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0‐Chart Owners

Nicholas openSUSE Software Engineer edited this page Feb 5, 2025 · 11 revisions

Chart owners must only target the dev-v2.* branches.

A chart owner should never merge anything on a release-v2.* branch. Those branches (release-v2.*) are the responsibility of the release team only.


This project requires the GNU versions of patch and diff to ensure consistent behavior across different platforms when performing chart bumps


Please use your distribution's package manager to install the necessary packages:

  • SUSE Tumbleweed:

    sudo zypper install patch diffutils
  • Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install patch diffutils
  • Fedora:

    sudo dnf install patch diffutils


If you are using macOS, we recommend installing the GNU versions of patch and diff using Homebrew:

brew install gpatch diffutils

Updating Charts

Since this repository uses rancher/charts-build-scripts, making changes to this repository involves three steps:

  1. Adding or modifying an existing Package tracked in the packages/ directory usually involves:
    • manual update at package.yamlfile.
    • make prepare
      • sometimes, you will need to make manual changes after prepare; you should do it on the newly generated charts folder.
      • you should not make manual changes in the generated-changes folder!
    • make icons to download the icon file for Air-Gapped customers (this will later be added to the index.yaml and Chart.yaml files)
    • make patch
    • make clean
  2. Running make charts to automatically generate assets used to serve a Helm repository (charts/, assets/, and index.yaml) based on the contents of packages/.
  3. [CI] Running make validate to ensure that all generated assets are up-to-date and ready to be merged.

TIP: Specify the package on the make prepare; make patch; make charts; so you avoid modifying any other in-development charts that are not your own.


PACKAGE=rancher-webhook make prepare
PACKAGE=rancher-webhook make patch
make clean
PACKAGE=rancher-webhook make charts

Or for working with specific versions see rancher-istio workflow example:

PACKAGE=rancher-istio/1.18/rancher-istio make prepare
PACKAGE=rancher-istio/1.18/rancher-istio make patch
make clean
PACKAGE=rancher-istio/1.18/rancher-istio make charts

More info at: 3-Makefile

The knowledge transfer on doing chart bumps is the responsibility of the chart owner team.

Adding Net-New dependencies to dev-2.x

A new build artifact was introduced in v2.7.0 of Rancher, titled rancher-image-origins.txt, which denotes the source code repository (github repository) of each image used in Charts and System-Charts.

When adding new dependencies to dev-2.7+, a PR must first be raised and merged in the Rancher repository with the required changes to the pkg/image/origins.go file.

This ensures that the artifact is up-to-date with the latest images, and will prevent build failures within Rancher when attempting to generate the artifact. Changes to this file are not required when updating versions of existing dependencies.

Versioning Charts

Two kinds of charts exist in this repository. For each type, the versioning is different.

  • upstream charts
  • local charts.
Upstream Charts

In this repository, all packages specify the version field in the package.yaml.

The upstream charts follow this versioning: 1.0.#+upX.Y.Z

X.Y.Z is the upstream chart's major.minor.patch

The 1.0.# versioning scheme roughly corresponds to the following rules (with exceptions):

  • Major Version: represents the Rancher minor version these charts are being released to.
    • Anything less than 100: Rancher 2.5
    • 100: Rancher 2.6
    • 101 and 102: Rancher 2.7
    • 103: Rancher 2.8
    • 104: Rancher 2.9
    • etc.
  • Minor Version: represents a release line of a given chart within a Rancher minor version.
  • Patch Version: represents a patch to a given release line of a chart within a Rancher minor version.

For more information on how package versioning works, please see 1-Developing.

Local Charts
  • For local charts, we don't follow any complex versioning scheme. Only one semver, versioning scheme x.x.x is being followed.

Rancher Version Annotations

In addition to modifying the chart version, the annotation is required for user-facing charts that show up in Rancher UI; there is no need to add the annotation to CRD charts or internal charts (like fleet).

General guidelines when releasing a new version of a user-facing chart:

  1. Ensure the chart has the annotation with a lower and upper bound, such as >= 2.6.0-0 < 2.7.0-0.

    • This indicates that a fresh install of the chart should be allowed in any version of Rancher over 2.6.0-0 and below 2.7.0-0 line.

    • It should be freshly installable in 2.6.0+, but should not be freshly installable in Rancher 2.7.0+. The lower bound is particularly useful for charts that will not work in an older version of Rancher, e.g. >= 2.6.2-0 < 2.7.0-0 indicates that this chart should only be freshly installable in Rancher 2.6.2+, but should not be freshly installable in Rancher 2.7.0+.

