Simple web based resume made using React.js and Tailwind CSS. Inspired from web based resume by @samunicode. Instead of using plain and boring web resume, I created a Tailwind CSS styled resume using Dracula color palette, React.js,, Hero Patterns, Heroicons and Font Awesome. This resume is also optimized for printing, just press CTRL + P and untick "Headers and footers" and "Background graphics" and print directly or save as PDF Document.
Clone this repo to your local machine:
git clone && cd web-resume
Install dependencies: (Make sure you have Node.js installed)
npm install
Start the server:
npm run dev
- Navigate to src/data/
- Let's start with HeaderData.tsx file for details like Name.
- Edit ContactData.tsx file for Contact details.
- Edit EducationData.tsx file for Education details.
- Edit SkillsData.tsx file for Skills details.
- Edit ExperienceData.tsx for Experience details.
- Edit ProjectsData.tsx for Project details.
- Edit CertificationsData.tsx for Certification details.
- Edit AchievementsData.tsx for Achievement details.
For deploying React.js app Vercel is recommended but you can use other services like Netlify, It's totally upto you.
- Use Vite.js template while deploying on Vercel.
- React.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Heroicons
- Hero Patterns
- Font Awesome
This project is licenced under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.