jpg"
let newstr = result.join("..."); // newstr is a string "cool...image...jpg"
This method trims whitespace from both ends of a string. Whitespace includes space and tab characters, also CR and NL/LF, and also some uncommon characters like FormFeed and VerticalTab. (Uncommon these days, but common enough in the 50's, 60's, 70's when giant line-printers spewed out reams of 132 character wide line-printer pages. Oh I remember it well. Ok not the 50's or 60's).
let str = " string with spaces around ";
let result = str.trim(); // result is "string with spaces around" (well, not any more)
In the console, try abc = " abc \n";
.. abc;
.. trim(abc);
trimLeft(), trimRight()
These are more specific versions which trim whitespace only from the left or right of a string. Surprisingly they are not 100% standard, although very common extensions in JavaScript. For maxiumum robustness and portability of code, you could code these yourself as private utility functions, very easy. Or you could just check they work in your preferred browser and not worry.
Here's a suggested code from MDN for replacing trim(), you can modify it to create a trimLeft or trimRight. This uses a regexp call, a "regular expression", a miniature language in itself, and very powerful. IMHO the Perl documentation on regexp is the best I have seen: Perl regexp doco. But there can be tiny differences, if you have issues check the: JavaScript regexp doco.
if (!String.prototype.trim) { // we don't have trim(), rats
String.prototype.trim = function () { // add a local version
return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, ''); // trim all crazy whitespace off both ends with regexp
// this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+/g, ''); // for just trimLeft
// this.replace(/[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, ''); // for just trimRight
replace() - replace characters in a string
As you can see above, there is a "replace" method for strings. You can replace just one character or sequence, or all of a particular character or sequence in a string. The syntax is based on regular expressions.
let str = "a_file_name";
let str2 = str.replace(/_/, "-"); // str2 is "a-file_name" .. note only one underscore replaced
let str2 = str.replace(/-/g, "-"); // str2 is "a-file-name" .. all replaced
let filename = "picture.JPEG"; // annoying suffix
let filename2 = filename.replace(/JPEG/, "jpg"); // better perhaps
repeat() - generate a repeated string
It's a common need when programming to create a string of the same characters, of a particular length. JavaScript introduced the repeat() method rather late at ES6. Before that you had to painfully concatenate characters in a loop.
let dot = '.';
let dots = dot.repeat(8); // dots is "........"
let pad = 'x'.repeat(3); // pad is "xxx"
let deco = 'OX'.repeat(10); // deco is "OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX"
An example of its use is to pad a string to a given length, say to make numbers line up in a column of data.
function padleft(data, width) {
let w = data.length; // length (width) of input string
if (w < width ) {
return " ".repeat(width - w) + data; // pad data with some spaces on left
} else {
return data; // no need to pad
There are more String functions but the above would be 99% of what you need in p5.js.
There are some legit ways to convert between numbers and strings.
let num = 123;
let str = num.toString();
console.log(str); // "123", with the quotes, ie. definitely a string
typeof num; // number
typeof str; // string
let num2 = parseInt(str, 10) // 10 is the radix. You can use 16 or 8 or 2 for hex, octal, binary
console.log(num2); // 123, back to a number
let num3 = parseFloat("12.34"); // becomes the number 12.34
There are also some clunky ways of forcing conversions between numbers and strings. These come from the early days of JavaScript and are somewhat frowned upon.
let str = "123"; console.log(str); // "123" ie. in quotes, a string
let num = +str; console.log(num); // 123 a number. The + says make this thing 'str' a positive number.
let num2 = 456;
let str2 = ""+num2; console.log(str2); // "456" a string. the ""+ says concatenate nothing with num2.
Often you won't need these, JavaScript sorts out what to do mostly. But not always ..
var x = "12.34";
var y = 5.67;
var z1 = x - y; // 6.67, correct numeric answer
var z2 = x + y; // "12.345.67" Hmmm, surprise !
var z3 = Math.sqrt(z2) // NaN ! Bigger surprise !
In the English-speaking world we live in a privileged bubble where everything is in our familiar character set, ie. the good old English typewriter/printing character set. ASCII is the familiar encoding for these. But it is still limited; only about half the punctuation set we routinely use is in there, for example the dollar sign $ is there, but not a proper cents sign ¢ or UK Pounds sign £.
European languages have many accented characters, like the é in café. Then there is the Cyrillic alphabet, eg. Kremlin = Кремль. Then the character sets of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and many other languages. These can be the compact "phonetic" character sets, like Japanese Hiragana ひらがな with 46 characters, or the Chinese-derived Kanji 漢字 set of thousands of characters. There is the Arabic العَرَبِيَّة�� character set which runs right to left. My apologies to important languages I have not mentioned here.
(How am I entering these characters in the Wiki text here? - mainly cut & paste from web pages, the easiest way).
JavaScript allows the use of all these characters, using the Unicode character set. For example if you want to print a currency message:
cent = "\u00a2";
ukpound = "\u00a3";
message = "Your card will be billed $123 and 45" + cent + " which is UK pounds " + ukpound + "78.99";
console.log(message); // Your card will be billed $123 and 45¢ which is UK pounds £78.99";
One of the main traps with extended character sets is that the length of the visual string (say café, 4 visual characters) is not equal to the length of the encoded string, which will be longer than 4. This makes some text layout coding more difficult. There are facilities in JS to give you the "encoded length" of a string:
enc = new TextEncoder('utf-8'); // You can choose the UTF type. UTF-8 is the most common.
enc.encode("cafe").length; // 4
enc.encode("café").length; // 5
UTF-8 uses plain single-byte Ascii for the common English characters, "caf" here, and a 2-byte encoding for the next commonest Western set, which includes accented European characters. It uses 3 and 4 byte encodings for further characters.
Extended character sets are a big subject. If you need to, look up Unicode, UTF-8 in Wikipedia, and Google for other info.
Unicode chars
Example of cents
A "true" or "false" value. Boolean variables are often used for conditional testing and keeping track of state. Things that need to be on or off, done or not done. (Boolean comes from the mathematician George Boole who invented much of the binary true/false logic used in computing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Boole).
let drawBackground = true;
let doneSetup = false;
Arrays are used to store multiple objects or values in one variable, and access them via a numeric index. To create an array, use square brackets, and place any number of items separated by commas inbetween.
let arr = []; // empty array
let fruits = ["apple", "dragonfruit", "banana", "starfruit"]; // array of four strings
let ages = [10, 21, 89, 3, 68]; // array of numbers
let misc = ["pumpkin", 10.4, "dog", false, -1]; // arrays can have items of different datatypes
let more_misc = ["dustpan", "k", fruits, misc]; // arrays can contain other arrays. Works fine, but be careful !
console.log(more_misc[2][2]); // prints banana
console.log(more_misc[3][1]); // prints 10.4
You can access items in the array by numeric index; the first item in an array has index 0.
let arr = []; // create an empty array
arr[0] = "moss";
arr[1] = "sludge";
arr[2] = "mold";
console.log(arr); // ["moss", "sludge", "mold"]
console.log(arr[1]); // "sludge"
You can use a for loop to iterate over an array.
let arr = ["mushrooms", "cheerios", "sparkling water"];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
arr[i] = "I love " + arr[i];
console.log(arr); // ["I love mushrooms", "I love cheerios", "I love sparking water"]
Arrays can contain arrays, as noted above, so you can construct a 2 (or higher) dimensional array, even though JavaScript doesn't have an explicit multi-dimensional array type.
// A 2x2 matrix.
let matrix = [
[ 1, 2 ], // row 0
[ 3, 4 ] // row 1. Don't put a comma after the last item
console.log(matrix[0][1]); // Shows 2. Ie. matrix(row 0, col 1) in mathematical thinking.
// A 4x4 identity matrix, familiar to 3D graphics programmers ..
let identity_4x4 = [
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1]
Does JavaScript have a native matrix math ability ? No. But there are many matrix libraries available for JavaScript, just Google around. Also p5.js has a matrix facility for graphics transforms, eg. applyMatrix(), but that is only 2D graphics transforms at present.
Arrays can have empty (undefined) elements. If you add a new element beyond the current length of the array, the array is just extended. The array.length always returns the whole length of the array, including any undefined elements.
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
arr[5] = 999;
console.log(arr.length) // prints 6
for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
console.log(arr[i]); // prints 1 2 3 undefined undefined 999
Like strings, arrays have some built-in convenience properties and methods. You can see them all in the MDN array reference. A few of the common ones follow.
Gives the length (number of items) of the array. This can be useful for iterating over arrays. Note, as for String.length, this is a plain property, not a method call. Don't use array.length()
let arr = [3, 5, 19];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] *= 2;
console.log(arr.length); // 3
console.log(arr); // [6, 10, 38]
array.push(), array.pop()
Adds (pushes) a new element to the end of the array, increasing the length of the array by 1. Pop does the opposite.
let arr = [30, 10, 0];
console.log(arr.length); // 4
console.log(arr); // [30, 10, 0, true]
let last = arr.pop(); // last is true, arr is back to what it was
array.shift(), array.unshift()
These remove or add an element from the beginning of the array.
let arr = ["cats", "eat", "birds"];
console.log(arr.length); // 4
console.log(arr); // ["some", "cats", "eat", "birds"]
let first = arr.shift(); // last is "some", arr is back to what it was
array.indexOf(elt, [start])
Returns the index of given element, or returns -1 if it's not found. Arrays can't have negative indices, so -1 is an ok failure indicator. If given two args, the second is the start index for the search. If the start index is negative, we start "start" places back from the end (but we still search forward).
let arr = [2, 5, 9, 33]; // arr.length is 4, last index 3
let index = arr.indexOf(2); // 0 (2 is first, ie. zero'th, element)
index = array.indexOf(7); // -1 (there's no 7 in the array)
index = array.indexOf(5, -2); // 2 (5 is there, even when starting search at index 3-2 = 1)
index = array.indexOf(5, -1); // -1 (5 is not there, when starting search at index 3-1 = 2)
Reverses the order of the elements, in situ. This is a little unusual, mostly an array method returns a new output, leaving the original array unchanged.
let arr = [111, 222, 333, 444];
arr.reverse(); // arr is now [444, 333, 222, 111]
array.slice(start, end)
Extract a "slice" of an array, from index "start", to index "end" - 1. Like String.substring(), the end is one past the last element extracted.
let arr = [111, 222, 333, 444];
let arr2 = arr.slice(1, 3); // arr2 is [222, 333] ( not [222, 333, 444] )
array.splice(start, end)
Delete (or insert) one (or more) elements from (into) an array. I'm going to let you just read that one, it has a lot of functionality crammed into one call, it should probably be split up a bit. splice reference
A handy shortcut to filling an array with a set value. See the next paragraph for an example.
There are many more methods: sort(), keys(), values() .. Look them up when you need them. array methods
Creating empty arrays
Some final words on creating empty new arrays that will be populated later. This is a common task.
let arr1 = new Array(100); // Creates an array 100 long, all elements are undefined.
let arr2 = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { arr2[i] = 0; } // Same effect as arr1, but 0 is probably better than undefined.
let arr3 = new Array(100);
arr3.fill(0); // Populate all elements with 0. Probably the clearest approach.
Also, testing for an empty array is a bit quirky. An empty array does not test "equal" to the constant [ ].
let empty1 = [];
if(empty1 === []) console.log("test worked ok") else console.log("huh?"); // prints huh?
if (empty1.length === 0) console.log(array is empty"); // better
if (Array.isArray(empty1) && empty1.length === 0) console.log("array is empty"); // even safer, empty1 might not be an array
An Object can be thought of as a collection of properties. These properties can be values of any type, including numbers, text strings, arays, other objects, and functions, which can enable the building of complex and dynamic data structures. Arrays and objects are very similar; in fact arrays are a type of object, which only have numeric indexes, and have a defined order (array[0] to array[lastone], and allow gaps in the indices (ie. undefined parts of the array), and a few other subtleties.
Here we will cover just the basics of objects, with simple static members. Further down we will add function calls, ie. "methods" to objects, which allows us to create dynamic objects which provide the functionality called "classes" in other languages.
At a basic level, JavaScript objects are a data type like an Array, where a numeric or string "key" can be used to access the data. In other languages they are sometimes called associative arrays, or hash tables. Here is a common case - a table of textual data, accessed by a text key:
let movieStar = { "givenName": "Errol", "familyName": "Flynn", "status": "deceased" };
console.log(movieStar.givenName); // prints Errol
console.log(movieStar["status"]); // prints deceased. You can use the dot or the [ ] notation.
An object can have all sorts of keys, and data values. Here's a deliberately complicated one:
let obj = { 1: 1, "twos": 22, 333: "threes", "name": "Fred Nurk" }; // all the combos of number & string
console.log(obj); // 1: 11 33: "threes" twos: 22 name: "Fred Nurk"
console.log(obj.twos, obj.name); // 22 "Fred Nurk"
console.log(obj[1], obj[333]); // 1 "threes" (have to use [] notation for numeric keys)
console.log(obj["twos"], obj["name"]); // 22 "Fred Nurk" (string keys can use the [] notation as well)
Objects with string keys ( obj.name or obj["name"] ) are a convenient way to store arbitrary data. Note here we have an array, of objects.
var staff = [];
staff[0] = { "first": "Sue", "last": "Smith", "age": 55, "title": "Dean", "faculty": "Arts", "salary": 234567 };
staff[1] = { "first": "Jim", "last": "Jones", "age": 44, "title": "Prof", "faculty": "Arts", "salary": 123456 };
staff[0].age // returns 55
Objects can contain other objects. You can build them in different ways according to your needs.
let obj = { 1: 11, 2: {2: 22}, 3: 33}; // Build in one go with a nested object literal
let obj2 = {2: 22};
let obj = { 1: 11, obj2, 3: 33 }; // Build same object in stages
let obj = {}; // Build it in smaller stages
obj[1] = 11; // Note the [1] is key 1, not array index 1 ..
obj[2] = {2: 22}; // .. so there doesn't need to be a key 0
obj[3] = 33;
If we use an iterative access method to access all the members of an object, the order the records will be returned in is unpredictable. There's no set "order" for the members of an object.
let stuff = { 0: "a", 1: "b", 2: "c", 3: "d" }; // You'd think this order would be remembered, eh ?
for (let x in stuff) { // A convenient type of loop over the keys, described later
console.log(x); // Could be 0 2 1 3, or 3 0 2 1 or anything
console.log(stuff[x]); // => a c b d d a c b
As seen above, objects can use the array-like [ ] access notation, ie. object[key], so it can be hard to know if something you see in some code is an object or an array. Thing[accessor]
? what's that ? could be an array or an object. The typeof operator might help .. but typeof anObject
and typeof anArray
both return "object" (reflecting the fact that they are indeed closely related). However the function isArray() can distinguish them:
let obj = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3};
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
typeof obj; // returns "object"
typeof arr; // returns "object", rats
Array.isArray(obj); // returns false
Array.isArray(arr); // returns true, great
Note typeof
is an operator and doesn't need the function call ( ) syntax. However if you prefer to use the ( ) it works fine - the brackets just become a useless precedence/grouping indicator, get thrown away, and the expression reduces to typeof xxx
We will come back to more details on Objects later. Particularly the ability to include functions (methods) in an Object, and hence make a kind of class, where the Object has data and methods to insert, access, process, etc. its data.
The value of a variable which has not been given any value is undefined
. This is a specific single type with a single value, which you can also assign manually.
Variables can be "emptied" by setting the value to null
. This is another specific single type and value. It means a specific value has been assigned, but it's deliberately null.
Often it's better to avoid null and undefined, JS does some unexpected things with them. If an 'undefined' variable is accidentally used in a calculation, it throws an error.
var car; // Value is 'undefined'. Not a string, a built-in value.
var truck = undefined; // Same effect. At least the reader can see you thought about it.
var person = null; // Value is 'null'. Not a string, a built-in value.
var count = 0; // This is safer for numerics
var message = ""; // Safer for strings
var newArray = []; // Safe
var newObject = {}; // Safe
Creating new "empty" things in JavaScript is surprisingly clunky. It's slightly hard to know what you have done with a statement like var myArray = []
. Go to the JS console and type it, then just type "myArray". JS will compute the expression, which is a single array, with no useful effect, ie. no assignment to anything, but that's ok, and display a breakdown of what it is, an array with no elements, length 0. You can hit the disclosure triangle for more detail if there is one. Try again with myArray = [1,2,3]
. You'll get the picture quickly. Also try var myObj = {}
and myObj = {"alpha":1, "beta":2}
Note: the typeof
operator is a great debugger and learning tool. Try it in the JS console. typeof 1; typeof "a" ; x = 12.34; typeof x; x = x + "hello"; typeof x; a = 1.23; b = a + '4'; typeof b; typeof undefined; var z; typeof z; typeof null
Once variables are declared, you can assign values to them and use them in operations.
var x = 5;
x = x * 5; // x now 25
x = "cat"; // You can change the type of a variable any time, here number to string
var y = x + "s hate dogs"; // y is "cats hate dogs". Note + is the only math operator that has been hijacked for string use.
var z = x - "t"; // Result is NaN (Not a Number), not "ca". It totally blew up! Brilliant. Thanks Brendan.
We will zoom through the operators here. We assume some basic maths background in the reader.
a = 123;
a = b = c = 123;
// Multiple assignment is allowed and looks neat, but is risky. Details
Also, it can have very unexpected effects with more complex variables. array1 = array2 = [1,2,3]
can actually end up with array1 and array2 referring to the same physical data:
let array1 = [], array2 = []; // Couple of empty arrays.
array1 = array2 = [1,2,3]; // (*) Both initialised to [1,2,3] - ok, fine so far.
array1[0] = 4; // Modify one element of array1
console.log(array1[0], array2[0]); // prints 4 4 !! Holy cow. array1 and array2 are pointing to the same data !
Because array names are a "reference" to a memory location, the statement (*) above has made two arrays reference the same data. In other languages this might be fine. Another good reason to avoid multiple assignments of anything in JavaScript. (The same comments apply to Objects).
addition -
subtraction -
multiplication -
division -
exponentiation: // 3**4 gives 81. New in EcmaScript 6. Before we required Math.pow(x,y). See later in tut. -
modulo -
add one shorthand -
subtract one shorthand
These operators have shortcut styles, sometimes useful, especially the a += b
and 'a -= b` shortcuts.
a = 1
a += 5
Same as a = a + 5. a now 6 -
a -= 4
a now 2 -
a *= 7
a now 14 -
a /= 2
a now 7 -
a %= 2
a now 1 -
b = a++
b is 1, a is 2 - the ++ was done after the assignment -
b = ++a
b is 3, a is 3 - the ++ was done before the assignment. Similarly for -- Use these carefully, "out by one" oversights happen easily.
A recent addition to JavaScript. A nice shorthand to assign a list of data, or an explicit array, or object, to a series of variables. The array/object on the RHS is "destructured" into the list on the LHS.
let a, b, c;
[a, b, c] = [1, 22, 333];
console.log(b, c); // prints 22 333
let name1, name2;
[name1, name2] = getNicknameArray();
console.log(name1, name2); // could print "Jimbo Jacko"
let obj = { "key1" : 123, "key2" : 456 };
let { key1, key2 } = obj;
console.log(key1, key2); // shows "123 456"
The destructuring of objects is slightly tricky, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment
greater than or equal to // works with strings also, but many subtleties. Is 'aAa' < 'BbBb' ? Is ODonnel < O'Donald ? -
less than or equal to -
equal to -
not equal to -
equality with strict type checking, safer -
inequality with strict type checking, safer
Note, strings can be compared for equality with the same operators as simple scalar data types. This is quite convenient, many languages require an extra utility for string comparison. Eg. in C result = strcmp(str1, str2)
let str1 = "Bondi Beach";
if (str1 === "Bondi Beach") console.log("Great!"); // prints Great!
* || logical OR // if ( feelingTired || reallySleepy ) { lieDown(); }
* && logical AND // if ( haveWallet && (money > 10) ) { buyBeer(); }
* ! logical NOT // showDebugInfo = ! inProductionMode;
The operators have a precedence which sometimes matches what we learned in school. When operators have equal precedence, they proceed left to right. xx = 24 / 6 * 5
will produce 20. But xx = 1 + 2 * 3
will produce 7, not 9, because the multiplication has higher precedence and will get done first. To force the order you want, use brackets.
let xx = (1 + 2) * 3 // will produce 9.
let gravity = G * (mass1 * mass2) / (distance * distance);
let intensity = light / (Math.sqrt( (radius * radius) + fudgeFactor );
Other operators have progressively lower precedence. Full table here. This allows you to write most expressions in a natural way.
if( radius > 5.0 && radius < 10.0) { drawCircle(); } // works fine, but ...
if( (radius > 5.0) && (radius < 10.0) { drawCircle(); } // clearer and safer.
The lowest operator is a strange thing called the "comma" operator. You can pack several statements into one. (x = y, a = b). The most common use is in a slightly more fancy "for loop".
for (let i = 0, j = 9; i < 9; i++, j--) { // i runs 0 up to 9, j runs 9 down to 0
console.log( a[i][i] ); // Print the conventional diagonal elements of a 9x9 array
console.log( a[i][j] ); // Print the other diagonal, top-right to bottom-left, of the array
Some traps exist. No precedence order can be what you want all the time. An example from p5.js:
let images = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) {
images[i] = createImage(width, height); // Create an array of new images.
images[i].loadPixels(); // Ok? Noooo. The member access ".loadPixels()" has higher precedence than the array index, so gets called
// on the entire Array 'object' and fails. Moreover we get a silent error, very hard to chase.
(images[i]).loadPixels(); // Better. Force the array indexing first, call loadPixels() on the individual array element.
The maths functions are sequestered inside the Math package, to avoid polluting the top level namespace with everyday terms like min, max etc., following good modern practice.
However p5.js brings most math functions back out as top level names, eg. x = sqrt(y)
. See p5 reference and follow the Math link. I'm not sure of the rationale for that, easy coding for artists I guess.
A few examples:
circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius; // PI is a constant 'property' of Math, no () call needed
distance = Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2 )); // Standard 2D distance calc; you know this
absoluteValue = Math.abs(value);
maxiumum = Math.max(a,b,c, ...); // any number of args, Math.min similar
roundUp = Math.ceiling(69.69); // result is 70
height = base * Math.sin(angle); // and similarly cos, tan, asin, sinh, etc
expo = Math.pow(2, 10); // 1024. Can also be coded as 2**10 with the new ** operator
bigInt = Math.pow(2, 53); // 9007199254740992 of course. Have you been paying attention ?
rand = Math.random(); // result between 0.0 and 1.0 (actually 0.9999999999...)
The full Montezuma ???
Conditionals allow your program to execute a block of code, based on the result of an expression that utilizes relational or logical (boolean) operators, or just boolean values.
let x = 1;
if (x > 0) {
let a = x + 1; // these will get executed
let b = a + 3;
if (runAnalysis) {
// run some analysis, if the boolean var 'runAnalyis' was true
} else {
// run some other code
if (x > 5) {
// execute some code
} else if (x < -5) {
// execute some other code. The "else if" chain can go on as long as you like.
} else {
// execute some other other code.
let x = 1;
if ( (x >= -5) && (x <= 5) ) { // fully bracketed, clearer
// execute some code if x was in range -5 to +5
let x = "puddings";
if ( x.length === 8 || x.indexOf("ding") !== -1 ) { // a couple of silly tests
// execute some code. Note the above is using exact or "strict" comparisons, safer.
Editorial note: in Pedantic World these names are used - () parentheses, [] brackets, {} braces, <> chevrons. However it's common to just say () round brackets, [] square brackets, {} curly brackets, <> angle brackets.
JavaScript allows a form of the famous ternary (three-way) operator. condition ? expr1 : expr2
rich = dollars > 1e6 ? true : false; // example 1
rich = (dollars > 1e6) ? true : false; // a bit clearer
rich = (dollars > 1e6) ? true // even clearer, but few code formatters will preserve this well
: false;
This allows some compact statements in certain cases. It can chain on into multiple instances, but that can get very unclear.
rich = dollars > 1e7 ? "yes" : dollars > 1e6 ? "maybe" : "no"; // unclear
rich = (dollars > 1e7) ? "yes" // a bit better
: (dollars > 1e6) ? "maybe"
: "no";
if (dollars > 1e7) { // you might prefer a plain if/then/else style
rich = "yes"
} else if (dollars > 1e6 ) {
rich = "maybe"
} else {
rich = "no"
The consensus seems to be that the ternary ?:
operator is ok for simple one-level tests, like example 1 above, but avoid nesting it deeper.
Warning: some comparisons between variables that you think would return a clear true or false result can be tricky. The "==" and "!=" operators use an unusual "loose" comparison and can produce some surprising results, eg. "" == false
is true, but "false" == false
is false. (There is some logic to that, but it's not great design). There's a quaint terminology called "truthy" and "falsy". Values like 0 or "0" or "" or [] or [[]] or [0] are falsy. Values like 1, "1" and [1] are truthy.
The "===" and "!==" operator set were introduced at JavaScript 1.3 to provide exact comparison - things must be the same type and the same value to be equal. The only thing that is equal to Boolean true
is another Boolean true
, not 1 or "1" or [1]. It's advisable to always use the === and !== versions, but the "==" and "!=" are so common in other languages your fingers will type them without thinking. This is all a legacy from the early days. Here are the gory details: Comparison tables
Rather than a long if/else chain, we can select among simple options with a switch statement.
switch ( userInput ) {
case 'q':
quitProg = true; // set a flag to quit the prog a little later
case 'r':
resetProg = true; // a flag to reset things
frames = 0; // reset another thing right here
case 'd':
showDebug = true; // a flag to show debug info each frame
console.log("Unexpected user input", userInput);
This is neat and clear. If you omit the break
the code will "fall through" to the next case. This is generally error-prone, a reader often doesn't notice it, and then you create hours of head scratching (most likely for yourself).
Also, always use the default
catcher, even if you think it can never happen. Something may change in future and some unexpected value will come into the switch
and the default
catcher will alert you.
The values in the case
clause can be any constant. Examples: case 1
, case 23.45
, case "a"
, case "bcd"
. Note that case
uses exact === comparison, so case "1"
and case 1
are NOT the same. This can catch you out a lot in p5.js, eg. user input from an HTML widget callback will usually deliver you a string like "5"
and not a Number 5, so you must catch it with a case "5"
Just as with our conditional (if / else) statements, a while loop employs a boolean test that must evaluate to true in order for the instructions in the curly brackets to be executed. The instructions continue to be executed until the test condition becomes false. If the test condition is false at the start, the loop body will not execute at all.
let x = 0;
while (x < 10) {
console.log(x); // Should print 10 times. Or maybe 9, or 11 ? A good exercise to check.
This is similar to the while loop, but the test is done at the bottom, after each iteration of the loop. One oft-quoted consequence is that the loop always executes at least once. But really the point is that it's just clearer to test some conditions at the bottom. The code can reflect your thinking.
let x = 0;
do {
console.log(x); // How many times does it print now ?
} while (x < 10) // repeat while x is less than 10
Since the above is a very common use of a loop, ie. running through a simple sequence of values, there is a simpler way to do it: the for{} loop. You can read the example below as: a) create variable x and set it to 0; b) if x is less than 10 do the stuff in the loop body; c) increment x by 1 at the end and go back to b).
for (let x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
console.log(x); // This is a very common idiom. The loop will run exactly 10 times, for sure.
