Generate XLS file with data and headers.
Tested on Rails 5 and 6
I am using famous 'caxlsx' to generate xls file, so basically my gem saves the time and line of code for other logic like row and col etc.
For now =>
- Put gem 'caxlsx' and gem 'xls-file', git: "" in your Gemfile.
- bundle install
- Confirm installation by calling Xls.test you will get "Cheers!! xls-file installed successfully" if installation is done.
Create headers
headers = ['Name', 'Phone Number', 'DOB', 'Location']
Create data
data = [{name: "Test1", phone: '999999999', dob: '15-Jan-1996'}, {name: "Test2", phone: '888888888', dob: '16-Jan-1996'}]
Note: => You can pass ActiveRecord_Relation objects and array of object both it will convert in array of objects if objects is ActiveRecord_Relation.
file = Xls.generate_xls(data, headers).
It will return newly generated file path, now its depends on you download with helper method (send_file) on controller or upload on any cloud.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.