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ZenDesk Ticket Incremental Exporter

A Windows console application for keeping a local copy of your Zendesk tickets updated in an application-managed SQLite database, with optional export to csv.


  • .NET Framework 4.5.1 installed.

Download and install

We use GitHub releases to distribute this application. View the latest release.

Extract the contents of the .zip file to a location of your choice, which will include ZendeskTicketExporter.Console.exe.

Example usages:

Create a new local copy:

ZendeskTicketExporter.Console.exe -s mysitename -u [email protected] -t myapitoken -n

Create a new local copy (long form):

ZendeskTicketExporter.Console.exe --sitename mysitename --username [email protected] --token myapitoken --new-database

Update an existing local copy:

ZendeskTicketExporter.Console.exe -s mysitename -u [email protected] -t myapitoken

Update an existing local copy and output csv:

ZendeskTicketExporter.Console.exe -s mysitename -u [email protected] -t myapitoken -e output.csv

Update an existing local copy and output csv with csv overwrite permitted:

ZendeskTicketExporter.Console.exe -s mysitename -u [email protected] -t myapitoken -e output.csv -o

Update an existing local copy and output csv to UNC path:

ZendeskTicketExporter.Console.exe -s mysitename -u [email protected] -t myapitoken -e \\machinename\sharename\output.csv

Rolling CSV exports using Powershell:

$timestamp = $(Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-hhmmss")
$csvOutputPath = "\\machinename\sharename\$timestamp-utc.csv"
.\ZendeskTicketExporter.Console.exe -s mysitename -u [email protected] -t myapitoken -e $csvOutputPath


-s, --sitename                     Required. Sitename for accessing Zendesk
                                   API ([your-site-name]

-u, --username                     Required. Username for accessing Zendesk
                                   API (do not include "/token").

-t, --token                        Required. API token for accessing Zendesk
                                   API. You can enable and view this at

-n, --new-database                 Permit creation of a new database, does
                                   not permit refresh of existing database.
                                   This is to ensure compliance with the
                                   Zendesk API guidelines.

-e, --export-csv-file              Path to CVS export file, if not specified
                                   no CSV export will be performed.

-o, --export-csv-file-overwrite    Permit overwriting of export-csv-file.

-q, --quiet                        Suppress console logging output.