🖐️ Hi, I’m @pushkar009
💻 Web Development Intern | Open Source Enthusiast
I'm interested in every new project that gets my attention.
An Electronics and Computer Science student with interest in Web Development.
🧐 I write a neat and nice code.
🌱 I’m currently learning: `React`, `Node`, `AI`
💬 Ask me about: Web Development, AI, Open Source
Gmail: [email protected]
- Library Management System: Library Management System with authentication to login as admin or student/user.
- Departmental Website with API: An API for departmental website which is used to update the data on the website like event details, timetables, student list etc. with python Django Framework.
- Smart Room Assistant: Currently working on developing a smart room assistant based on object detection and speech recognition that helps find things as well as act as a digital assistant.
"...but ready or not, life goes on." -Sidney Sheldon