🚂 Summary. The Train Benchmark is a framework for measuring the performance of continuous model transformations, with a particular emphasis on the performance of incremental query reevaluation. The benchmark is actively developed since 2011.
💻 Technologies. The framework is implemented in Java 8 (for the main components) and Groovy (for the scripts). The visualization is handled by R scripts. Both the build and the benchmark process in governed by Gradle.
👋 Contributions welcome. If you would like to implement the benchmark on your tool, we recommend to read the documentation and also please do not hesitate to get in contact!
📔 Note. The Train Benchmark has a fork for the 2015 Transformation Tool Contest, primarily targeting EMF tools. That fork is no longer maintained. You should use this repository, containing the full, cross-technology Train Benchmark (also supporting RDF, SQL and property graph databases).
📖 Details. If you are interested in getting the benchmark working or contributing, visit the documentation.
📚 Publications. the definitive publication on the benchmark is our journal paper The Train Benchmark: cross-technology performance evaluation of continuous model queries. For use cases, also check out the related publications.
Citing the benchmark. For citing the benchmark, use the following BibTeX snippet.
author="Sz{\'a}rnyas, G{\'a}bor and Izs{\'o}, Benedek and R{\'a}th, Istv{\'a}n and Varr{\'o}, D{\'a}niel",
title="The Train Benchmark: cross-technology performance evaluation of continuous model queries",
journal="Software {\&} Systems Modeling",
The project uses the Eclipse Public License 1.0 and was supported by the MONDO EU FP7 (EU ICT-611125) project. It is currently developed by the MTA-BME Lendület Research Group on Cyber-Physical Systems.