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iOS HealthKit integration for

Pryv HealthKit integration codecov

iOS library providing integration with HealthKit; complements lib-swift by providing a bridge between HealthKit data samples and streams.


You will find a sample iOS app at


iOS 13.0 is required to use this library. If you do not have iOS 13.0, you can customize the library and remove HealthKit types not included in your iOS version.


Table of contents


To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

source ''
source ''
source ''
pod 'PryvApiSwiftKit', :git => '', :branch => 'master'

Convert HealthKit sample to Pryv event

For HKCharacteristicType samples, use pryvEvent(of: HKHealthStore) function:

let healthKitStream = HealthKitStream(type: HKObjectType.characteristicType(forIdentifier: .dateOfBirth)!)
let event = healthKitStream.pryvEvent(of: HKHealthStore()) 
// handle the event

For the rest of HealthKit data types, use pryv(from: HKObjectType) function:

let healthKitStream = HealthKitStream(type: HKObjectType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .bodyMass)!, frequency: .immediate)
let event = healthKitStream.pryvEvent(from: sample) $
// handle the event

Note that the function pryvEvent does not create the event on backend. To do so, use lib-swift:

let apiCall: APICall = ["method": "events.create", "params": event]
connection.api(APICalls: [apiCall]).catch { error in
    // handle error

Note: This library was implemented on July 2020. The data types in HealthKit may be updated and extended. You may want to add extensions to the library to convert the newly added data types to your prefered streams in Pryv.

Convert Pryv event to HealthKit sample

let pryvStream = PryvStream(streamId: "bodyMass", type: "mass/kg")
let sample = pryvStream.healthKitSample(from: 80)
// handle the sample, e.g. store it to HealthKit

Note: This part of the library is partially implemented, containing only the height and bodyMass data types in HealthKit. The aim is to give an example on how to proceed to store a Pryv event to iOS Health app.

Background delivery

For the HealthKit data types, excluding HKCharacteristicType, you can enable background delivery:

let healthStore = HKHealthStore()
if HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable() { 
    healthStore.requestAuthorization(toShare: toShare, read: read) { success, error in 
        // handle result
    let healthKitStream = HealthKitStream(type: HKObjectType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .bodyMass)!, frequency: .immediate)

    if healthKitStream.needsBackgroundDelivery() {
        healthStore.enableBackgroundDelivery(for: stream.type, frequency: stream.frequency!, withCompletion: { succeeded, error in
            // handle result

    // add observer queries for the changes on HealthKit


iOS library providing integration with HealthKit







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