Compose demo nucleusRx
Table of Contents
General Info Technologies Used Features Screenshots Setup Usage Project Status Room for Improvement Acknowledgements Contact
General Information The Main purpose of the project is to learn and explore jetpack compose
Technologies Used
Android Kotlin Jetpack compose
Features List the ready features here:
Android mobile application will support mobile handheld device with portrait mode only. Android resolution 540960, 7201280, 1920*1080 with OS versions 8.0 till 12.0 Android Mobile Device Screen 4.5 inch to 6 inch Android mobile application will support both dark theme n light theme .
Setup What are the project requirements/dependencies? Where are they listed? Proceed to describe how to install / setup one's local environment / get started with the project.
Application flow Overview : Simple app anyone can use it.
Usage How does one go about using it?
Project Status Project is: _in progress.
Room for Improvement Include areas you believe need improvement / could be improved. Also add TODOs for future development. Room for improvement:
Remove multiple api calls from backend
Acknowledgements Give credit here.
Richa Shah
Contact Created by Richa Shah - feel free to contact us! [email protected]