// Remember: x = 0; x < loopCount : gives exactly loopCount passes.
// x = 1; x <= loopCount : same, less common. Programmers like 0 basing.
The break
statement will terminate a loop. One common idiom is to have an endless loop, and break out when you have done what you need. Sometimes this is clearer to code than other options.
while(true) {
// do stuff
if ( value === 100 ) { break; } // Don't forget that semicolon
// do more stuff
a = b + c; // continue here after the break
There are further loop types that iterate conveniently over the elements of an array or object. I will show them without much explanation, they have some gotchas.
let arr = [44, 33, 22, 11];
let obj = { "1st": 1, 2: 2, "3rd": 3, 4: 4 };
// Iterate through the indices of an array
for (let n in arr) { // let n keeps the scope of n restricted to this loop block. See more later in this tut.
console.log("index is", n); // prints "index is 0, index is 1, index is 2, index 3"
// Iterate through the values of an array
for (let n of arr) {
console.log("value is", n); // prints "value is 44, value is 33, value is 22, value is 11"
// Iterate through the keys of an object, ie. the keys in the Key:value pairs
for (let n in obj) {
console.log("key", n); // Could print "key 2, key 4, key 1st, key 3rd". Note random order.
// forEach has a lot of functionality. Also see array.some(), array.every() etc. Basic example:
function funky(value) {
arr.forEach(funky); // prints 44 33 22 11
The above loop types have some things to watch out for. One is that there can be unsuspected extra properties on arrays and objects, that your for-in/on/each loop will hand you. You may have to take precautions that you only iterate over the conventional "iterable" elements, ie. in the case of an array the elements arr[0] to arr[last]. That's if you just want to do conventional processing on array/object data.
However on other occasions you may want to see everything that's there, to do fancy stuff with object-oriented dynamic design. Then you can let the loops show you the works. All this is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
You may not need these loop types in p5.js. (These are not the loops you're looking for ...)
A readable blog on forEach (He's grabbed a great URL there, "thejsguy.com").
A function is a unit of reusable code, which can be invoked or "called" many times, possibly with different input values. They are a key part of any language. Functions help structure and organize your code: self-contained processes and computations can be neatly isolated in a function.
Functions are named after mathematical functions: f(x) = x * x. In JavaScript this would become function square(x) { return (x * x); }
Other languages can use terms like "subroutine" or "procedure" to describe a function. Fortran IV used to provide SUBROUTINE which returned no value, and FUNCTION which did return a value. In modern languages a "function" can return or not return a value just as you like, and you can also use or ignore the return value afterwards, as you like.
A neatly self-contained function can be replaced with a better version at a future time: a standard example would be a "sorting" function. With low numbers of test data items that need to be sorted into order in some sort() function, a simple "bubble sort" might be fine. This runs in O(N2), which is academic speak for "Order N squared", meaning the time to sort a list of N items is approximately proportional to N squared. This goes up quite rapidly, but it's not going to be a problem until N reaches high numbers, maybe thousands or tens of thousands.
When you need to sort millions of things, you might need to replace your sort() function with a more sophisticated multi-phase tree/bucket/heap/shell sort, which can be O(n Log n) or better. Just change your sort function ! [full monty] [JavaScript monty]
Here are some simple functions:
function sayHello() {
sayHello(); // Call the function. Prints "hello"
// A p5.js example.
// Note, p5.js supplies "random()" as an interlude to Math.random(), with more flexible value range.
function changeBackground() {
// Render the screen background in a random color
background(random(255), random(255), random(255)); // choose a number from 0 to 255 for red, green, blue
A function can accept values as input, known as arguments or parameters. Example:
function add(x, y) {
print("Sum of", x, "and", y, "is", x+y);
let a = 2;
let b = 3;
add(a, b); // prints "Sum of 2 and 3 is 5"
Note that within the function code, the parameters are "place holder" variables limited to the scope of the function. To split hairs, the "parameter" is the name of the formal parameter, x or y in the example above, it's a static term in the function source text. The "argument" is the value that gets passed in, a dynamic run-time thing, a or b in the code above.
When a function is run, the values passed in are temporarily assigned to the parameters defined in the function, until the function completes its execution and returns to the caller. After return, normally all data inside the function just "evaporates", its job is done. (Technically, the "stack frame" with all the function's data is popped off the stack).
In the case of simple variables supplied as function arguments, the value is "copied" to the parameter inside the function, and the caller's value for the variable can't be changed. So above, nothing you assign to x or y within the function, will change the value of a or b in the calling code.
In the case of arrays or objects supplied as function arguments, a pointer to the actual array or object is passed to the function, and the caller's value can be changed. Examples of the different types:
let var1 = 1;
let array1 = [1, 22, 333];
let object1 = { "a":1, "b":22, "c":333 };
function example(v, a, o ) {
v = 123;
a[0] = 456;
o.b = 789;
example(var1, array1, object1);
console.log(var1); // 1 // the scalar didn't change
console.log(array1); // [ 456 22 333 ] // the array did change
console.log(object1); // { "a":1 "b":789 "c":333 } // the object did change
Here are some functions with arguments.
function sayHello(person) {
console.log("Hello " + person);
var name = "Jenny";
sayHello(name); // prints "Hello Jenny"
function addNumbers(a, b) {
let c = a + b;
addNumbers(3, -10) // prints -7
// Using p5.js
function drawEllipse(x, y) {
ellipse(x, y, 50, 50);
return; // You can explicitly make it clear where the function returns, if you like, even if it returns no data
drawEllipse(mouseX, mouseY); // a nice circle, centre x,y radius 50
Try this in the console: function ff() { console.log("zippo"); }
then typeof(ff)
then ff
then ff()
In JavaScript, all function arguments are in fact optional. This presents both convenience and some risk.
Additional trailing arguments can be given to functions with great ease - p5.js uses this extensively, eg. rect() call. However it can be difficult to know how many arguments are actually available, without good documentation, or access to the source code of the function.
Any arguments not supplied, but which the function attempts to use, have the value undefined
function show(a, b, c) {
console.log(a, b, c);
show(1, 2, 3); // prints 1 2 3
show(4, 5); // prints 4 5 undefined
show(); // prints undefined undefined undefined
setReactorControls(min); // Err, was there a max ?
To ensure all arguments have some useful default value, and protect against undefined
causing havoc, you can specify default argument values in the function declaration.
function show2(a = 2, b = 33, c = "cat") {
console.log(a, b, c);
show(1, 2, 3); // prints 1 2 3
show(4, 5); // prints 4 5 cat
show(); // prints 2 33 cat
Given that a JS function can be called with any number of arguments, from none to any number, it's handy to have a facility to easily deal with them.
One facility is the arguments
object. This puts all the arguments the function was called with into an object arguments
. You can access them like this:
function f1(a,b,c) {
for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
f1(1, 22, 333); // Prints 1, 22, 333
The arguments object has some limitations. It's not a regular array, but a type of object. It has a length which you can access, as above, but it can't be "popped", "shifted" etc, which are things you might like to do when parsing your function arguments.
A neater method introduced in ES6 is the ...rest
syntax. This puts all the trailing arguments not specifically assigned to a named parameter, into a normal array. It's like the varags
facility in C/C++.
function f2(a, b, ...theRest) {
console.log("a = ", a);
console.log("b = ", b);
for (let i = 0; i < theRest.length; i++) {
print("trailing arg ", i, " = ", theRest.shift() );
f2(1, 22, 333, 4444);
// Prints a = 1
b = 22
trailing arg 0 = 333
trailing arg 1 = 4444
The functions above take some action or change the state of the program (typically draw something, in p5.js), but they don't return any value. If you need your function to return a value, use return someValue
. This is often at the end of the function, but can also be anywhere else in the function.
function addNumbers(a, b) {
let c = a + b;
return c;
var result = addNumbers(3, -10);
console.log(result); // prints -7
var name = "Jenny";
function makeSuper(person) {
return "Super " + person;
var name = makeSuper(name);
console.log(name); // "Super Jenny"
// p5.js has some built-in functions like this
let x = random(100);
console.log(x); // could print 23 or 77 or ...
// You can write your own enhanced function, using p5.js functions
function addJitter(x) {
let y = x + random(-1, 1); // use p5.js random() func. Two args allowed, min and max.
return y;
let result = addJitter(10);
console.log(result); // 10.3 or 9.8 or ...
function severalReturns(number) {
if (number < 0 ) {
return(number - 1); // Note this terminates the function. An easy coding style, and not too bad if used clearly.
