I am a Senior Software Engineer working on web and mobile projects.
I previously worked as a software engineer at VMware Tanzu Labs. Most of the work I did there was for clients and closed source, however I do contribute to open source projects when I can, and work on a significant side project which you can read about below.
While most of the work I did at VMware Tanzu Labs is not available on Github, I can share a talk I co-presented in September 2020 about how we practice Extreme Programming.
Together with @immenor and others I work on a language learning iPhone, Apple Watch and iPad app called Context. We've designed it with the needs of both begginer and intermediate learners in mind and centered it around the idea of learning new words in the context that you heard them first. We use the app daily and have many users that do the same. It's a free app, so try it out and let us know what you think.
While Matt was a student at the programming boot camp Code Chrysalis, we met for regular mentoring sessions. We used a lot of the Extreme Programming practices - pair programming and test driven development - to help solidify the material he was learning. He's now a professional developer. I've also partiicpated in workshops and Q&A sessions with Code Chrysalis, and proud of the work they do and what their students are achieving after graduating.
I have also contributed to the Women Who Code Tokyo iOS App, and support the important work they and others are doing to increase diversity in the software industry.
I have made some contributions to Succinct, an open source iOS testing library created by @derekleerock. It's great for writing fast, decoupled view controller tests that don't need to be run with XCUITest. I also made small improvements to A Dark Room, a Javascript text adventure game.
Programming languages, compilers and interpreters have always been an interest of mine. I have enjoyed working through "Writing an Interpreter in Go", resulting in a completed Monkey interpreter. I have also implemented my own Jack compiler in Swift using the book "The Elements of Computing Systems".