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BTC Staking Integration for OP-Stack Chains

This guide describes how to integrate the Babylon Bitcoin Staking protocol to an OP-Stack chain.

It assumes you already have an OP-Stack chain deployed. If not, we recommend deploying an OP-Stack devnet using our OP chain deployment repo.

It's recommended you skim through this guide before starting with the following steps.

System Recommendations

The guide was tested on:

  • a Debian 12 x64 machine on Digital Ocean
  • 8GB Memory
  • 160GB Disk

It's recommended you execute the following steps on a similar or better machine.


The following dependencies are required on your machine.

Dependency Version Version Check Command
git ^2 git --version
docker ^20 docker --version
docker compose ^2.20 docker compose version
make ^3 make --version
curl ^8 curl --version
jq ^1.6 jq --version

Setup Bitcoin node

A Bitcoin node is required to run the Babylon BTC Staker program. You will need to import a private key with some BTC into the Bitcoin node. If you don't have one, you can generate a new account using OKX wallet and export the private key. To integrate with Babylon Euphrates 0.5.0 devnet, you need to use the Signet Bitcoin test network. You can get some signet BTC through faucets such as

  1. Copy the .env.bitcoin.example file to .env.bitcoin and set the variables

    cp .env.bitcoin.example .env.bitcoin
    • For the Babylon Euphrates integration, the NETWORK variable should be set as signet.
    • The BTC_PRIVKEY variable must be a valid Bitcoin private key in WIF format.
  2. Start the Bitcoin node

    make start-bitcoin
  3. Verify the Bitcoin node is synced and has a balance

    make verify-bitcoin-sync-balance

    Note: this step may take ~10 minutes to complete.

If you want to check the Bitcoin node logs, you can run the following command:

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose-bitcoin.yml logs -f bitcoind

If you want to stop the Bitcoin node (and remove the synced data), you can run the following command:

make stop-bitcoin

Upgrade OP-stack chain to support BTC staking

To integrate with Babylon, you will need to upgrade your nodes to support BTC staking. To do so, replace op-node with Snapchain's fork, available as a Docker image.

If you are unsure how to do this, please refer to the OP chain deployment guide.

Integrate Babylon finality system with OP-Stack chain

This section describes how to integrate the Babylon finality system to your OP-Stack chain, using Babylon Euphrates 0.5.0 devnet.

Before starting, please make sure:

  • Your Bitcoin Signet node is synced and has a wallet with enough signet BTC balance (e.g. >0.01 BTC).
  • Your OP-Stack chain is running and has at least one finalized block. This is important because the Babylon fast finality gadget starts processing blocks from the (non-zero) finalized height.

For more details about how to setup an OP-Stack chain with BTC staking support, please refer to the OP chain deployment repo.

1. Get some test BBN tokens from the Euphrates faucet

curl \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
-d '{ "address": "<YOUR_BABYLON_ADDRESS>"}'

2. Setup environment variables

Copy the .env.babylon-integration.example file to .env.babylon-integration

cp .env.babylon-integration.example .env.babylon-integration

The key env vars to set are the server IP addresses where your Bitcoin Signet node and Babylon finality system are deployed. Note that the ports are preconfigured in the Docker Compose files used for this deployment.

  • BITCOIN_RPC_HOST: the Bitcoin Signet node's IP address.
  • ZMQ_RAWBLOCK_URL: the Bitcoin Signet node's IP address.
  • ZMQ_RAWTX_URL: the Bitcoin Signet node's IP address.
  • CONSUMER_EOTS_MANAGER_ADDRESS: the Babylon finality system's IP address.
  • FINALITY_GADGET_RPC: the Babylon finality system's IP address.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_FINALITY_GADGET_API_URL: the Babylon finality system's IP address.

Besides these, you will need to set the following variables:

  • BABYLON_PREFUNDED_KEY_MNEMONIC: the mnemonic for the wallet you used to claim BBN tokens in the previous step.
  • CONSUMER_ID: this is the identifier for your OP-Stack chain registration on Babylon, you can set it to anything you want (the convention we use is <chain_type>-<chain_name>-<chain_id>-<version>, e.g. op-stack-tohma-706114-0001).
  • CONSUMER_CHAIN_NAME: this is a human-readable name for your chain.
  • OP_FP_MONIKER: this is a human-readable name for your OP-Stack chain's finality provider.
  • L2_RPC_URL: this is your OP-Stack chain's RPC URL.

3. Set Babylon keys

This step

  • imports the pre-funded Babylon key, which will be used to deploy the finality contract, register your finality provider, create BTC delegation in later steps.
  • generates a new account for your OP-Stack chain's finality provider.
  • funds it with the pre-funded Babylon account, to pay for gas fees when submitting finality votes.
make set-babylon-keys

4. Register OP-Stack chain

Register your OP-Stack chain to Babylon.

make register-consumer-chain

5. Deploy finality contract

Deploy the finality contract for your OP-Stack chain. Finality votes are submitted to this contract.

make deploy-cw-contract

Once deployed, the contract address is printed to your console and stored at .deploy/contract/contract-address.txt.

