ZBDD as a Product Container
Release Notes
Analysis and post-analysis facilities work directly with a ZBDD-based product container
without paying memory or speed overhead of converting ZBDD into other data structures.
Major Changes
- ZBDD as a fault tree analysis result (product/cut-set) container (#159)
- Qualitative analysis speedup from 10% to 5x (the more the products, the bigger the effect)
- Memory consumption decreases by 1.5 - 4x (noticeable only for million or more products)
- Iteration over products is ~2x slower (graph walk vs. sequential array of products)
- Quantitative analysis with approximations (rare-event, MCUB) is 2 - 10x slower
(the fewer the products, the worse the effect)
Minor Changes
Bug Fixes
- Incorrect formula for Histogram distribution expected value (#149)
- Histogram distribution XML schema missing lower-boundary expression (#148)
Since v0.11.5
83 commits resulted in 109 files changed, 5258 insertions(+), 5303 deletions(-)
- Core : 52 files changed, 3869 insertions(+), 4030 deletions(-)
- Scripts : No Changes
- GUI : No Changes
- Tests : 23 files changed, 479 insertions(+), 490 deletions(-)
- Documentation : 20 files changed, 229 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)