Version 9.3
Muscat 9.3 brings many enhancements and some new features.
- The field Additional Institution (710 $c in Sources and Secondary Literature) is linked to the Places authority file. You can directly add a location when adding a new institution.
- Adding a new place in 710 $c will also add this place to the corresponding new authority record in Institutions.
- More fields are now included in the CSV export of folders.
- Text incipits (031 $t), Total instrumentation (594 $b), and Profession or Function in Personal names (550 $a) have an improved autocomplete which properly removes deleted items.
- The column "Name and location" on the main page on Institutions now displays both Institution Name and Subordinate Unit (110 $a and $b).
This release of Muscat also includes many more enhancements. Please refer to the changelog for the complete list of changes.