Mini-Mart Full Stack MERN Application. It is mobile responsive.
- Users can browse the page, add the desired product in cart. User can Sign up using Google account or by creating an account with any email and password to make a payment of their products.
- This app provides both Admin and User functionalities. The Admin has full access to control the users account, orders made by users. Updates the orders status.
- Braintree is used to manage the order payment process.
- Reactjs
- ExpressJs
- Redux
- Nodejs
- MongoDB
- Tailwind
- flowbite-react
- moment
- bcryptjs
- braintree
To install necessary dependencies, run the following command on your terminal:
npm install
Run 'npm run dev' from Terminal
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
If you have any questions please contact us at :
Repository : mini-mart