A dart/flutter library with language bindings for rust library lwk` - Liquid Wallet Kit.
Docker is required for linux builds.
dart pub global activate ffigen
cargo install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen
cargo install cargo-expand
cargo install cargo-ndk
@if [ $$(uname) == "Darwin" ] ; then cargo install cargo-lipo ; fi
For ios builds, make sure you have xcode installed.
Add new types to types.rs
and static functions to api.rs
api.rs contains an Api
struct that holds all the static functions.
types.rs structures and enums are also re-exported via api.rs
# in the project root directory
./compile.native.sh # build for your native platform (linux/macos). adds binary to dart test folder.
macos as the host machine can build binaries for all platforms using:
# requires dockerd running
Compile will first build native binaries of the rust code and move them to the dart test folder.
It will then run flutter_rust_bridge_codegen and generate ffi code in rust and dart.
On non-debian systems you will get some errors with the bridge_generated.dart
Error would be related to:
void store_dart_post_cobject(
int ptr,
) {
return _store_dart_post_cobject(
You may need to set the path the clang in CPATH manually. Run the following:
export CPATH="$(clang -v 2>&1 | grep "Selected GCC installation" | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev)/include"