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Pulsar editor Chocolatey package's source files.


The package contains:

  • a python script to automatically initialize/update some package's files given the desired Pulsar editor version
  • pulsar: the main package sources' folder


Chocolatey package manager

Chocolatey is needed to generate and test the package locally. To install it (if not already installed), start Windows PowerShell as administrator and run the command

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))


The initialization script is written in Python. Python3 for Windows is needed to run it. If not already installed, download latest release from Python website and install it.

Once installed, add requests module using PIP

pip install requests


Automated Releases

This PR is intended to allow publishing a new Chocolatey release of Pulsar, without ever opening a terminal. By using the simple steps laid out below:

  1. Create a new issue.
  • This issue should contain the exact version you want to publish as it's title. Nothing else. ex. 1.108.0
  • This issue should receive the label release (Best practice to add it after creating the issue)
  1. A new PR will be created labeled [<NEW_VERSION>] Draft Release
  2. Let automatic tests finish on this PR. Reviewing the workflow summary page will show what version of Pulsar these changes install. Make sure this matches what version you've intended to publish.
  3. If all tests pass, merge the automatic PR.
  4. With the PR now merged to main go ahead and trigger the GitHub Action auto_publish. This Action should run and if successful will publish a new version of Pulsar to Chocolatey.

Manual Releases

The script will download the Pulsar installer given the input version, and edit a couple of source files accordingly, namely:

  • pulsar.nuspec: the main package reference file. script will update the version number
  • tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1: Chocolatey install script. will update the installer .exe filename and checksum
  • tools\VERIFICATION.txt: a file with some info used by package validators. generates the file, declaring the setup file name and checksum, and adds the URL where the validator can find the original installer and checksum.

Example usage:

python 1.103.0

One must input the last version available on the website, otherwise the script will fail (it won't be able to download the installer).

Once the script terminates, the package is ready to be generated.

Package generation

Once the sources are updated, navigate to pulsar folder and run:

choco pack

Chocolatey will generate the file pulsar\pulsar.<version>.nupkg.

Test the package locally. From the command line shell, navigate to the directory where the *.nupkg file is located, then type:

choco install pulsar --source .

Check that the commands executes without errors, and Pulsar gets installed on your system.

Try to uninstall it, too

choco uninstall pulsar

If everything is ok, request to publish it on Chocolatey website.

choco push pulsar.1.103.0.nupkg --source

To do

  • update package with 'latest' release; wait for a static URL to download installer; no more input parameter (version) needed
  • parse version of 'latest' installer (from filename or from embedded data)
  • have a static URL for latest version checksums, to check installer file after download


Chocolatey package source for Pulsar.



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  • Python 89.6%
  • PowerShell 10.4%