Container::INI - Construct deeply nested perl data structures in INI format
- multiline values
- dot notation
- array detection
- Headers are embedded between brackets []
- Nested hash keys included in headers are delimited by ::
- Like traditional INI files, keys and values are delimited by the equality operator =
- Unlike traditional INI parsers, dot notation can be used in key values to nest hash keys
- Comma separated values are detected as arrays
- Multiline values are permitted, lines must terminate with a backslash \
address.street=1 Individual Way Town
address.state=Your State Zip
os.unix.linux=Debian, Centos, Gentoo, Mint
os.unix.bsd=FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD
use Container::INI;
use Data::Dumper;
my $ini = new Container::INI("example1.ini");
print Dumper $ini->get_config;
$VAR1 = {
'header' => {
'example' => {
'1' => {
'name' => {
'first' => 'Rajendra',
'last' => 'Prashad'
'address' => {
'zip' => 'Your Zip',
'city' => 'Your Town',
'street' => '1 Individual Way',
'state' => 'Your State'
'os' => {
'unix' => {
'bsd' => [
'linux' => [