improvements to pdfreader. [gary-roach]
Refactored pdfreader to be more extensible and added a mercurycards importer which uses the pdfreader to read credit card transactions.
turn on emit_filing_account by default. [Red S]
Else, we are dependent on the order of postings determined by Python
feat! : add generic json reader. [dev]
BREAKING CHANGE: old is rename into
fidelity_brokerage_csv importer (ofx is limited to 90 days) [Red S]
minor: add deep_identify to ibkr. [Red S]
ibkr flex query web API downloader (reds-ibkr-flexquery-download) [Red S]
the new command is: reds-ibkr-flexquery-download
ibkr: add transfers; minor refactor. [Red S]
IBKR add balance assertions for positions. [Red S]
ibkr balance assertion for cash balance. [Red S]
xml reader + ibkr flex query importer. [Red S]
silent exit if there's nothing to print. [Justus Pendleton]
Only print table header if there are actually accounts
that need updates. -
#114: rerun checks on push to PRs. [Red S]
failing unit tests because of emit_filing_account change. [Red S]
- emit_filing_account was turned on by default in 07d972d, which broke
unit tests
- emit_filing_account was turned on by default in 07d972d, which broke
#109: raise notimplemented for get_transactions() [Red S]
schwab_csv_brokerage: add more transaction types. [Red S]
constrain Beancount dependency version. [dev]
The project doesn't work with beancount v3.
'' in securities bug. [Red S]
csvreader: strip before parsing dates. [Red S]
wip, fix fidelity_cma_csv. [Red S]
- this needs a pytest so tests don't go stale
- needs much more fixing, or removal
remove blank ticker, common with brokerage-bank combos. [Red S]
ibkr trade commissions fix. [Red S]
add interest to schwab_csv_brokerage. [Red S]