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Pre-release updates

Pre-release updates #5

Workflow file for this run

name: Pre-release updates
description: 'sdk-typescript version (without prepending v). Leave empty if you do not want to update it.'
required: false
type: string
description: 'sdk-java version (without prepending v). Leave empty if you do not want to update it.'
required: false
type: string
# prevent from running on forks
if: github.repository_owner == 'restatedev'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 20
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Setup node
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
if: github.event.inputs.sdkTypescriptVersion != ''
node-version: "19.x"
registry-url: ''
# Bump sdk version in node examples and run checks
- name: Run npm updates
if: github.event.inputs.sdkTypescriptVersion != ''
run: npm --prefix typescript install @restatedev/restate-sdk@^${{ inputs.sdkTypescriptVersion }} --workspaces
- name: Check npm examples compile correctly
if: github.event.inputs.sdkTypescriptVersion != ''
run: npm --prefix typescript run verify --workspaces
# Setup Java
- uses: actions/setup-java@v3
if: github.event.inputs.sdkJavaVersion != ''
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '17'
# Bump sdk version in java/kotlin examples and run checks
# When adding a new example make sure it's listed here
- name: Find and replace restateVersion in build.gradle.kts for java templates
if: github.event.inputs.sdkJavaVersion != ''
run: for jvmDir in hello-world-http hello-world-lambda; do sed -i 's/val restateVersion = "[0-9A-Z.-]*"/val restateVersion = "${{ inputs.sdkJavaVersion }}"/' java/$jvmDir/build.gradle.kts; done
- name: Find and replace restateVersion in build.gradle.kts for kotlin templates
if: github.event.inputs.sdkJavaVersion != ''
run: for jvmDir in hello-world-http hello-world-lambda; do sed -i 's/val restateVersion = "[0-9A-Z.-]*"/val restateVersion = "${{ inputs.sdkJavaVersion }}"/' kotlin/$jvmDir/build.gradle.kts; done
# When adding a new example add the check task here
- name: Test java/hello-world-http
if: github.event.inputs.sdkJavaVersion != ''
uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2
arguments: check
build-root-directory: java/hello-world-http
- name: Test java/hello-world-lambda
if: github.event.inputs.sdkJavaVersion != ''
uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2
arguments: check
build-root-directory: java/hello-world-lambda
- name: Test kotlin/hello-world-http
if: github.event.inputs.sdkJavaVersion != ''
uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2
arguments: check
build-root-directory: kotlin/hello-world-http
- name: Test kotlin/hello-world-lambda
if: github.event.inputs.sdkJavaVersion != ''
uses: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2
arguments: check
build-root-directory: kotlin/hello-world-lambda
# CDK projects are a hybrid of TypeScript CDK stack + platform-specific handler code; the top-level npm CDK build
# is responsible for verifying the language-specific handler cod. They are also not a part of the TypeScript
# examples workspace, so we test them separately here.
- name: Test kotlin/hello-world-lambda-cdk
if: github.event.inputs.sdkTypescriptVersion != '' && github.event.inputs.sdkJavaVersion != ''
run: npm --prefix kotlin/hello-world-lambda-cdk run verify
- name: Create Pull Request
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
title: "[GithubActions] Update Restate ${{ inputs.sdkTypescriptVersion != '' && format('SDK-Typescript {0} ', inputs.sdkTypescriptVersion) }}${{ inputs.sdkJavaVersion != '' && format('SDK-Java {0}', inputs.sdkJavaVersion) }}"
commit-message: "[GithubActions] Update Restate ${{ inputs.sdkTypescriptVersion != '' && format('SDK-Typescript {0} ', inputs.sdkTypescriptVersion) }}${{ inputs.sdkJavaVersion != '' && format('SDK-Java {0}', inputs.sdkJavaVersion) }}"
add-paths: |