It is a Laravel 9 Vue3 based demo project showing the basics of Vue 3. Authentication, Authorization, Routing, form submittion and data binding. It will help begineers to understand "how to start with Laravel 9 & Vue 3". Build with love and passon and also its open source for web artisans.
- Laravel 9
- Vue 3
- Tailwind CSS 3
- laravel/breeze
- In your root folder, clone the project file using git clone
- Open terminal (bash/cmd). Then go to project folder using command
cd vue3lara9start
- Then install required files and libraries using
composer install
- Then create a .env file and generate key for this project using command
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
- Then compile all CSS & JS files together using this command
npm install && npm run dev
yarn install && yarn run dev
- Create a database in MYSQL and connect it with your project via updating .env file.
- After connecting the db with project, then run command
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
After completing the migration and seeding of db, you will have 2 user ready for login in this project.
A. Admin -> Admin
Email -> [email protected]
Pass -> 1234
B. User -> Editor
Email -> [email protected]
Pass -> 1234
Finally we are ready to run our project using this command
php artisan serve
in one terminal and also run
npm run watch
on another terminal for compiling js and css.