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Prometheus JVM Original Client

It supports Java, Clojure, Scala, JRuby, and anything else that runs on the JVM.

WARNING: This repository is an archive of the Original Java Client, which is deprecated. Please use the Java Simpleclient instead.



If you use Maven, you can simply reference the assets below. The latest version can be found on in the maven repository for io.prometheus and io.prometheus.client.utility.

<!-- The client -->
<!-- Hotspot 'jvmstat/perfdata' metrics -->
<!-- Hotspot 'jvmstat/perfdata' metrics -->
<!-- Hotspot VM metrics -->
<!-- Exposition servlet -->

Getting Started

There are canonical examples defined in the class definition Javadoc of the client packages.


The client is canonically documented with Javadoc. Running the following will produce local documentation in apidocs directories for you to read.

$ mvn package

If you use the Mavenized version of the Prometheus client, you can also instruct Maven to download the Javadoc and source artifacts.

Alternatively, you can also look at the generated Java Client Github Project Page, but the raw Javadoc in Java source in version control should be treated as the canonical form of documentation.

Maintenance of this Library

This suite is built and managed by Maven, and the artifacts are hosted on the Sonatype OSS Asset Repository.

All contributions to this library must follow, as far as practical, the prevalent patterns in the library for consistency and the following style guide: Google Java Style. Depending upon your development environment, you may be able to find an automatic formatter and adherence checker that follows these rules.


$ mvn compile


$ mvn test

Please note that tests on Travis may be unreliable due to the absence of installed Maven artifacts. Ensure that the current snapshot version is deployed to Sonatype OSS Repository.


These steps below are only useful if you are in a release engineering capacity and want to publicize these changes for external users. You will also need to have your local Maven setup correctly along with valid and public GPG key and adequate authorization on the Sonatype OSS Repository to submit new artifacts, be they staging or release ones.

You should read the Sonatype OSS Apache Maven Guide before performing any of the following:

Snapshot Deployment

$ mvn clean deploy


$ mvn release:clean release:prepare -Prelease
$ mvn release:perform -Prelease

Sonatype creates a staging repository per IP address, so turn off any loadbalancing over IP addresses before running these commands.


Go to and Close the ioprometheus-XXX release. Once it's closed, Release it. Wait for the new version to appear in The Central Repository.

Send an email to the developer's mailing list announcing the release.


Documentation can also be released to the public via the Github Pages subproduct through the magic gh-pages branch for a Github project. Documentation is generated via the following command:

$ mvn javadoc:aggregate

It will need to be automatically merged into the gh-pages branch, but that is as simple as this:

$ git checkout master
$ mvn javadoc:aggregate
$ git checkout gh-pages
$ mv target/site/apidocs/ ./
$ git status
$ # Amend the branch as necessary.
$ git commit
$ git push

There is a Maven plugin to perform this work, but it is broken. The javadoc:aggregate step will emit documentation into target/site/apidocs. The reason that we use this aggregate step instead of bare javadoc is that we want one comprehensive Javadoc emission that includes all Maven submodules versus trying to manually concatenate this together.

Output documentation lives in the Java Client Github Project Page.



Archive of the deprecated Original Java Client







No releases published


No packages published