} // Some people will be expecting the return at the end of the function. It's a matter of style.
if (number > 0 ) {
return(number + 2);
if (number === 0) {
return(0); // no change
severalReturns(5); // returns 7
severalReturns(-8); // returns -9
JavaScript copes fine with recursive algorithms. The function calls and their local data just stack up on the "stack" and then unwind in the usual way. Here's the classic factorial(n) function. It's not a proper language tutorial without a recursive factorial function !
function factorial(n) {
if ( n === 1 ) {
return 1;
} else {
return n * factorial(n-1);
fact(1) // 1
fact(5) // 120
fact(69) // 1.711224524281413e+98 This was as high as my HP-45 Engineers calculator could go, with a 2 digit exponent
fact(170) // 7.257415615307994e+306 JavaScript can do better
Let's try a two-legged recursion: the famous Ackermann function. This recurses down the two arguments, and will stack vast chains of recursive calls on the stack. It looks simple enough, but grows ferociously, in both computational data storage, and the final answer.
function ackermann(m,n) {
if ( m === 0 ) { return n+1; }
if ( m > 0 && n === 0 ) { return ackermann( m-1, 1); }
if ( m > 0 && n > 0 ) { return ackermann( m-1, ackermann(m, n-1) ); }
ackermann(0,0) // 1 Ok so far.
ackermann(0,1) // 2
ackermann(0,100) // 101 This leg of the recursion is simple !
ackermann(1,1) // 3
ackermann(2,1) // 5
ackermann(2,2) // 7 a doddle !
ackermann(3,2) // 29 growing a little, what could go wrong ?
ackermann(4,1) // Exception: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. Well, the answer is supposed to be only 65533,
// but we ran out of stack space to store all the recursion levels.
ackermann(4,2) // Exception: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. The answer here has 19,729 digits, ie.
// approx 10^19729. We couldn't remotely represent the answer in 64 bits, never mind store all the recursion.
By raising the stack space to the maximum in the JavaScript configuration, we might just get Ackermann(4,1) to complete. Let's not bother. Ackermann's function
Just for fun let's briefly mention closures. These are an advanced topic which you will probably not need in your p5.js app code.
Closures are a software design technique where some data and code are cleverly "encapsulated" and protected in a function. Rather than waffle on further, let's look at an example.
var update = (function () { // Note, unnamed function here. No name between "function" and ().
var importantCounter = 0; // This holds important data, that you want to tightly manage access to.
return function () { // Another unnamed function.
if ( checkAuthorisation() ) {
return importantCounter += 1;
update(); // returns 1
update(); // returns 2
update(); // returns 3
What's happening here ? "update" is defined as a function. Remember JavaScript has "first class" functions, or another way to say it, functions are "first class citizens", like other data types. So a variable can hold a function, which can be passed around and called. "update" also has an internal data item, importantCounter.
Normally importantCounter would evaporate every time update() is called. But here the function becomes preserved as part of the definition of update(), and so does importantCounter.
"update" becomes a callable function, which has access to importantCounter. But this is the only way to get at the counter, there's no shortcut. You have to call update() and pass some checks.
At the time of the declaration and definition of update, at line "var update = ...", an internal function is called once and sets importantCounter to 0, and then it returns another function, which when called in future will make a check and then increment the counter.
After that, easy peasy. Each call of update() calls the check() code and then updates the counter.
More sophisticated use of closures can make convenient but safe and reliable code. They are used a lot in Node.js and JQuery, two common JS utility libraries, and no doubt many others. I see mention of closures in libraries/p5.js !
You may see these in ES6 code. They have been recently added to the p5.js Reference Page examples as well. They're a convenient short-cut for very simple utility functions. The arrow notation =>
is used in the function definition. Sometimes they're called "fat arrow functions" since they use =>
and not ->
. (An aside - just when you think there's no more operators you can squeeze out of the Ascii character set, a new one comes along. >=
already means "greater than or equal to" but =>
was unused. It also has a mathematical antecedent: A => B has meant "A implies B" or "A leads to B" in mathematical logic for a long time, and we can read an arrow function something like that).
let x2 = (x) => x * x; // x2 is a function which returns the square of x
// Read this as: x2 = a function which maps x to x*x
a = 5;
b = x2(5); // b is 25
let func x2(x) { // The same thing defined with a standard function.
return x * x;
let sum = (a, b) => a + b; // An arrow function with two args
a = 1; b = 2; c = sum(a,b); // c is 3
Arrow functions also allow some concise expression of larger but very "regular" operations. The examples below use some array features which we haven't covered. You can look them up if you're interested, eg. array reduce
let arr = [5, 6, 13, 0, 1, 18, 23];
let sum = arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b); // 66. A way to add all the array elements.
let even = arr.filter(v => v % 2 == 0); // [6, 0, 18]
let double = arr.map(v => v * 2); // [10, 12, 26, 0, 2, 36, 46]
Variables that you declare inside a function, and also the function arguments, are local to that function, and can't be accessed outside the function. This provides vital "encapsulation" and protection of the functions data. Otherwise a statement x = y + 1
in one function could trample badly on a statement y = x + 2
in another function, or at top level.
Variables declared outside of any function are known as "global variables" and can be accessed from anywhere in the program, inside or outside functions. These are convenient, and essential at times to pass around global information, but can create hazards. Try not to declare simple names as globals, like min, max, sum, total, error, count. These can clash with other declarations in functions, or at top level in other code modules concatenated with this one, and unfortunately, due to JavaScripts permissive nature, this can create silent errors. One protocol is to declare all globals as "g_total", or an Object member "g.total" to make things clear. Slightly ugly but could save your bacon one day.
Another option is to put all your code in one top level function, say main(). Then nothing "escapes" from main(), so that stops clashes with other concatenated code modules. Like p5.js say !
<script> src="libraries/p5.js"></script> <!-- load p5.js --->
function main() {
var str = "a carefree string"; // cannot clash with global "str" in p5.js. Yes, there is one.
main(); // Call our whole code as a single function call: main()
<body>Not much of a body, this is a JavaScript example, not an HTML one</body>
p5.js has an "instanced" mode, which is another similar way to do this. See the tutorial Global and Instanced Mode
(To do: include here a note about the problems of concatenated JavaScript codes)
Here's another example of global and local scopes:
let xGlobal = "global";
function globalLocalTest() {
let xLocal = "local";
console.log("inside function global: " + xGlobal); // prints "global"
console.log("inside function local: " + xLocal); // prints "local"
globalLocalTest(); // prints the two values as above
console.log("outside function global: " + xGlobal); // prints "outside function global: global"
console.log("outside function local: " + xLocal); // prints "ReferenceError: xLocal is not defined"
If you use the same name as a global variable, and also as a local function variable, the function variable overrides within the function. This is ok in many situations, despite what we said above. For example simple count variables like i, j, k that you are sure have a short life. (Famous last words ?).
let g_data = [ 1, 22, 333 ] // global array
let i,j,k; // global simple control vars. A common style from older languages. Not even initialized!
let offset = 3; // global var, but who would know?
for (i = 0; i < g_data.length; i++) { // a loop at top (global) level
g_data[i] += 2; // Adjust g_data values somehow
function adjustData() {
let i; // This is a different i from the global i, but we ignore that.
// For absolutely temporary vars like i, j, k, tmp, str, you can ignore scope if you like.
for (i = 0; i < g_data.length; i++) {
g_data[i] += offset; // Ok: offset is still the global var.
console.log(g_data[2]); // prints 338 (333 + 2 + 3)
The issue of the scope of identifiers in programming languages is an important one.
[ In earlier versions of this tutorial, all variables up to this point were declared with var
as it was still the common idiom. You will see var
everywhere in JavaScript code, and it will survive forever in historic code. However the new style is let
. Read on .. ]
You can have languages where everything is in a single global scope, as in simple ancient BASIC. Programming is easy, but the possibility of accidental errors is high.
You can have modern languages where scope is very restricted. Errors are reduced, but coding needs more care at times. Nothing wrong with that.
JavaScript's original var
style was very unusual and much disliked by some. JavaScript has recently (ECMAScript 2015, aka ES6) introduced the let
keyword to augment and largely replace the var
Some more explanation of var
: The scope of a variable declared with var
is the whole of the function it is in. Even if it is declared towards the bottom of a function, or is a trivial loop variable. There is an awful expression called "hoisting", where any var
declaration is treated as if it was "hoisted" to the top of the enclosing function:
function hoistingExample() {
var cat = "cat";
// i and j below are treated as if they were declared here, but not initialised, eg. just var i, j; So use of them is
// allowed, but will almost always produce an error as they are undefined. Possibly a silent error, woo hoo.
if (whatever) {
// miles of code here, pages and pages, you forget what you wrote last week.
if (rareEventNotWellTested) {
var k = i + j; // Error, undefined. i and j exist due to hoisting, you can reference them,
} // but they have no value yet. A recipe for problems.
for (var i = 0; i < 3 ; i++) {
var j = i * 3; // i and j have valid values here, all is ok.
However a variable declared with let i = 0
has only "block scope". In the following examples, it exists only in the loops or blocks shown. This is much safer. For variables you want to exist inside the whole function, put them at the top.
function drawStuff(param) {
let j = 5; // This "j" exists in the whole function, unless overridden in a smaller block.
for(let j = 0; j < 99; j++) { // Draw some ellipses. Note this temporary "j" is only scoped inside this loop.
drawCircle(j*20, j*20, j*5, j*10); // It does not affect, and is not affected by, other "j" vars in the function. Good.
if (param > 5 ) {
let j = param * 7; // This "j" is similarly unique to the if block. No interaction with other j's.
drawCircle(j*3, j*3, 10, 20);
if (j > 100) {
drawCircle(j*9, j*9, j, j); // Finally we use the "function scope" j we set up at the top.
The [MDN monty]
[A rather flamboyant blog about let and var] People get very excited about all this.
