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rmarquis edited this page Oct 4, 2015 · 1 revision

Pacaur's main feature revolves around a ''fast workflow'' idea, that is, '''spending as little time as possible interacting with package management prompts'''. Speed, simplicity and the need for an uncluttered interface were also taken into consideration.

A few characteristics:

  • It minimizes user interaction, by retrieving and editing all PKGBUILDs, solving conflicts and asking about providers before building anything.
  • It fully supports split packages with proper independent subpackages installation.
  • It can be used as a separate AUR frontend, or a single tool to manage official and AUR packages.
  • It does not add a lot of features, but simply extends pacman to manage the AUR.
  • It solves the dependency tree entirely through the AUR RPC interface in a secure way.
  • It is a small bash script using existing tiny libraries and has very good performance with a small memory footprint.

See also Why pacaur sucks less in the official forum thread.

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