Hugo Zen is a minimal hugo theme with Skeleton and has ~100 lines of custom CSS.
Clone this repository to your hugo theme directory.
$ git clone themes/hugo-zen
$ hugo server --theme=hugo-zen --buildDrafts --watch
In this theme you can add variables to your site config file. The following is the example config:
baseurl = ""
languageCode = "ja"
title = ""
author = "rakuishi"
copyright = "rakuishi All rights reserved."
googleanalytics = "UA-12345678-9"
logo = "/images/logo.jpg"
twitter = ""
facebook = ""
github = ""
gitlab = ""
email = "[email protected]"
may contain safe HTML, such as a link to a license.
To exclude a page from the list on the homepage (e.g. content/
), set the following property in the page's frontmatter:
hidefromhome = true
MIT License