The bottom line: always use let
in new code, forget var
. Place let
declarations at the top of each function, for things which will or may be used throughout the function. Use let
inside loops and blocks to restrict temporary variables to that region only.
There are some other changes/benefits to let. let str = "abc"
at top level does not create a global "str" which can clash with other js modules, like p5.js. From the MDN monty above ...
var x = 'global';
let y = 'global';
console.log(this.x); // "global"
console.log(this.y); // undefined. This solves a key problem when using a library like p5.js
// Note, "this" at top level is the explicit global entity, your whole universe of data and code and libs in use.
Another let
quirk: you can't redeclare a name in the same scope. This is a good thing, redeclaring the same name in the same scope is sloppy, although it's fine with var
. JavaScript is quite a sloppy language. I didn't want to say that earlier.
let foobar = 1;
let toto = foobar + 3;
let foobar = 2; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'foobar' has already been declared
For the same reasons, declarations toughen up in switch{}
switch(x) {
case 0:
let foo = x;
case 1:
let foo = x * 2; // SyntaxError: redeclaration. Already declared in switch{} block. Just drop the "let".
If you want, you can fix the above by leveraging the same block-scope rules that caught you out in the first place. Below the "foo" are each unique to their single case{}
block. The simple switch/case is getting messy though. An if/else style might be just as easy. Just my $0.02
switch(x) {
case 0: {
let foo = x;
case 1: {
let foo = x * 2;
There are other tiny subtleties with changing from var
to let
but I think the average p5.js beginner will have reached their limit by now. Remaining quirks are really for the designers of big systems, like the whole p5.js library. They take many precautions and scope and encapsulate well, so that you can code simply and safely.
Many languages have a "constant" facility, so you can safely set up constants in your program. EcmaScript 2015 introduced the const
keyword. This has the same rules as let
but you cannot change the value once it has been defined.
const pi = 3.141592653589793; // You feel you want some precision. In fact that's the value of Math.PI
function area(radius) {
return (pi * radius * radius);
// Include some other persons code here ...
function circumference(radius) {
let pi = 3.142; // Rough old code here. Probably an Engineer, used to slide rules ...
return( 2.0 * pi * radius ); // Fortunately, denied !! You can't change the const pi
We introduced basic objects above, such as let obj = { "name":"Vincent", "age":3 }
. At that stage they were pretty much just a convenient way to have a type of "array" addressable with a text string key. Handy but not going to change the world. Now let's go ahead and add "methods", ie. internal object functions, to produce a full-featured dynamic object. This gives us the effective functionality of a "class", as provided in languages such as C++ and Java.
Let's proceed gradually here, and build up the concept. First, we could create an empty object with obj = {}
or obj = new Object
. Both create the same thing, an empty object. Try it in the console. The new
syntax is useful when we want to create a lot of objects: obj = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { obj[i] = new Object; }
. This creates an array of 100 empty Objects, obj[0] to obj[99].
Next we want to add some plain "data" properties to an object. We could do this like so:
cats = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 99; i++) {
cats[i] = new Object;
if ( i === 0 ) {
cats[i].name = "Margot"; // this is data for cats, by the way, if that's not obvious
cats[i].age = 8; // probably less than 15 ?
cats[i].color = "black"; // not going to include yellow, green, blue
if ( i === 1 ) {
cats[i].name = "Sam";
cats[i].age = 2;
cats[i].color = "white";
console.log(cats[0]); // {name: "Margot", age: 8, color: "black"}
However it's more convenient to use a function notation, and create a "constructor" for our objects. The term "constructor" is used in C++, Java etc. for a function which creates a class object. Here the constructor is the function Cat().
function Cat(Name, Age, Color) {
this.name = Name; // "this" refers to this instance, ie. the Cat we are creating
this.age = Age;
this.color = Color;
cats = [];
cats[0] = new Cat("Margot", 8, "black"); // the "new" forces a permanent object to be created,
cats[1] = new Cat("Sam", 2, "white"); // without it the function call would just return undefined and have no effect
console.log(cats); // Shows something like ..
// (2) [Cat, Cat] // this is console "icing", but useful.
// [
// 0: Cat {"Margot", 8, "black"}
// 1: Cat {"Sam", 2, "white"}
// ]
The "this" notation is a common one in Object Oriented Programming, or OOP. It always refers to the overall "thing" we are inside, or working with. At top level in a JavaScript program, "this" refers to the whole program invocation. We mentioned it above when talking about accidental creation of global variables. When JavaScript is used in a web environment, the global top level object is "window", referring to the screen/window/canvas hierarchy. When used as a standalone JavaScript interpreter, eg. the Mac "jsc" command-line tool we mentioned earlier, "window" is not there.
You can access and modify the plain properties of objects directly by using .propertyName
console.log(cats[0].name); // "Margot"
cats[0].name = "Robbie"; // change name to "Robbie"
cats[0].age++; // Margot/Robbie is getting older
console.log(cats[0].age); // 9
While properties are like variables within an object, methods are like functions within an object. They are set and accessed in much the same way. Let's extend our definition of the object type Cat.
function Cat(Name, Age, Color) {
this.name = Name;
this.age = Age;
this.color = Color;
// Add some methods
this.greet = function() { // method greet()
console.log("Hello, I'm " + this.name);
this.aboutMe = function() { // method aboutMe()
console.log("Hello, I'm " + this.color + " and aged " + this.age);
cats[1].greet(); // "Hello, I'm Sam"
cats[1].aboutMe(); // "Hello, I'm white and aged 2"
The constructor function above sets some properties of Cat, then it adds two methods, "greet()" and "aboutMe()". These are written as unnamed or anonymous functions, but really they do have an effective name: they are preserved in Cat.greet() and Cat.aboutme().
It's useful to be completely comfortable with unnamed functions:
function doSomething() { // First definition, a directly named function.
console.log("I'm doing something!");
let doSomething = function() { // Second definition, an unnamed function.
console.log("I'm doing something!");
These two definitions are the same, just written differently. In the second case, the function is saved in the variable "doSomething". Remember in JS, a variable can be anything - a string, a number, a boolean - and also a function.
In the first case, this variable name is stuck after the word "function", in the second, the variable is explicitly stated first, then the function is assigned. They mean the same thing, so it's helpful to get used to seeing both forms.
Both forms allow you to invoke the function with doSomething()
So turning back to the method declaration in Cat, it starts to look more familiar. It's very similar to the new function definition format we just saw, but let functionName =
is replaced with this.functionName =
. This is because, just like the properties, we use this.
to say that the method belongs to the object being created.
Calling these methods on an instance looks similar to accessing properties, except we use the () notation to order a function call.
cats[0].greet(); // "Hello I'm Margot" (or Robbie)
cats[0].aboutMe(); // "I'm black and aged 8" (or 9)
An "instance" is an OOP term for an instance of an object or class. So cats[0] is an instance of Cat. It's a "thing", ie. an "Object", with internal data: name, age, color - and internal callable methods: greet(), aboutMe().
This is a good place to briefly mention the subject of memory management. Languages which allow you to dynamically create things during execution - like arrays, objects, arrays of millions of objects - must provide a way for that memory to be released when necessary. Even a modern JavaScript interpreter only has maybe 500 Mbyte of memory for dynamic data by default. You can configure it up a bit, to maybe 2GByte or 4Gbyte. But if you have a program consuming memory because it allocates dynamic things and doesn't delete them, even 4GBbyte might fill very quickly.
Languages like C++ and Java have an ability to "delete" or "free" objects which have been created. This is aimed at cleaning up and removing dynamic data which you have created, and you know is not needed anymore. It's important sometimes to do that, to prevent memory usage building up, and prevent creating slow "memory leaks". Memory leaks are a problem in long-running codes - after days or weeks even the most carefully coded application can gradually increase its memory usage, and eventually fail. These are very pernicious errors and hard to track down - it could be the smallest thing which is building up, some inconsequential temporary data.
The alternative approach is very good automatic "garbage collection". This is the automatic deletion and clean-up of things which can't be used anymore. If a variable, array, object, or anything else, has gone completely "out of scope" and can't be legally referenced any more, then JavaScript can delete it and free up its memory.
There are other situations where things might appear to be referenced, but the system can still delete them. The textbook example is a "cycle" of references, where say a refers to b, b to c, c back to a. a = b+1, b = c+1, c = a+1
. (This is not a proper example, we need stronger references, where a is say an Object which must fetch some of its data from b, etc). At a first level, it looks like every item has a reference to it, and can't be cleaned up. But stepping back to a wider view, there might be no other reference to a, b or c anywhere. Hence the whole lot can be cleaned up.
JavaScript has an advanced Garbage Collector system which tracks use of data, and references to data. If nothing references some data any more, it is cleaned up. This happens in periodic "sweeps" through the memory pool.
Re memory usage, one good practice is never to create large volumes of data at top level, in the global scope. These never go out of scope and can't be garbage collected. Create large volumes of data in some subsidiary function, and try to return from that function when you are done with it, or return periodically. The Garbage Collector can then clean things up for you.
In a small p5.js application you will probably not need to worry about this.
The [gory details]:(https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Memory_Management)
Now that we have described an Object which has properties and methods, we're ready to develop a p5.js example using dynamic objects, which will run and draw something. Graphical toolkits are good for illustrating programming concepts, a picture is worth a thousand words. (This code is similar to numerous examples elsewhere in Processing).
