nyam is a node.js CLI tool for easy posting and reading of Yammer feeds.
With npm:
npm install nyam
Clone this project:
git clone http://github.com/csanz/nyam.git
Usage: nyam [action] [options]
-h, --help Display this help page
-l, --list Display messages inside the general feed
ex: nyam -l
-m, --msg Post a message to yammer
ex: nyam -m "I'm working on nyam"
ex: nyam "I don't require a switch"
-s, --setup It will start the setup/auth process
ex: nyam
Log on to Yammer and create a new application
Bring the new keys inside config.json
Or you can use Geekli.st's app keys and just continue on with the setup.
Start the setup process
$nyam -s
follow the instructions and then create credentials.json
$nyam -l