I am a software developer with a focus toward responsive, accessible and efficient design. I enjoy problem solving, exploring ways to make things more effecient and understanding how and why things work the way that they do.
After 13 years in the transportation sector I decided that it was time for a change. So, in December 2021 I started taking some online web development courses and really enjoyed watching things come to life. I dove in a little deeper by signing up for more interactive courses and participating in local tech events to help me build a better learning foundation. The tech resources and community have been such a blessing and I enjoy being a contributing member of such a wonderful community.
In May 2022 I was honored to accept my first software engineer position with Payitoff. They have been wonderful at spending time with me and helping me continue my learning journey. They have really helped me understand things that I would not have ever gotten in an online course or bootcamp. I spend a lot of time pair programming, debugging, testing, and doing anything that I can to help make our work days more seamless.
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