// This data at the is global to the app.
const numShapes = 30;
const baseRadius = 5;
let shapes = []; // Declare array to hold shape objects
function setup() { // Runs once at beginning of app
createCanvas(800, 600);
// Use HSB colors in our app, so we can get easy changes of just color (hue).
colorMode(HSB, 100); // H,S,B will be in range 0 - 100
// Create each object
for (let i = 0; i < numShapes; i++) {
let x = random(1, width - 2); // Centre our circle randomly somewhere in the window
let y = random(1, height - 2);
shapes[i] = new Shape( x, y );
function draw() {
background(0, 0, 5, 10); // Dark grey with a small alpha value, this achieves a blurring effect.
noStroke(); // No outline of shapes
// Update some controls for our shapes.
let cycle = 200; // Change the shapes appearance over a cycle of n frames
let percent = (frameCount % cycle) / cycle; // 0.0 to 0.999
let percent2 = percent;
if (percent > 0.5 ) { percent2 = 1 - percent } // 0.0 to 0.5, then back down
let radius = baseRadius + 30 * (percent2); // Grow and shrink the radius
// Update and display each shape in the array
for (let i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) {
shapes[i].followMouse(0.008); // rate to follow mouse at
shapes[i].setColor(percent); // change hue as well
shapes[i].display(); // draw it
function Shape(xpos, ypos) {
// Set initial values for properties, as supplied in the constructor, ie the New() call
this.xpos = xpos;
this.ypos = ypos;
this.hue = 0; // value not important, just good practice to init to something
// Some methods to operate on an instance of Shape
// Method to set the radius
this.setRadius = function(rad) {
this.radius = rad;
// Method to move the shape's position towards the cursor position.
// Don't move if closer than a certain distance.
this.followMouse = function(fraction) {
let xdiff = mouseX - this.xpos;
let ydiff = mouseY - this.ypos;
let dist = Math.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff);
if ( dist > 100 ) {
this.xpos += xdiff * fraction;
this.ypos += ydiff * fraction;
// Method to reposition the shapes randomly. This is only because our simple
// follow-the-cursor code eventually clumps all the shapes together :=(
this.resetPos = function () {
this.xpos = random(1, width - 2);
this.ypos = random(1, height - 2);
// Method to set color of the shape. Use the HSB system, and vary hue from 0.0 to 1.0
this.setColor = function(hue) {
this.hue = 100 * hue;
// Method to draw the shape to the screen. This is it! draw those pixels.
this.display = function() {
fill(this.hue, 100, 100);
ellipse(this.xpos, this.ypos, this.radius, this.radius ); // a solid circle
// Separate callback function for user keystrokes.
// Allow any key to reset the app.
function keyTyped() {
for (let i = 0; i < numShapes; i++) {
Here's the code working ... Open Processing
I think I'm going to say nothing more, just let that picture / 1000 words thing happen. Look through the code, with the OpenProcessing page also running. You can experiment with changing the OpenProcessing version by hitting the </> tag at the top.
ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) introduces the "class" statement. This is an attempt to give JavaScript something that looks close to the class system of languages like Java and C++.
It's effectively syntactic sugar which allows you to declare classes, and members, methods, constructors etc. with a similar syntax to other languages. However it doesn't actually add any new underlying capability. What you end up with is the same as you could have set up without "class".
Authors who have transitioned to using it say it's concise and handy. I'm just going to include links here to some resources. As always you can can find many more by searching.
MDN reference
More info
More info
Comments in code document what's going on. They should be reasonably succinct though, there's no point explaining every line. The commenting below is too trivial, and just distracting.
while ( true ) {
b = a + 1; // add 1 to a, store in b
if (b > 100) { break;} // if b greater than 100, quit the loop
As a rule of thumb, have a line or two of comment for every 10-30 line block of code, explaining what the block is going to do. Put a few words of explanation to the right of any very important statement. That's very subjective, you can do whatever seems good to yourself.
Comments in JavaScript are similar to comments in Java or C, C++. //
comments are often referred to as C++ comments, and /* */
comments as C comments. However C, C++, Java, C#, Objective-C and others all now allow both styles.
Commenting is also useful for quickly removing or adding back in chunks of code (better than deleting the chunk).
// single line comment
a = b; // comment after a statement
line C style
* Some prefer this style
* Easier to see the commented-out section
* The lone stars have no function, they're just text
// if (x > 5) { // You can comment out a whole block C++ style
// a = 123;
// b = 456;
// c = 789;
// }
aa == bb /* + cc */ + dd; // You can comment out just a snippet. A bit unclear though.
if (false) { // This style is also ok for de-activating a piece of code.
a = b + 1; // Some people use if(0). This is falsy enough as a stand-alone flag.
c = d * 5;;
createImage(500, 500);
Avoid inter-mixing and nesting comment styles.
// /* a = 1 + */ b = 2; // what does this mean ? does the */ terminate the // ?
/* /* b = 1; */ */ // and this ? who knows. Do not go there.
There are many popular styles of indenting. (The good thing about standards is, there are so many to choose from!) (That's my favourite tech joke).
Generally whenever you introduce curly braces, you should indent everything inside. Anything from two to eight spaces is common, but typically 2 to 4. Don't use tabs, they are archaic and will just cause endless problems down the track. If you're accustomed to hitting the Tab key, configure your editor to turn it into n spaces.
A great tool is an automatic formatter. I use AStyle from the Mac command line. Properly indented code will line up well, help you understand your code flow, and alert you when you have forgotten to close a loop with a brace } or whatever. You can configure the formatter for different indent and spacing and padding styles. (Did I mention the great thing about standards ...)
AStyle doesn't actually claim to be a JavaScript formatter, it relies on its Java/C++ abilities. One gremlin: it turns exact comparisons ===
and !==
into == =
and != =
. Easily fixed with sed: cat file.js | sed 's/== =/===/g' | sed 's/!= =/!==/g'
. You can also easily rebuild AStyle from the source to recognize the operator ===
and !==
p5.js developers use prettier and ESlint. A good guide to installing Prettier on Mac is here: Installing Prettier. Prettier has only a few style options and is aimed at maintaining a quite strict and uniform style of code in large collaborative projects, like p5.js on GitHub.
Academic note: Python uses nothing but spaces to indent and block code. Correct indentation is key.
if pwd == 'secret': // A Python if/else block
print('Logging on ...')
print('Incorrect password.')
print('Try again')
The amount of space padding around terms can improve clarity of code. But too much can be too much.
distance = Math.sqrt(((x1-x2)*(x1-x2))+((y1-y2)*(y1-y2))); // A little dense
distance = Math.sqrt( ((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2)) + ((y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)) ); // Better
distance = Math.sqrt( ( ( x1 - x2 ) * ( x1 - x2 ) ) + ( ( y1 - y2 ) * ( y1 - y2 ) ) ); // Mmmm .. too sparse ?
The formatter can apply padding rules to function calls, expressions, if{} blocks, loops, array indices, etc. There are maybe 8 or 10 areas you can adjust. But there are pre-packaged choices that give you a standard set. Here's my AStyle set, I just use the pre-packaged Java style with a couple of mods.
cat ~/.astylrec
JavaScript allows some lines to continue with a backslash \ on the end. Not a very clear style in general. But can be useful for some big block of text you need to get into the code.
Also plain statements can run over more than one line without any special continuation indicator. In very obscure cases (see the "return" example further down) this can create problems, avoid it a little if you can.
let str = "A hugely long text string which you decide to split over \
two lines like this";
console.log(str); // "A hugely long text string which you decide to split over two lines like this"
let str2 = "A long documentation text which needs to be multiline, so we\n\
use escaped newlines in it blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah\n\
more blah, the end.";
console.log(str2); // A long documentation text which needs to be multiline, so we
// use escaped newlines in it blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
// more blah, the end.
let str = "A long string built more safely blah blah" // This is a safe way to build up a long string.
+ "second chunk ............................"
+ "third and last chunk";
let xxx = function1(a,b) + longFunctionName(c,d,e) + reallyLongVariableName + imGoingToHaveToBreakThisLine(f,g) +
// This is ok. Break the line at a natural point, eg. an operator.
A code statement almost always ends with a semicolon.
let x = 10;
if (a > 1) { callFunc(); } // Must have semicolon here. Some other languages don't enforce that, the } is enough.
if (a > 99) {
} // No semicolon needed after the }
Semicolons are partly optional in JavaScript. You can read more here semicolon blog, but a strong recommendation is to use always use semicolons. There are rare gotchas which will cause you problems if you leave them off.
There's a nice academic point that comes up here, and in all languages with a statement terminator. Is the semicolon a terminator ? {a = 1; b = 2;}
or a separator ? {a = 1; b = 2}
. Aha. Well. Answer - in JS it's a generally a terminator.
JavaScript introduced a "strict" mode to tighten up coding practices and prevent some types of errors (in ECMAScript 5, JavaScript 1.8.5, in 2009). Other languages also have a strict mode, eg. Perl. This tends to get added later in the day, when problems develop with the original design.
Just place "use strict";
at the top of your whole code, or in individual functions if you want it to only apply there.
Strict mode makes certain kinds of risky practices illegal. The most important one is undeclared variables (or arrays, objects, etc).
