This project contains some scaffolding code that I use whenever I start a new project. It follows some best practices.
- RESTful web API.
- GraphQL (+ authorization + permissions) using hot chocolate
- Reactjs Dashboad UI integrated (https://github.com/rolfwessels/coredocker-dashboard)
- Authorization (OpenId with integrated identity server).
- Swagger for API documentation.
- MongoDB document storage database.
- Redis for messaging between services
- CI Appvayor && Travis for build automation
- Docker files to compile and compose a server
- Versioned binaries
- Developed using TDD practices.
- Deploy with CDN
- Code analytics - look at resharper cli tools.
- Find and clean unused code. See if we can automate report
- 3rd party authentication - github or google would be awesome (Tired of always writing own user management system).
- More https://shields.io/#/
dotnet add .\test\CoreDocker.Utilities.Tests\ package JetBrains.ReSharper.CommandLineTools --package-directory .\build\tools
build\tools\jetbrains.resharper.commandlinetools\2018.2.3\tools\InspectCode.exe --caches-home="C:\Temp\Cache" -f=html -o="report.html" .\CoreDocker.sln
build\tools\jetbrains.resharper.commandlinetools\2018.2.3\tools\dupfinder.exe --caches-home="C:\Temp\Cache" -o="duplicates.xml" .\CoreDocker.sln
build\tools\jetbrains.resharper.commandlinetools\2018.2.3\tools\cleanupcode.exe .\CoreDocker.sln
Open the docker environment to do all development and deployment
# bring up dev environment
make build up
# to test the app
make test
# to run the app
make start
make up
: brings up the container & attaches to the default containermake down
: stops the containermake build
: builds the container
make start
: Run the appmake test
: Test the app
see https://benjii.me/2017/06/creating-self-signed-certificate-identity-server-azure/
cd src/CoreDocker.Api/Certificates
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout development.key -out development.crt -subj "/CN=localhost" -days 3650
openssl pkcs12 -export -out development.pfx -inkey development.key -in development.crt -certfile development.crt
rm development.crt
rm development.key
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout production.key -out production.crt -subj "/CN=localhost" -days 3650
openssl pkcs12 -export -out production.pfx -inkey production.key -in production.crt -certfile production.crt
rm production.crt
rm production.key
cd src
docker-compose build;
docker-compose up;
cd src
docker-compose up -d;
docker-compose exec api bash
- Special thanks to @baranpirincal for the logo. https://github.com/baranpirincal