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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Something isn't working
data: check img alt text
data: check img alt text
We need to write or confirm alt text for the images that is friendly to e-readers.
data: datavizable
data: datavizable
We can imagine at least one dataviz that someone would make for this dataset.
data: downer
data: downer
We like to avoid datasets that will remind participants of lost loved ones, etc.
data: downer-covid
data: downer-covid
COVID datasets remind many users of lost loved ones, etc. Perhaps use in ~2025.
data: has article
data: has article
Has a link to a blog or something else that uses the data.
data: has data dictionary
data: has data dictionary
Has definitions of all columns in the clean dataset.
data: has data link
data: has data link
Has a link to the data, not just a description of where we might find it.
data: has images
data: has images
At least 2 images have been identified to accompany the post
data: has img alt
data: has img alt
Has alt text describing the two images.
data: has usable size
data: has usable size
Is the data small enough to fit on GH?
data: needs compilation
data: needs compilation
Sometimes the suggestion requires us to scrape the data (not just clean). Flag for extra work.
data: needs data dictionary
data: needs data dictionary
Very commonly we need to define the columns.
data: no article
data: no article
data: no data link
data: no data link
If we can't find a usable source for the data, we can't use it.
data: no image alt text
data: no image alt text
We provide alt text for all images. The alt text should serve in place of the image.
data: no images
data: no images
We need images to accompany our social media posts.
data: not datavizable
data: not datavizable
We can't imagine any dataviz for this dataset. Provide one if you can!
data: provenance
data: provenance
We need to make sure the data followed robots.txt and otherwise isn't going to cause headache.
data: too large
data: too large
We need to subsample the data to use this dataset.
data: usable provenance
data: usable provenance
We aren't likely to get sued for using this dataset.
This issue or pull request already exists
New feature or request
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
This doesn't seem right
General repository maintenance (not specific to a dataset).