A modern, full-featured starter template featuring FastAPI backend and React 19 frontend with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and shadcn/ui components.
Backend (FastAPI)
- Fast and modern Python web framework
- PostgreSQL/SQLite database with async SQLAlchemy ORM
- JWT-based authentication system
- Role-based access control
- Async database operations
- Proper connection pooling and cleanup
- Environment configuration with pydantic
- Structured logging
- Health check endpoint
- Graceful shutdown handling
- Modular project structure
Frontend (React 19)
- Latest React features including
hook - TypeScript for type safety and better developer experience
- React Router 7 for client-side routing
- shadcn/ui components for beautiful, accessible UI
- Component-based architecture
- Custom hooks for data fetching
- Modern error handling with Error Boundaries
- Suspense for loading states
- Tailwind CSS for styling
- Environment configuration
- Vite for fast development
- Latest React features including
├── backend/
│ ├── app/
│ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ ├── main.py # FastAPI application entry
│ │ ├── config/ # Configuration management
│ │ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ │ └── config.py # Environment settings
│ │ ├── db/ # Database
│ │ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ │ ├── database.py # Database connection
│ │ │ └── models.py # SQLAlchemy models
│ │ ├── routes/ # API routes
│ │ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ │ ├── auth.py # Authentication endpoints
│ │ │ └── health.py # Health check endpoint
│ │ ├── schemas/ # Pydantic models
│ │ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ │ └── auth.py # Authentication schemas
│ │ ├── services/ # Business logic
│ │ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ │ └── auth.py # Authentication services
│ │ └── utils/ # Utilities
│ │ ├── __init__.py
│ │ └── logger.py # Logging configuration
│ ├── .env # Environment variables
│ └── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
├── frontend/
│ ├── src/
│ │ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components
│ │ │ └── ui/ # shadcn/ui components
│ │ │ ├── button.tsx
│ │ │ ├── card.tsx
│ │ │ └── status-dot.tsx
│ │ ├── features/ # Feature modules
│ │ │ ├── auth/ # Authentication feature
│ │ │ │ ├── LoginForm.tsx
│ │ │ │ └── RegisterForm.tsx
│ │ │ └── health/ # Health check feature
│ │ │ └── HealthStatus.tsx
│ │ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
│ │ │ ├── useAuth.ts
│ │ │ └── useHealthStatus.ts
│ │ ├── layouts/ # Page layouts
│ │ │ └── MainLayout.tsx
│ │ ├── lib/ # Utility functions and configurations
│ │ │ └── utils.ts
│ │ ├── routes/ # Route components and configurations
│ │ │ └── root.tsx
│ │ ├── types/ # TypeScript type definitions
│ │ │ └── index.d.ts
│ │ └── App.tsx # Main React component
│ ├── .env # Frontend environment variables
│ └── package.json # Node.js dependencies
└── README.md # Project documentation
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/raythurman2386/fastapi-react-starter.git cd fastapi-react-starter
Create environment files:
file in the root directory:# Database Configuration DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=postgres DB_NAME=fastapi_db
Start the application with Docker:
docker compose up --build
This will:
- Start PostgreSQL database
- Reset the database (drop and recreate with fresh migrations)
- Start the FastAPI backend at http://localhost:8000
- Start the React frontend at http://localhost:5173
The Swagger docs will be available at http://localhost:8000/docs
For your convenience, this project includes automated setup scripts for both Windows and Linux/Mac:
- Open PowerShell as Administrator
- Navigate to the project directory
- Run the setup script:
This script will:
- Check for required dependencies (Git, Python, Node.js)
- Install pnpm if not already installed
- Set up Git hooks for code formatting using pre-commit
- Create and configure Python virtual environment for the backend
- Install backend dependencies
- Install frontend dependencies with pnpm
- Set up environment variables
- Open a terminal
- Navigate to the project directory
- Make the script executable and run it:
chmod +x setup.sh ./setup.sh
This script performs the same setup steps as the Windows version but is adapted for Unix-based systems.
Backend Setup:
a. Install PostgreSQL and create a database:
# macOS with Homebrew brew install postgresql brew services start postgresql # Create database createdb fastapi_db
b. Create a
file in the backend directory:# Database Configuration DB_NAME=fastapi_db DB_USER=postgres # your database user DB_PASSWORD=postgres # your database password DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 CORS_ORIGINS=["http://localhost:5173"] ENVIRONMENT=development
c. Install Python dependencies and run migrations:
cd backend pip install -r requirements.txt python manage.py reset_db # This will reset the database and apply migrations uvicorn app.main:app --reload
Frontend Setup:
cd frontend npm install npm run dev
The project includes several database management commands:
# Reset the database (drop, recreate, and apply migrations)
python manage.py reset_db
# Generate new migrations
python manage.py makemigrations "description of changes"
# Apply pending migrations
python manage.py migrate
# Check migration status
python manage.py db_status
# Rollback last migration
python manage.py downgrade
If you encounter database errors:
- Stop all running services
- Reset the database using
python manage.py reset_db
or through Docker withdocker compose up --build
- The database will be recreated with fresh tables
Backend Status shows "error":
- Ensure PostgreSQL is running
- Check database credentials in
- Try resetting the database using
python manage.py reset_db
- Check backend logs for specific error messages
User Registration fails:
- Ensure the database is properly initialized
- Check if backend is running and accessible
- Verify CORS settings in backend
- Check browser console for specific error messages
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.