Stdlib namespace for Core modules #5855
7 warnings
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Performance alert! Previous value was 1.3523686533333334 and current value is 1.8592550133333332. It is 1.3748137453131737x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.05
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Performance alert! Previous value was 1.98472278 and current value is 3.06102946. It is 1.5422957255521599x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.05
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Performance alert! Previous value was 1.8453905533333332 and current value is 2.7996436466666665. It is 1.5171008877278924x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.05
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Performance alert! Previous value was 42.23872597333333 and current value is 61.12412062666667. It is 1.4471108968877588x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.05
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Performance alert! Previous value was 60.21953604666667 and current value is 99.01746072666666. It is 1.644274719252799x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.05
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Performance alert! Previous value was 5.70670238 and current value is 7.570664999999999. It is 1.3266269196957838x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.05
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Performance alert! Previous value was 8.188623 and current value is 12.692955446666666. It is 1.55007202635494x worse than previous exceeding a ratio threshold 1.05