    • If you do this, it is also recommended that you modify the previously released chart to have < 2.6.2-0. For instructions on how to modify existing charts, see 1-Developing.

  2. Ensure the chart has the annotation with a lower and upper bound, such as >= 1.16.0-0 < 1.25.0-0.

    • This indicates that a fresh install of the chart should be allowed in a cluster with any version of Kubernetes over 1.16.0 and below 1.25.0 line. It should be freshly installable in a 1.16.0+ cluster, but should not be freshly installable in 1.25.0+.

Versioning FAQ

  1. Do we directly backport charts to previous Rancher minor versions (e.g. make 100.x.x available in Rancher 2.5)?

    • No, we do not. If a fix needs to go to both Rancher 2.5 and v2.6, we just release a new chart in each branch. Then, we forward-port the one released in the release-v2.5 branch to release-v2.6.

    • If a fix that went into Rancher 2.6 needs to be backported to Rancher 2.5, it will be the developer's responsibility to bump the chart version in dev-v2.5, copy back the changes, and release a new chart following the Rancher 2.5 versioning scheme to release-v2.5.

  2. If Rancher 2.5 releases Monitoring 14.5.100 and 16.6.0 and Rancher 2.6 releases Monitoring 100.0.0+up14.5.100 and 100.0.1+up16.6.0, how do we prevent users from "downgrading" from 16.6.0 to 100.0.0+up14.5.100 on a helm upgrade after upgrading Rancher minor versions?

    • Currently, this is unavoidable. There is an expectation that users should look at the upstream annotation on the chart version (e.g. +upX.Y.Z), read the Rancher minor version release notes, or consult the chart's or before performing an upgrade on their applications after migrating to a new Rancher minor version.

    • We are still looking for a better way to mitigate this kind of risk.

  3. For Rancher version annotations, why don't we need to add the lower bound all the time?

    • Each Rancher minor version has its dedicated chart release branch (e.g. release-v2.5, release-v2.6, etc.), so a chart designed for Rancher 2.6.x will never be available or show up in Rancher 2.5.x; therefore, we do not need to worry about setting a lower bound of > 2.5.99-0 on all charts.

Supporting Images in Airgap

Currently, the scripts used to generate the rancher-images.txt (used for mirroring a private registry in a air-gapped Rancher setup) rely on values.yaml files in charts that nest all image repository and tags used by the Helm chart under repository and tag fields.

For example:

image: org/repo:v0.0.0 # will not be picked up

    # will be picked up, even though it is nested under*
    repository: org/repo
    tag: v0.0.0
    os: windows # optional, takes in a comma-delimited list of supported OSs. By default, the OS is assumed to be "linux" but you can specify "windows" or "linux,windows" as well.

Therefore, any charts that are committed into this repository must nest references to Docker images in this format within each chart's values.yaml; if an upstream chart you are referencing does not follow this format, it is recommended that you refactor the chart's values.yaml to look like this:

    repository: rancher/mirrored-jimmidyson-configmap-reload
    tag: v0.4.0
    repository: rancher/mirrored-fluent-fluent-bit
    tag: 1.7.9
    repository: rancher/mirrored-fluent-fluent-bit
    tag: 1.7.9-debug
    repository: rancher/mirrored-banzaicloud-fluentd
    tag: v1.12.4-alpine-1
    os: "windows"
    repository: rancher/fluent-bit
    tag: 1.7.4

Pull Requests Best-Practices

Please create your Pull Request title following this rule:

[dev-v2.X] <chart> <version> <action>
[release-v2.X] <chart> <version> <action>

A working example:

[dev-v2.8] rancher-istio 103.2.0+up1.19.6 update
  • <chart>: The full name of the charts exactly how it is written under /charts folder
  • <version>: The full version of the chart, exactly how it is written under release.yaml
  • <action>: update; remove; add

What you should keep in mind for releasing charts:

  • Each Pull Request should only modify one chart with its dependencies.
  • Each chart version in release.yaml DOES NOT modify an already released chart. If so, stop and modify the versions so that it releases a net-new chart.
  • Each chart version in release.yaml IS exactly 1 more patch or minor version than the last released chart version. If not, stop and modify the versions so that it releases a net-new chart.
Chart.yaml and index.yaml
  • The index.yaml file has an entry for your new chart version.
  • The index.yaml entries for each chart matches the Chart.yaml for each chart.
  • Each chart has ALL required annotations
    • kube-version annotation
    • rancher-version annotation
    • permits-os annotation (indicates Windows and/or Linux)