Without Strict mode, it is legal to just write x = 123;
anywhere. JS assumes you meant var x = 123
and just creates x for you. I haven't even mentioned that in this tutorial because it's such bad practice. But this makes accidental typos very easy:
// Top of code
let reactorSettings = [1, 2, 3, "fast"];
// Much further down
reactorsettings[3] = "stop"; // oops, forgot the capital S, JS silently creates a new array reactorsettings. We're doomed.
But with strict mode:
// Top of code
"use strict";
let reactorSettings = [1, 2, 3, "fast"];
reactorsettings[3] = "stop"; // ReferenceError: reactorsettings is not defined
This will also prevent unwanted global variables being created. If you have a rogue undeclared x = 123
in a function, it is created as a global variable. This can clash with data at top level, and in other functions, and in other libraries like p5.js.
You should always use Strict mode !
Note: the odd syntax "use strict";
is so the instruction is ignored by an old JavaScript engine which doesn't know what it is. A statement like "use strict";
is just an isolated string with no computational effect, like "cool bananas;"
. It's parsed, created, then thrown away by any engine that isn't looking for it. Some other languages warn about this: "Warning, statement has no effect". Isolated expressions are easy to create: var x = y;+z;
. You meant y+z;
but z got orphaned and had no effect.
There are a number of other practices which are disallowed in Strict mode: Strict mode
There are quite a few style checkers for JavaScript. Two well-known ones are JSLint and JSHint. You can cut and paste code into their online versions and check quite a lot. You can also download and install locally JSHint. They are best at standalone JavaScript programs. Checking a large p5.js app may throw up lots of complaints like "don't know what function createImage() is". There are ways to tell JS[HL]int what external functions and terms you're using, so you're not flooded with these warnings. I haven't pursued that.
Note the JSLint term comes from the old C style checker "lint", which picked up small imperfections in your code like lint on your clothes (or indeed belly-button).
Another good checker is ESlint. This is used by p5.js developers in a very strict way within the p5.js source. You can use it a little less strictly in your sketch code. You can customise the style rules in a config file such as ~/.eslintrc. You can tell eslint, by editing .eslintrc, that for example your draw()
function is 'exported' to the surrounding environment, to be called from somewhere in p5.js, and that createCanvas()
is defined outside your sketch code, and will be called from your sketch. Otherwise eslint will squawk about all the p5.js function names. See https://eslint.org/docs/rules/
A comparison of style checkers: lint comparison
We have already mentioned a few risks to watch out for. Here's another selection of common mistakes.
let x = 0;
if (x = 10) { // some code } // Accidentally used = instead of == or ===. The comparison wrongly returns true,
// and the code block executes, since the result of (x = 10) is 10, which counts as a
// true value in loose comparison.
let x = 10; // Be aware of loose comparisons
let y = "10";
if (x == y) { // some code } // This will match, code will run
if (x === y) { // some code } // This will not match, code will not run.
let x = 10; // Switch statements invisibly use exact === comparison !
switch(x) {
case 10: alert("Hello"); // We get an alert here.
switch(x) {
case "10": alert("Hello"); // We don't get an alert. Good really, but not if you had assumed otherwise.
let x = 10 + 5; // x is 15. Be aware of string + number concatenations ...
let x = 10 + "5"; // x is "105" You shouldn't be doing this anyway.
let x = "11"; y = +x; // Forces y to numeric 11, if you must do these things
let x = 12; y = "" + x; // Forces y to string "12". Ugh.
if (x == 19);
{ // code block } // This will always execute, since the semicolon has orphaned the block. Easy to do.
function myFunction(aa) { // Never break return statements
power = 10; // This is poor practice, but works; power is set to 10
return // Returns undefined, since JS completes the statement as early as possible, as "return;"
aa * power; // This is orphaned, and in fact never executes.
person = {firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe", age:46,} // last comma is legal but bad practice. Old IE versions will fail
points = [40, 100, 1, 5, 25, 10,]; // ditto.
if (myObj !== null && typeof myObj !== "undefined") // Bad way to test if myObj exists. if myObj is undefined, the first
// test against null errors with "myObj is not defined"
if (typeof myObj !== "undefined" && myObj !== null) { // Better, typeof will safely check for undefined, then we test null.
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Quick re-visit of 'var' issues ...
// some code
var j = i; // j = 10. For var variables, the i is still defined after the loop. This is risky design. You should
// never rely on the end value of a loop. Many things can cause it to be different. Always use let here,
// ie. in the loop, then i will not be valid and you won't be able to make this mistake.
Just some background on JavaScript versions - you won't need this much for your p5.js sketches.
JavaScript version naming is very messy. There are terms like JavaScript 1.7, ECMAScript 2015, ES 2015, ES6. These are all approximately the same !
JavaScript has moved away from the "JavaScript 1.x" terminology. It's now versioned in terms of ECMAScript. But this has quirks too. The most widespread version, which you can rely on in all browsers (at Jan 2019), is ECMAScript 2015, or ES 2015, or ES6. This is because the 6th edition of ECMAScript was released in 2015.
There is no easily accessible internal version number in JavaScript. One traditional hack to get a version which you may see around was to put this in your index.html:
<script language="javascript">var js_version="1.0"</script>
<script language="javascript1.1">var js_version="1.1"</script>
<script language="javascript1.2">var js_version="1.2"</script>
<script language="javascript1.3">var js_version="1.3"</script>
<script language="javascript1.4">var js_version="1.4"</script>
<script language="javascript1.5">var js_version="1.5"</script>
<script language="javascript1.6">var js_version="1.6"</script>
<script language="javascript1.7">var js_version="1.7"</script>
<script language="javascript1.8">var js_version="1.8"</script>
<script language="javascript1.8.5">var js_version="1.8.5"</script>
So js_version shows up in your main code as perhaps "1.7". But as noted above these numbers have little meaning any more.
In actuality, all the major browsers try to keep up with the latest ECMAScript spec, currently ES June 2017, aka ES8. Chrome, Firefox, Safari support 95%+ of the latest ES8 features, and also some of their own extensions. Edge is a little behind, and IE even further.
To test whether your JavaScript engine or browser has a new fancy feature, you're best to check for it explicitly. One quick example - check if the "geolocation" feature is in the system. A note here: "navigator" persists in the Web world as an internal term for your browser, from the old Netscape Navigator.
if("geolocation" in navigator) { // use it } // just check for the property we want, at the top-level
There's a library called Modernizr Modernizr which simplifies all these feature-existence checks. Also the site CanIuse is useful.
JavaScript versions
ECMAScript versions
Feature detection
This is well treated in another tutorial here.
In this tutorial we've mentioned a number of times that JavaScript is sloppy, and had fun documenting many hazards ! But that's true of all interpreted languages. They allow loose (creative?) coding, and leave detailed checking of many things until run-time, unlike languages such as C++ and Java which use detailed compile-time checks.
The pay-off is flexible design of course, but also much faster development, rapid turn-around when testing code, and a much more enjoyable experience. For example, compiling a large C++ program can take a hugely long time, many minutes or -much- longer if it pulls in vast libraries, subclasses loads of things from those libraries, tries to use multiple inheritance to join two chains of library classes. It explodes a bit like Ackermann's function, literally (you have been paying attention, right?). That's a long time to wait to just find you made a typo. In the development phase of code you want rapid turn-around: edit, run, test in a few seconds.
An interesting paper describing all this is John Ousterhout's seminal paper from the late 90's The Rise of Scripting Languages. Ousterhout is the original driver behind the scripting language Tcl and its companion gui builder Tk. The paper is based a lot on Tcl/Tk but the discussion applies equally to JavaScript. The rigorous compile-time checking of languages like C++ and Java don't always produce that much gain: development is much slower, maybe 20x, than script approaches; reliability is not much different in the end, the compile-time checks of C++/Java get replaced ok by run-time checks in the script language; performance may not be much different either - your code is usually limited by things you don't have control over: graphics rendering power, disk speed, network speed - and there's plenty of cpu power these days to drive the interpreted JavaScript engine.
So despite it's looseness and oddities JavaScript is quick and fun and pretty reliable to work with. Get stuck in !
Describe break label
, continue
, continue label
? Decided on only continue
, the label options are somewhat messy programming and not a great thing to recommend to beginners.
We need to mention the suite of utility functions in p5.js, see the Data section in p5.js reference page. The p5.js utility funcs, ported from the originals in Java Processing Java Processing reference page are designed to be easier for the coding beginner and/or artist.
This tutorial has become quite large, and may have moved away from the goal of being an easily-digested intro to the absolute basics of JavaScript, ie. just enough to write a simple p5.js sketch. Perhaps it could be split into two.
Dec 2018: a project (call it X) has started in p5.js to update the code examples, and tutorials, and reference pages from ES5 to ES6. (This is independent of updating to ES6 inside p5.js source code, which is happening more slowly). This is primarily expected to involve changing 'var' to 'let' or 'const', and using some arrow functions where appropriate. So, I have updated to 'let' all through this tut, and used 'const' in a few places. No arrow functions yet, other than in the section explicitly about arrow functions.
We could explain 'class' more fully above, and use it in the main live example, and maybe elsewhere.
Other ES6 features may not be of much interest yet.
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