This is an output plugin for Logstash. It is fully free and fully open source. The license is Apache 2.0, meaning you are pretty much free to use it however you want in whatever way.
This guide is for the users just want to download the binary and make the plugin work. For the developer, please refer to the Developer Guide
Create a Sumo Logic free account if you currently don't have one.
Create a HTTP source in your account and get the URL for this source. It should be something like:
Following this instruction to download and install LogStash. This plugin requires Logstash 2.3 or higher to work.
3. Install latest Logstash Sumo Logic Output plugin from RubyGems
bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-output-sumologic
In the Logstash home, running:
bin/logstash -e "input{stdin{}}output{sumologic{url=>'<URL from step 1>'}}"
This will send any input from console to Sumo Logic cloud service.
Open samples/sample-logs.conf, replace #URL# placeholder as real URL got from step 1
Launch sample with:
bin/logstash -f samples/log.conf
The input from console will be sent to Sumo Logic cloud service as log lines.
Open samples/sample-metrics.conf, replace #URL# placeholder as real URL got from step 1 (This sample may require installing the plugins-filters-metrics plugin first)
Launch sample with:
bin/logstash -f samples/metrics.conf
A mocked event will be sent to Sumo Logic cloud service as 1 minute and 15 minutes rate metrics.
Logon to Sumo Logic web app and run
- Try it with different input/filter/codec plugins
- Start LogStash as a service/daemon in your production environment
- Report any issue or idea through Git Hub
Parameter | Type | Required? | Default value | Decription |
url |
string | Yes | HTTP Source URL | |
source_category |
string | No | Source category to appear when searching in Sumo Logic by _sourceCategory . If not specified, the source category of the HTTP source will be used. |
source_name |
string | No | Source name to appear when searching in Sumo Logic by _sourceName . |
source_host |
string | No | Source host to appear when searching in Sumo Logic by _sourceHost . If not specified, it will be the machine host name. |
extra_headers |
hash | No | Extra fields need to be send in HTTP header. | |
compress |
boolean | No | false |
Enable or disable compression. |
compress_encoding |
string | No | "deflate" |
Encoding method of comressing, can only be "deflate" or "gzip" . |
interval |
number | No | 0 |
The maximum time for waiting before send in batch, in ms. |
format |
string | No | "%{@timestamp} %{host} %{message}" |
For log only, the formatter of log lines. Use %{@json} as the placeholder for whole event json. |
json_mapping |
hash | No | Override the structure of {@json} tag with the given key value pairs. For example: json_mapping => { "foo" => "%{@timestamp}" "bar" => "%{message}" } will create messages as: {"foo":"2016-07-27T18:37:59.460Z","bar":"hello world"} {"foo":"2016-07-27T18:38:01.222Z","bar":"bye!"} |
metrics |
hash | No | If defined, the event will be sent as metrics. Keys will be the metrics name and values will be the metrics value. | |
metrics_format |
string | No | "cabon2" |
Metrics format, can only be "graphite" or "carbon2" . |
metrics_name |
string | No | "*" |
Define the metric name looking, the placeholder "*" will be replaced with the actual metric name. |
intrinsic_tags |
hash | No | For carbon2 format only, send extra intrinsic key-value pairs other than metric (which is the metric name). |
meta_tags |
hash | No | For carbon2 format only, send metadata key-value pairs. | |
fields_as_metrics |
boolean | No | false |
If true , all fields in logstash event with number value will be sent as a metrics (with filtering by fields_include and fields_exclude ; the metics parameter is ignored. |
fields_include |
array | No | all fields | Working with fields_as_metrics parameter, only the fields which full name matching these RegEx pattern(s) will be included in metrics. |
fields_exclude |
array | No | none | Working with fields_as_metrics parameter, the fields which full name matching these RegEx pattern(s) will be ignored in metrics. |
This plugin is based on logstash-mixin-http_client thus we also support all HTTP layer parameters like proxy, authentication, retry, etc.