6. Start the Babylon BTC Staker

Start the Babylon BTC Staker, which is used to create the BTC delegation for your OP-Stack chain finality provider.

make start-babylon-btc-staker

7. Start the EOTS Manager and Finality Provider

Start the EOTS Manager for your OP-Stack chain finality provider.

make start-consumer-eotsmanager

Start your OP-Stack chain's Finality Provider, and then register it to Babylon.

make start-consumer-finality-provider
make register-op-consumer-fp

8. Start the Finality Gadget

Start the Finality Gadget, which provides the query interface for BTC finalized status of your OP-Stack chain's blocks.

make start-finality-gadget

9. Enable the Finality Gadget on OP-Stack chain

Note: This assumes your OP-Stack chain was deployed using the OP chain deployment. This step will only work if you are using Snapchain's fork of op-node.

On the machine where your OP-Stack chain is deployed, update BBN_FINALITY_GADGET_RPC (similar to FINALITY_GADGET_RPC above) in .env file.

Then restart the op-node service:

make l2-op-node-restart

10. Create BTC delegation and wait for activation

Create the BTC delegation for your OP-Stack chain's finality provider.

make create-btc-delegation

Wait for the delegation activation, which takes about 3 BTC blocks. You can check the delegation status by the following command:

make check-btc-delegation

11. Set enabled to true in finality contract

Before setting IS_ENABLED=true, first wait for your OP-Stack chain's finalized block to be above the BTC delegation activation height. You can check this by comparing the timestamp of the finalized block with the btc activation timestamp.

# to find the latest finalized block
curl -sf <l2_rpc_url> -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["finalized",false],"id":1}'

# to find the btc activation timestamp
docker logs finality-gadget -f --tail 100

Once the BTC delegation is activated, set the IS_ENABLED=true in the .env.babylon-integration file and then run:

make toggle-cw-killswitch

This should set the is_enabled field to true in the CW contract. You can verify this by querying the is_enabled field:

babylond query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT_ADDR '{"is_enabled":{}}' --chain-id euphrates-0.5.0 --node -o json

12. Start the finality explorer

make start-finality-explorer

You should now be able to access the frontend at http://<your-server-ip>:13000 and monitor the finality status of your OP-Stack chain.

13. Verify the integration

You can verify the integration by creating a transaction on the L2 chain and verify its finalization status in the finality explorer. It should take just a few seconds to be BTC-finalized, thus enabling fast finality in various use cases.

If you plan to build any applications using the fast finality feature, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].


1. BTC wallet balance null or no unspent outputs

After running, the BTC wallet should be loaded to bitcoind. If not, you will run into null balance or no unspent outputs errors when running

To check the wallet balance:

docker exec bitcoind /bin/sh -c "bitcoin-cli -signet -rpcuser=<BITCOIN_RPC_USER> -rpcpassword=<BITCOIN_RPC_PASS> -rpcwallet=<BTC_WALLET_NAME> listunspent"

To check unspent outputs:

docker exec bitcoind /bin/sh -c "bitcoin-cli -signet -rpcuser=<BITCOIN_RPC_USER> -rpcpassword=<BITCOIN_RPC_PASS> -rpcwallet=<BTC_WALLET_NAME> getbalance"

If your wallet balance is 0 or you have no unspent outputs, you may need to re-load the wallet:

docker exec bitcoind /bin/sh -c "bitcoin-cli -signet -rpcuser=<BITCOIN_RPC_USER> -rpcpassword=<BITCOIN_RPC_PASS> -rpcwallet=<BTC_WALLET_NAME> unloadwallet <BTC_WALLET_NAME>"

docker exec bitcoind /bin/sh -c "bitcoin-cli -signet -rpcuser=<BITCOIN_RPC_USER> -rpcpassword=<BITCOIN_RPC_PASS> -rpcwallet=<BTC_WALLET_NAME> loadwallet <BTC_WALLET_NAME>"

Now recheck the balance and unspent outputs.

2. Consumer FP insufficient balance

You need to maintain a sufficient balance on your consumer FP Babylon account. To check the balance:

# find <hash>.address file
ls .consumer-finality-provider/keyring-test

# parse wallet address (first returned entry)
babylond keys parse <hash>

# check balance
babylond query bank balance <address> ubbn --chain-id euphrates-0.5.0 --node

If your consumer FP has insufficient balance to submit finality votes / commit pub rands, the FG may become stuck. To fix this:

  1. Funding the consumer FP
  2. Restart it by running make restart-consumer-finality-provider

At this point, FG may no longer be advancing because FP skips submitting the finality votes that it missed. If so, you need to reset the FG as follows:

  1. Toggle the CW contract off. You can do so by setting IS_ENABLED=false in .env.babylon-integration and running make toggle-cw-killswitch.
  2. Wait for the finalized block to advance pass the last height with skipped finality votes. You can check this by running docker logs consumer-finality-provider | grep "Successfully submitted finality votes".
  3. Restart the FG from scratch by running make stop-finality-gadget && make start-finality-gadget
  4. Toggle the CW contract back on. Set IS_ENABLED=true in .env.babylon-integration and running make toggle-cw-killswitch.
  5. Wait for consumer FP and FG to catch up.


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