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(c) Peter Bengtsson, [email protected], 2013

About django-fancy-cache

A Django cache_page decorator on steroids.

Unlike the stock django.views.decorators.cache.change_page this decorator makes it possible to set a key_prefixer that is a callable. This callable is passed the request and if it returns None the page is not cached.

Also, you can set another callable called post_process_response (which is passed the response and the request) which can do some additional changes to the response before it's set in cache.

Lastly, you can set post_process_response_always=True so that the post_process_response callable is always called, even when the response is coming from the cache.

How to use it

In your Django views:

from fancy_cache import cache_page

@cache_page(60 * 60)
def myview(request):
    return render(request, 'page1.html')

def prefixer(request):
    if request.method != 'GET':
        return None
    if request.GET.get('no-cache'):
        return None
    return 'myprefix'

@cache_page(60 * 60, key_prefixer=prefixer)
def myotherview(request):
    return render(request, 'page2.html')

def post_processor(response, request):
    response.content += '<!-- this was post processed -->'
    return response

@cache_page(60 * 60,
def yetanotherotherview(request):
    return render(request, 'page3.html')

Optional uses

If you want to you can have django-fancy-cache record every URL it caches. This can be useful for things like invalidation or curious statistical inspection.

You can either switch this on on the decorator itself. Like this:

from fancy_cache import cache_page

@cache_page(60 * 60, remember_all_urls=True)
def myview(request):
    return render(request, 'page1.html')

Or, more conveniently to apply it to all uses of the cache_page decorator you can set the default in your settings with:


Now, suppose you have the this option enabled. Now you can do things like this:

>>> from fancy_cache.memory import find_urls
>>> list(find_urls(['/some/searchpath', '/or/like/*/this.*']))
>>> # or, to get all:
>>> list(find_urls([]))

There is also another option to this and that is to purge (aka. invalidate) the remembered URLs. You simply all the purge=True option like this:

>>> from fancy_cache.memory import find_urls
>>> list(find_urls([], purge=True))

Note: Since find_urls() returns a generator, the purging won't happen unless you exhaust the generator. E.g. looping over it or turning it into a list.

The second way to inspect all recorded URLs is to use the fancy-cache management command. This is only available if you have added fancy_cache to your INSTALLED_APPS setting. Now you can do this:

$ ./ fancy-cache --help
$ ./ fancy-cache
$ ./ fancy-cache /some/searchpath /or/like/*/this.*
$ ./ fancy-cache /some/place/* --purge
$ # or to purge them all!
$ ./ fancy-cache --purge

Note, it will only print out URLs that if found (and purged, if applicable).

The third way to inspect the recorded URLs is to add this to your root

url(r'fancy-cache', include('fancy_cache.urls')),

Now, if you visit http://localhost:8000/fancy-cache you get a table listing every URL that django-fancy-cache has recorded.

Optional uses (for the exceptionally curious)

If you have enabled FANCY_REMEMBER_ALL_URLS you can also enable FANCY_REMEMBER_STATS_ALL_URLS in your settings. What this does is that it attempts to count the number of cache hits and cache misses you have for each URL.

This counting of hits and misses is configured to last "a long time". Possibly longer than you cache your view. So, over time you can expect to have more than one miss because your view cache expires and it starts over.

You can see the stats whenever you use any of the ways described in the section above. For example like this:

>>> from fancy_cache.memory import find_urls
>>> found = list(find_urls([]))[0]
>>> found[0]
>>> found[2]
{'hits': 1235, 'misses': 12}

There is obviously a small additional performance cost of using the FANCY_REMEMBER_ALL_URLS and/or FANCY_REMEMBER_STATS_ALL_URLS in your project so only use it if you don't have any smarter way to invalidate, for debugging or if you really want make it possible to purge all cached responses when you run an upgrade of your site or something.

Running the test suite

The simplest way is to simply run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ fab test

Or to run it without fab you can simply run:

$ export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=fancy_tests.tests.settings
$ test


A Django `cache_page` decorator on steroids.







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