Android based application build to help scouts convert text into Morse code in seconds! This application build with Android Studio.
Do not publish this apps without my permission or try to claim this apps is yours!!!
that will broke my heart :(
- Features
- Screenshoots
- Technology Stack
- Development Setup
- Structure Directory
- Authors
- Contributors
- License
- Acknowledgments
Here's the the features of this apps :
- Convert to morse-code
- Convert to grass-code
- Convert to square-code
- Convert to semaphore-code
- allow to copy the result text
here's the screenshoot of the apps that I made, hope you like it
- Programming Language : Java
- IDE: Android Studio
- Another Stack: Card View
To start this development project, make sure you have installed Android Studio
and Android sdk
. To start this project:
- Run Android Studio
- Choose Import project from version control
- Input link respository Bitbucket:
If it goes well, the project will be able to open in Android Studio and it can be build.
Make sure you read this
Struktor folder sangat penting untuk diketahui agar tim mengatahui fungsi-fungsi tiap-tiap folder tujuannya agar memiliki persepsi yang sama. Berikut merupakan struktur folder dari project ini: skeleton
│ ├── src
│ │ ├── main
│ │ | |── java
│ │ | |── res
The explanation of the above folders is as follows:
- java is folder which is used to store java files.
- res is folder that is used to store assets such as layout, fonts, images, and others.
- Rizky Bayu Oktavian - developer - @rbayuokt
- made with ❤️ in Cimahi
- Fladio Armandika - Contributor - FladioArmandika
- Nenza Nurfirmansyah - Contributor - nenzan
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc