To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
ContentSheet is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "ContentSheet"
ContentSheet can present any object that conforms to 'ContentSheetContentProtocol'. Example project and demo show how to present a UIView, UIViewController, UINavigationController or a UIView controller by some custom object/controller. UIView, UIViewController and UINavigationController extensions are provided out of the box. Take a look at them in 'ContentSheet.swift' file to get an idea.
To present a view controller or a navigation controller from any view controller
<presenter instance>.present(inContentSheet: <view controller instance>, animated: true)
To dismiss the content sheet from content view controller
self.dismissContentSheet(animated: true)
To present a view in content sheet
let contentSheet = ContentSheet(content: <UIView instance>)
<presenter instance>.present(contentSheet, animated: true, completion: completion)
To dismiss content sheet from content view
self.dismissContentSheet(animated: true)
To provide a scroll view to observe from a view controller
override func scrollViewToObserve(containedIn contentSheet: ContentSheet) -> UIScrollView? {
return <scrollview instance>
Control collapsed and expanded heights using
open func collapsedHeight(containedIn contentSheet: ContentSheet) -> CGFloat {
return <height>
open func expandedHeight(containedIn contentSheet: ContentSheet) -> CGFloat {
return <height>
Control status bar appearance using
open func prefersStatusBarHidden(contentSheet: ContentSheet) -> Bool {
return <should hide?>
open func preferredStatusBarStyle(contentSheet: ContentSheet) -> UIStatusBarStyle {
return <style>
open func preferredStatusBarUpdateAnimation(contentSheet: ContentSheet) -> UIStatusBarAnimation {
return <animation>
There are convenience methods on UIViewController and UIView to get content sheet using 'self.contentSheet()' There is also a function in ContentSheet i.e. 'contentSheet(content:)' that can be used to get content sheet for any content.
Also, take a look at 'presentCustomView(_:)' function in ViewController.swift and CustomContent.swift to see how to present UIView or it's subclasses.
Use these properties of content sheet to customize behaviour
public var blurBackground: Bool = true
public var blurStyle: UIBlurEffectStyle = .dark
public var dismissOnTouchOutside: Bool = true
public var backgroundImage: UIImage?
public var backgroundView: UIView?
Use delegate to get callbacks. Delegate conforms to 'ContentSheetDelegate'.
These callbacks are sent when sheet is shown or hidden.
@objc optional func contentSheetWillShow(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
@objc optional func contentSheetDidShow(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
@objc optional func contentSheetWillHide(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
@objc optional func contentSheetDidHide(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
These callbacks are given when content sheet view appears or disappears. Use them if you'd wanna update some thing in content on appearance transitions.
@objc optional func contentSheetWillAppear(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
@objc optional func contentSheetDidAppear(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
@objc optional func contentSheetWillDisappear(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
@objc optional func contentSheetDidDisappear(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
Return a content view using this from content controller
var view: UIView! {get}
Prepare for content view lifecycle events using these (Checkout UIViewController extension in ContentSheet.swift)
@objc optional func contentSheetWillAddContent(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
@objc optional func contentSheetDidAddContent(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
@objc optional func contentSheetWillRemoveContent(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
@objc optional func contentSheetDidRemoveContent(_ sheet: ContentSheet)
Configure behaviour using these (Checkout SecondViewController.swift and UIViewController extension in ContentSheet.swift)
@objc optional func collapsedHeight(containedIn contentSheet: ContentSheet) -> CGFloat
@objc optional func expandedHeight(containedIn contentSheet: ContentSheet) -> CGFloat
@objc optional func scrollViewToObserve(containedIn contentSheet: ContentSheet) -> UIScrollView?
To know content and state use these readonly vars
public var content: ContentSheetContentProtocol
public var state
Example of presenting any content
let contentSheet = ContentSheet(content: <ContentSheetContentProtocol instance>)
<presenter instance>.present(contentSheet, animated: true, completion: completion)
rajatgupta26, [email protected]
ContentSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.