ipoudp is a command line program, to create IP over UDP tunnel
ipoudp use Cauchy Reed-Solomon Erasure Codes to deal with packet loss, it provide interesting properties on unreliable links: wireless, Internet with China -> World characteristics.
Able to saturate a 100Mbps interface
usage: ipoudp.lua [args]+ interface
ipoudp -- IP over UDP, is a tool to set up IP tunnel over UDP
basic server usage:
-s -a -d -p 3999 udpvpn
basic client usage:
-a -d -e -p 3999 udpvpn
Available options are:
-h help display this
-a t-addr TUN IP Address
-d t-dst-addr TUN destination IP address
-n t-netmask [] TUN netmask
-m t-mtu [1400] TUN device mtu
-p t-persist [1] TUN device persistence 0|1
-s server server mode
-e external-ip [*] external ip, or hostname, or * (
-p external-port [3999] external port
-u udp-packet-max-size [500] udp-packet-max-size
-l min-packet-loss-resilience [30] min resilience to packet-loss in %
-c collect-interval [0.01] try to send a slice of packet every x second
-t max-delay-for-new-frame [0.3] max timeout in second to consider frame lost
-i info-debug-level [1] set info/debug lvl, 1 10 100 1000
-k keep-alive [0] keep alive packet is sent every x second, 0 = never
-z lz4-compress [-1] compress packet with lz4 lvl {0..16}, -1 = no
- LEM with Lua 5.3
- ltun patched for Lua 5.3
- lua-longhair
- lz4
make # should produce an ipoudp binary
./ipoudp ...
ipoudp is distributed under the terms of a Three clause BSD license or under the [GNU Lesser General Public License][lgpl] any revision. [lgpl]: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
Please send bug reports, patches and feature requests to me [email protected].