polaris is a blockchain built using Cosmos SDK and Tendermint.
To start IBC, you should start two blockchain networks. Both blockchains use the same code. Each blockchain has a unique chain ID.
ignite chain serve
ignite chain serve -c polaris.yml
command installs dependencies, builds, initializes, and starts your blockchain in development.
rm -rf ~/.ignite/relayer
ignite relayer configure -a \
--source-rpc "" \
--source-faucet "" \
--source-port "blog" \
--source-version "blog-1" \
--source-gasprice "0.0000025stake" \
--source-prefix "cosmos" \
--source-gaslimit 300000 \
--target-rpc "" \
--target-faucet "" \
--target-port "blog" \
--target-version "blog-1" \
--target-gasprice "0.0000025stake" \
--target-prefix "cosmos" \
--target-gaslimit 300000
ignite relayer connect
The Polaris blockchain development can be configured with polaris.yml